Reason's Nick Gillespie interviewed by O'Reilly!

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O'Reilly was his usual ad hominem self claiming that Ron Paul is wrong and crazy in wanting to withdraw troops from the Middle East, Iraq and Pakistan. (Do we really have troops in Pakistan or do we just give Mushahraff billions of dollars?)

Good to see Nick Gillespie make Ron Paul's case for free market and trade.

Just moments before the interview there was a new Ron Paul TV ad featuring his position on immigration, highlighting his contention that if we stop subsidizing the illegals health care and their children's education and more that they will lose much incentive to come here illegally.

Here is the link to the Ron Paul Immigration ad shown:

It is also listed along with virtually all the other Ron Paul interviews and TV ads including those earmarked for Iowa and New Hampshire if you scroll down:

Gillespie also commented on Ron Paul being excluded by Fox Network because of Ron Paul's low percentage support in national polls. He pointed out that in polls of voters in Iowa Ron Paul is ahead of Thompson and others invited to the debate by Fox this Saturday.

Gillespie acknowledged the right of Fox to decide what criteria to use on their show.

I imagine that Ron Paul is spending some of the money raised recently to advertise in Iowa and New Hampshire. I agree with whomever it was who suggested that he spend all his money if it would ensure that Ron Paul would win in New Hampshire.

Still hoping that the independents in Iowa are planning on going to a Republican caucus and standing up for Ron Paul as well.

Hope springs eternal.


Edited by galtgulch
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I didn't see O'Reilly make any ad hominem attacks. Disagreeing with Paul's proposals isn't ad hominem.

Additionally, O'Reilly never said we had troops in Pakistan. He said something to the effect of 'disengaging from Pakistan' or 'withdrawing our support of Musharraf'.

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