DVDs 4 Delegates Project explained by G. Edward Griffin

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Link to video of G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyl Island which is the story of the creation of the Federal Reserve:


I think it is revealing that this project is having trouble raising money to complete their endeavor because it appears to be an exercise in futility. Imagine a Republican delegate, bound or pledged to vote for McCain at the nominating convention, watching a video in which he learns that it is legal and moral for him or her to use their own judgment to choose the best candidate. These are the party elite, elected officials and so called party hacks and loyalists, many of whom depend on the Republican Party for support in their own campaigns for office.

The point is made that a number, just how many we may never know, of delegates in Alaska were open to using their own judgment and did convert to be Ron Paul supporters because of a video created for that purpose.

The DVDs being created are being done professionally with editing and scripting done by those who do such things for a living. The whole thing is calculated to touch the soul or faculty of reason if you will of the delegates, which includes Mitt Romney himself. We know he detests McCain but his expressions confronted with Ron Paul suggests that he was merely baffled by a first encounter with a real libertarian conservative.

Of course he would still prefer that he were the nominee if McCain were not. Maybe when he sees quotes from Ron Paul's book, The Revolution: A Manifesto all over the billboards and buses in Minneapolis he will realize what he must do. My favorite is "Truth is Treason is a world of lies!"


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