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The Republican party in MA is moribund but is about to experience an influx of new blood in the form of admirers of Ron Paul who were mostly former unenrolled voters or Libertarians. I met a dedicated couple of dozen at a meeting where slates were chosen to be elected from three districts at upcoming caucuses to become delegates to the nominating convention in Minneapolis.

They all realize that the movement is expected to continue beyond this election. They will have more than a toehold in the Republican Party where it remains to be seen how effective their efforts will be to restore traditional but libertarian positions within the venerable grand old party which dates back to Lincoln's time.

The near term expectation is that McCain may not get the nomination despite the main stream media's contention that he has enough delegates and therefor has clinched the nomination. We know better because many actual delegates designated for him are not even bound to him on the first ballot. Many are bound to Romney who has released them and although he endorsed McCain still the delegates might choose Ron Paul instead.

Considering that we are close to tyranny now, see Aaron Russo's Freedom to Fascism video, see the petitions on www.GiveMeLiberty.org, listen to the intentions of Obama or Hillary, hang onto your wallet. Many pledged delegates will vote for Ron Paul instead and endure the punishment, never to be a delegate again, because so much is at stake, e.g. our freedom!

Join us at www.ronpaul2008.com

Its the only game in town where freedom loving people are to be found everywhere. THis will become a force to be reckoned with as time goes by because many are going to run for various offices.


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With all due respect, you are flat wrong.

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The Republican party in MA is moribund but is about to experience an influx of new blood in the form of admirers of Ron Paul who were mostly former unenrolled voters or Libertarians. I met a dedicated couple of dozen at a meeting where slates were chosen to be elected from three districts at upcoming caucuses to become delegates to the nominating convention in Minneapolis.

While I wish you luck, I was a Republican for about 4 years active in the party and after my brief stint concluded that the Republicans were not interested in furthering libertarian ideas at all. Its all about holding and maintaining power.

[Ron Paul supporters] all realize that the movement is expected to continue beyond this election. They will have more than a toehold in the Republican Party where it remains to be seen how effective their efforts will be to restore traditional but libertarian positions within the venerable grand old party which dates back to Lincoln's time.

Actually, if libertarians were to be involved in a major party, the clear choice would, historically speaking, be the Democrats. For many years the Democrats were the libertarian party in this country since, aside from the slavery issue, the Democrats were considered the good guys they embraced the ideals of Jefferson and Jackson. The Republicans were the monarchists who wanted the U.S. to be just like England. Lincoln especially subscribed to this idea.

In Arizona we are attempting to recruit Ron Paul supporters to join the LP since the RNC leadership would shaft Ron Paul big time if he was to win the majority of delegates.

I think Ron Paul has taken some notable stances and, by and large, think he is an honest man. However, the reality is, Republicans campaign like libertarians but once elected, govern like Democrats. Ron Paul supporters would be better suited to be Libertarians. However, ultimately, they have to follow their own political path.

Edited by Mike Renzulli
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Ron Paul does not hold popular support because of his libertarian ideals on civil liberties and economic freedoms, but because of his anti-war stance. The vast majority of the people who support him are not libertarians at all. As president, he would have very little power to make any real 'libertarian' difference since any new law he proposes would need to be approved through both the House and the Senate, neither of which have any significant libertarian potential. As president, he WILL have major control over the military, which is exactly where his ideas are the most dangerous.

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Ron Paul is not going to be the GOP nominee.

People who think that he will be need to lay down for a couple of months and get over it.

I hope Bob Barr will seek the LP nomination.

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As usual, you are spot on.

I am still taking bets on Ron Paul getting the nomination.


Apparently 100 to 1 up to 20 to 1.

Any takers?


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