Drooling Beast

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Give the man a break, maybe. He's probably just warming up for the TAS pizza-eating contest. Aren't they having one? I heard.

As to the dog, that is a matter of speculation, a matter I rejected on bad visuals alone.

Poor Lindsay. Poor Leonard. Poor Dog. Surely, couples-counseling is out of the question, it's gone too far for the dog; he appears nearly suicidal, and who could blame him?

EDIT, prefaced by prayer: "Please, Spirit of Life, stop this relentless need to smack this pudgy prick around."

I can't possibly bear the video, because I do think at the end, one or the other one is going to be lounging around smoking a cigarette, with black socks, bling, and wristwatch, feeling the love. The question, of course, is which one, if not both? "Bow chicka-chicka WAH WAH," indeed.

OK, I'm sure I'm done now because I feel that dirty.


Time to soak in the tub with bleach and a wire scrubrush after that one.

Edited by Rich Engle
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My idea of not mentioning Perigo on reposting the video here in Humor was to present this as a stand-alone funny video. But since you let the dog out of the bag, here is why I posted it in the first place. (Regardless of this, I think it is very funny as stand-alone. That dog cracks me up.)

I can't help but see this as a metaphor for after public chastisement by Kilbourne, Perigo becoming more careful: the man eating symbolizes the Objectivist world looking on once in a while and the dog symbolizes Perigo wanting to cut loose in public after he has had a few. Then finally allowing him to end his misery. :)

. . .

I managed to describe a clearer image of the metaphor to a friend, so here it is for those who don't get it.

I have the image in my mind of Perigo getting royally ticked-off (say at me or Barbara or someone), then getting the urge to get mad tanked-out drunk to vent, but afraid he will make a stink if he lets himself go. Then the drinking urge suddenly swells up and he belligerently reaches for the glass with full intention of getting pie-eyed, but the image goes through his head of the Objectivist world suddenly and sharply turning and glaring at him from all sides (like the guy eating did with the dog), and his hand backs off. All he does is look away and drool.

Then the tears of laughter come.


There are still other comments (not involving humor) in the original post. If anyone wants to read them, just click on the little red left-pointing arrow beside my name and time in the quote box.


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