Wyane Allen Root Likely Libertarian Party Candidate

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This fellow describes himself as a high energy version of Ron Paul who is stronger on the issue of terrorism than Ron Paul.

Scroll down until you encounter a blonde with cleavage to watch an interview with this son of a butcher who is an entrepreneur and small business owner. He is a fast talker who doesn't pull any punches and intends to run a campaign to win the election.


Evidently Root won preference polls within the Libertarian Party to become the next LP candidate. Actual nominating convention is in June.


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It'll surely be interesting to see what the Ron Paul voters are going to do when a candidate like this runs for the Libertarian Party.

Does Root actually have a chance to become popular? Being from outside of America, I don't have a clue about how he's being perceived...


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It'll surely be interesting to see what the Ron Paul voters are going to do when a candidate like this runs for the Libertarian Party.

Does Root actually have a chance to become popular? Being from outside of America, I don't have a clue about how he's being perceived...


It will indeed be curious to have two candidates, Ron Paul if his supporters succeed in choosing him to be the nominee of the Republican Party which has about 65 million registered voters, and Wayne Allen Root, who identifies himself as a virtual clone of Ron Paul, running side by side for a couple of months leading up to the election.

They will certainly change the dialogue in the debates which will hopefully help to educate the electorate.

So many people in the country seem to read just one book all their lives, are products of the mind-numbing public school monopoly which renders them impotent to think or use their minds to question anything they have ever been taught.

A huge contingent of the populace are practically another species when it comes to critical thinking. They are the Neaderthals who live among us, sit next to us at sporting events, whether it is a NASCAR race, a football game, or sit next to us in church or in a movie theater.

They read love stories or political thrillers but not anything from which they might learn a fact about economics or history or philosophy.

They go to work, pay taxes about which they moan, go fishing, go skiing, go to the beach, raise their kids to believe what they themselves were taught and thus perpetuate the dogmas which lead them to get excited about the politicians who rise to the top, who promise to put into practice whatever they have been preached to believe is the purpose of government, the implementation of Altruism, rather than the adherence to the Constitution and the principles of freedom and liberty.

So having two Ron Pauls in the race might enhance the learning experience, especially if they debate each other often on substantive subjects.

Maybe one would drop out just before election day so as not to dilute the pro freedom vote.

I predict the Democrat Party candidate, probably Obama if there is any justice in the process, will have to answer questions to reveal his true positions on issues which would otherwise not be mentioned at all.

There may be hope after all.


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Ron Paul doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being nominated by the Republican party at this point in time. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Wayne Allen Root is sort of an interesting character. He comes across as a used car salesman or insurance salesman. He is a friendly likeable guy, but I wonder how he would stand up to the kinds of difficult questions that the media would pelt him with if he became more than a blip on the radar screen. And that's all he is right now. He just doesn't seem very intellectual.

Personally, I find his style tiring and boring. I don't like listening to people that talk at 100 miles per hour, don't say very much, and don't allow other people to ask questions. Also, his comparison of himself with Reagan was sort of embarrassing. Even if he is the next Reagan, modesty dictates that that is a comparison for others to make in due course. I mean, I like a guy with moxie, but get real.


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I certainly find his character more appealling than Ron Paul.

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What did you mean by "Being from outside of America, I don't have a clue about how he's being perceived..."?


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  • 3 weeks later...
Ron Paul doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being nominated by the Republican party at this point in time. Sorry to burst your bubble.


If Hell is ice cold rather than an inferno then a snowflake would survive and maintain its integrity.

The fact that 241 of the 274 people who showed up at the St. Charles County caucus in Missouri to choose delegates to the Republican convention were Ron Paul supporters might suggest that he does have more of a chance than you are willing to consider.

Ron Paul supporters are passionate about this rare opportunity to have a man of Ron Paul's stature, character, knowledge and convictions in the race. The prospect of having a man of the right principles in the White House is just too precious to pass up. The plan is to simply keep McCain from being chosen which should be feasible as many of the delegates are not technically bound or pledged.

We know that many and hopefully enough McCain delegates and Romney delegates are actually Ron Paul supporters!

Efforts are also underway to distribute special DVDs of Ron Paul's interviews and speeches to all the delegates in the hope that we will win over to Ron Paul others who are unaware of his appeal and credentials.


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John McCain is going to be the GOP nominee.

I suspect the Libertarians are going to nominate Bob Barr.

The Dems are going to have more seats in House and a lot more seats in the US Senate.

You heard it here first.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Galt; I think someone who uses the name of Ayn Rand's greatest character should be in touch with reality.

You may be correct but at least I have tried to help keep the worst candidates in our history from becoming president.

I am disillusioned that despite Ron Paul's popularity among those who appreciate who he is and what he stands for that they haven't been able to accomplish more.

I know he didn't get the votes in the primaries and the media treated him as a non entity.

Maybe his book, The Revolution: A Manifesto, will reach enough people to cause an upsurge in interest in his candidacy.

He has read von Mises and is aware of the Constitution which McCain ignores and fails to understand.

Very sad. I hope efforts to choose enough Ron Paul delegates will succeed. I will help support that effort.

If McCain is chosen he will likely be beaten.

If you are so smart in being able to predict what is going to happen how come you will not use your ingenuity to help Ron Paul get the nomination?

galtgulch is just a user name, I make no pretense of being in the same class as the fictional John Galt.

I thought admirers of Ayn Rand and her ideas would be more active in a pro individual freedom movement such as the Ron Paul campaign. I know some of you have and I appreciate that.


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A huge contingent of the populace are practically another species when it comes to critical thinking. They are the Neaderthals who live among us, sit next to us at sporting events, whether it is a NASCAR race, a football game, or sit next to us in church or in a movie theater.

Well, actually, everything you cited is CRO-MAGNON activity. If you understood the Neanderthals, you would know that they had larger brains -- might have been telepathic -- and lived in small clusters and were individualists. The Cro-Magnon (that's us) were tribalists with small brains. Cro-Magnons cut their own fingers off... and the cutting of things continues... Every way you look at it, we are here because intelligence is not necessarily a survival trait, but brutality is.

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A huge contingent of the populace are practically another species when it comes to critical thinking. They are the Neaderthals who live among us, sit next to us at sporting events, whether it is a NASCAR race, a football game, or sit next to us in church or in a movie theater.

Well, actually, everything you cited is CRO-MAGNON activity. If you understood the Neanderthals, you would know that they had larger brains -- might have been telepathic -- and lived in small clusters and were individualists. The Cro-Magnon (that's us) were tribalists with small brains. Cro-Magnons cut their own fingers off... and the cutting of things continues... Every way you look at it, we are here because intelligence is not necessarily a survival trait, but brutality is.

Sadly Collectivism is very good with the survival thing.

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