Top Ten Differences Between OL and SOLO!

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OL is home of the Branden sycophants! And, proud of it!

SOLO members are now looking up sycophant in the dictionary and wondering why OL'ists tend to take the term as a compliment!


OL - Ran by a "Saddamite Toxic Slug" and a woman who is a "Daddy!"

SOLO - Ran off a "Saddamite Toxic Slug" and a woman who is a "Daddy!"


OL members have the "Sciabarra Corner!"

SOLO members tried to corner Chris Sciabarra and steal his lunch money!


OL's members’ minds are challenged when they get to read posts from the beautiful and brilliant Barbara Branden!

SOLO's members get headaches after being challenged to say "Brandenian-Randian" three times fast!


At OL, Ciro can cook just about anything in Marsala.

At SOLO, they are cooking up new nicknames for MSK!


At OL, they know how many people it takes to screw in a light bulb!

At SOLO, they know how many people it takes to screw people!


OL has a Dragonfly, who is known for some laudably sublime and prodigiously mellifluous parlances of the Objectivist vernacular.

SOLO members are currently flying to their dictionaries yet once again!


At OL, they say "I swear by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."

At SOLO, well, they swear a lot!


At OL, they know I am only having fun at SOLO's expense!

At SOLO, they are


OL! Where everyone is welcome!

SOLO! Where everyone is welcome until the Saddamite, sycophantic (yeah, we looked it up!)sniveling Brandenite, Anti-conceptual acid fountainheaded, comically communistic, dim witted, brain cell deficient, purile peckered, ............

(heavy breathing)

(heavy breathing)

........... toxic slug sucking, womanish, Rand ruining rectal rodents open their weasel lipped mouths and spew their dull ignorance all over our immaculately conceived forum and therefore causing us to ban the turd tongued trifling trollops for life! Wankers! Who the hell do they think they are anyway! Bastards!


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