Astrology, England and WWII

Michael Stuart Kelly

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Astrology, England and WWII

Want to know how England really won the war against Hitler? Check out the following article.

UK enlisted astrologer to fight Hitler

By D'ARCY DORAN, Associated Press Writer

March 3, 2008

Yahoo! News

From the article:

Desperate for a glimpse into Adolf Hitler's unpredictable mind, British spies hired an astrologer during World War II to write horoscopes for him and other Nazi leaders, documents declassified Tuesday show. They soon regretted it.

The file released to Britain's National Archives catalogs the frustrations of MI5 handlers as they tried to prevent the astrologer, Louis de Wohl, from publicly embarrassing high-ranking intelligence and military officers.

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De Wohl was born in Berlin in 1903 and fled to Britain in 1935 to avoid Nazi persecution for being part Jewish. His wife, Alexandra, fled to Santiago, Chile, where she claimed to be a Romanian princess and was known as "La Baronessa."

In London, de Wohl claimed variously to be a Hungarian nobleman, the nephew of an Austrian conductor, the grandson of a British banking magnate and a relative of the Lord Mayor of London. His break came, he wrote in a later book, during a dinner at the Spanish Embassy, when a Spanish duchess asked de Wohl to reveal Hitler's horoscope to Britain's foreign secretary, Lord Halifax.

Sir Charles Hambro, the head of Britain's Special Operations Executive, soon hired de Wohl as part of his network of agents across Europe.

The government rented the astrologer a hotel apartment on London's exclusive Park Lane. There, de Wohl wrote horoscopes for Allied and Nazi leaders on paper with the letterhead "Psychological Research Bureau."

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His task in the U.S. was to counter a convention of pro-German astrologers that had predicted Hitler would win the war. Billing himself as "The Modern Nostradamus," de Wohl proclaimed the stars showed the opposite — that Hitler would lose.

Ultimately it was Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, that brought the U.S. into the war — not de Wohl's assurances that President Franklin Roosevelt had a stunning horoscope.


That dude and his wife sound like real sweethearts. I can't help but be reminded of an essay by Ayn Rand I read many moons ago: "The Left: Old and New" (now in Return of the Primitive, quote from p. 161).

If you happened to see Sign of the Pagan, a very bad movie recently shown on television, dealing with Attila's invasion of Europe, you may have noticed that Attila kept an astrologer by his side, as his only adviser, and consulted him before undertaking every bloody new campaign. You may have felt a touch of superiority (which Western man took fifteen centuries to earn), best expressed by the sentence: "It can't happen now." You may have regarded the reliance on astrology as crude, primitive or amusing, but quite appropriate to Attila; besides, he had nothing but clubs and swords to devastate the world with.

Would you find it amusing if you saw the same Attila balancing a nuclear bomb in the palm of his hand and consulting the astrologer on whether to toss it'?

England not only found it amusing, but actually hired the damn astrologist! And the USA actually did balance an atom bomb in the palm of its hand at the time. It used that bomb, too. Twice.

I doubt any astrologist was part of that decision, though. In fact, as the news article stated, after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Louis de Wohl's official services were scrapped. The tricky part is that he stayed on the British government's payroll for years afterwards as hush-mouth money to keep him from embarrassing his employers.

English tax pounds at work... I am sure the taxpayers are proud of their government...



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Didn't Reagan regularly consult an astrologer?

I thought that was Nancy.

Didn't RWR listen to Billy Graham? Is that any better than consulting an astrologer?

Ba'al Chatzaf

Edited by BaalChatzaf
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Didn't Reagan regularly consult an astrologer?

I thought that was Nancy.

Didn't RWR listen to Billy Graham? Is that any better than consulting an astrologer?

Ba'al Chatzaf

Nancy listened to an astrologer. Ronald listened to Nancy, and to Billy Graham.


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