Believe it or not we are still trying...

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I thought that July Fourth would be a perfect day to make you aware of this.

Ever wonder why Ron Paul appealed to so many? Despite what we would perceive as deal breakers, e.g. his religiosity, his belief that evolution is just a theory, his opposition to a woman's right to choose; he is a staunch advocate of the Constitutional principles of individual liberty, limited government, non interventionist foreign policy and sound currency with one hundred percent reserve banking.

For whatever reason the media painted him as not being a viable candidate. Still many heard his message and found him to be a man of principle who often was the only voice in the entire Congress to vote against a federal program he thought was in violation of the powers granted in the Constitution.

An individual in Alaska, where Ron Paul supporters, many of whom were newly registered Republicans, had managed to choose 48% of the delegates to the nominating convention in Minneapolis, created a video designed to persuade the other delegates to see why Ron Paul was a superior candidate. Evidently it was successful to some extent so that Evan Cutler decided to try the same thing on a national level. He began to organize the project to create four DVDs to send to all the Republican delegates in the country.

The names and addresses of the delegates are being entered and the first of the four DVDs is being edited and readied for distribution. Funds are needed to complete the other three DVDs in the next few weeks.

The effort is largely accomplished using volunteers. I gathered the names and addresses of the delegates in my state and entered them in the Excel spreadsheet template being used by the Alaska team. But there are costs involved in making the DVDs as professional as possible as well as the costs of packaging and postage.

There is hope that enough of the delegates who are leaders and office holders in the Republican Party are open to listening to reason and would find Ron Paul to be a superior candidate with better knowledge and understanding of Constitutional principles, economics and foreign policy as well as the proven integrity to accomplish what needs to be done to restore our country and the liberties which have been taken from us.

Please consider a donation to this most important cause. These devoted individuals are trying to fight for their freedom and in the process may succeed in saving each of us from the tyranny just ahead. A small donation will enable them to complete the task and you can be partly responsible for their success.

Evan assures us that he spoke with Ron Paul who said that if, "by some miracle," he is offered the nomination, that he would be willing to accept it! It is that ray of hope that causes Evan and the rest of us to go on.


Edited by galtgulch
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Ron Paul did not die for your sins.

Thanks for the heads up!

Have you got a better idea?

I know he is not perfect but I think he is better by a long shot than either of the other two who will just continue to violate the Constitution and drive this country towards dictatorship.

But I must admit your snappy response was enlightening!

I am reminded once again of the encounter of Hank Rearden with another businessman who is less than supportive. Hank says, and I paraphrase, "I only regret that in the process of saving my own neck that I am obliged to save yours as well!"

With the exception of a few other posters here who see the wisdom, under the circumstances, of advocating actively for Ron Paul, I am disappointed with the rest of you!

Perhaps I should be as understanding as Francisco was with Dagny given that you only know what you do and have to make the decisions you make based on your limited understanding. I have referred in the past to the situation during the days of the Continental Congress when Jefferson had to remove passages abolishing slavery in order to get the votes of the representatives of the slave states in order to get the unanimous vote for independence.

Normally slavery would be a deal breaker! But they had to accept it in order to declare independence from King George. Well we have another King George now in "W." McCain is trailing Obama in the polls. Obama would be a nightmare from an Objectivist viewpoint but you folks are opposed to supporting Ron Paul because of what?

Check out the website. Consider a donation to produce the most professional DVDs to send to all the Republican delegates across the country. The idea is to reason with them as to why Ron Paul would be a superior candidate than McCain. What makes you think they are not open to listening to reason?

The fact remains that if this endeavor is not pursued there would be absolutely no chance for Ron Paul to become the nominee. At least there is a slight chance of success if this endeavor is continued and I only suggest that you donate to this reasonable attempt at


Edited by galtgulch
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