John McCain is evil

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Upon clinching New Hampshire's delegates after the state's Republican primary concluded, John McCain made one crystal clear point in his victory speech that should even give any Objectivist pause:

My friends, I learned long ago that serving only one's self is a petty and unsatisfying ambition. But serve a cause greater than self- interest and you will know a happiness far more sublime than the fleeting pleasure of fame and fortune.

John McCain has obviously shown himself for the altruist that he is and if this part of his speech, his support of the Iraq war, and the numerous regulatory schemes he has helped push through in the Senate (like McCain-Feingold) are any indication, he obviously considers people as sacrificial animals for the needs of others. In this case the state or society.

You would think a statement like this would come out of the mouth of someone like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or John Edwards.

As a Vietnam veteran who was tortured by his captors McCain obviously has no regard for the lives of his fellow service men and women who have been wounded or killed in the middle east either. He has routinely voted to send U.S. armed forces to the conflicts they are or were in. He obviously loathes the lives and individual rights of the people he claims to serve: the American people.

If he did he would have never voted to send U.S. troops to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, for the PATRIOT Act or to restrict speech in political campaigns.

In my mind, these key points make McCain an evil man not worthy of support. Especially on the part of Objectivists.

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He's going to be elected. The economy will be so bad he won't be reelected.


Advocates of Ron Paul, which includes folks from every demographic, are determined to keep McCain from getting the nomination in Minneapolis in September. Not only are they becoming delegates from every almost every state but they are also going to send DVDs of edited speeches and interviews of Ron Paul each month to other non Ron Paul delegates to the nominating convention. The Alaska Ron Paul supporters did find that a Ron Paul DVD they distributed to other delegates worked to convert many delegates to the Ron Paul side!

There will be a march on Washington at which Ron Paul will speak. I believe they received a permit to hold the march on July 12th.

In the meantime many Ron Paul supporters are still trying to be nominated to become delegates through their Republican State Committees. Others are running for Congressional seats.

This movement is just getting started and will continue to grow because we all know the future of this country is in jeopardy and our freedom is also at stake. The torch is being passed as each of us invites others we encounter on a daily basis to join the rEVOLution which Ron Paul started.


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