Ron Paul can now afford TV ads in Iowa and New Hampshire


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There is evidently a plan now to raise even more money on the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party which is, I believe, December 16th.

The successful November 5 donation day event occurred on the anniversary of Guy Fawkes day, the day there was a plot to bomb the Parliament. Not that any of us are anarchists!

The flavor of the Boston Tea Party is more to my liking as no one was hurt during that event.

The $4.2 M got the attention of the media although the comments suggest it was just a kind of gimmick. Still I just heard one of Ron Paul's ads on TV during the Jan Leno Show so Ron Paul is getting more exposure to the voting public.

The link below is to a youtube video which makes an interesting point that virtually all the candidates are members of the CFR and even keep that a secret.


Edited by galtgulch
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TV ads are very important. I hope Dr. Paul can do some good with them.

The only good Candidate Paul can do is to smoke the other (and more viable) candidates out on constitutional issues. Paul himself does not have a chance. Ralph Nader is more likely to be elected president.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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I guess I'll use my first post on this board to say that the wife and I are both big Ron Paul fans. We saw him on Jay Leno and cheered along with the audience when he talked about sacking the IRS. It is a shame that the Republican party can't see the opportunity they have with him on their roster. Paul is a strong QB on a team that ignores his talent and potential. It is like putting John Elway on the bench!

The wife is telling me it is time to get off the computer now, we have things to do.


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While I don't agree with Ron Paul on foreign policy matters and terrorism, it's refreshing to have him in the Republican field. Hopefully he can inject some small government sentiment into this field.


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While I don't agree with Ron Paul on foreign policy matters and terrorism, it's refreshing to have him in the Republican field. Hopefully he can inject some small government sentiment into this field.


Hi Jim, Realistically most people would say that Ron Paul has little chance to be the next president. However if his enthusiastic supporters can grow their own numbers as well as they can donate money there is enough time for their numbers to reach into the amount needed for success. Whether they are doing what is necessary remains to be seen.

The added revenue will lead to TV ads which will grow his numbers of supporters who will vote for him. The best way still would be person to person by the thirty to fifty thousand of advocates he already has. Surely these folks are encouraging their friends and relatives to join their cause.

Startiing with say fifty thousand, if each of them reached another their numbers would double, and so on. Only need to double ten times to get to 50 million.

Most people are not committed to any of the others although some are. Still leaves huge numbers of people who may not normally even vote but who might join the Ron Paul revolution band wagon. There would be something in it for anyone who supports him. If he does get elected and keeps his word to abolish the IRS and abolish the Federal income tax, they would get to keep the money they work so hard to earn.

have I convinced anyone here yet? He has to grow the numbers of those willing to not only vote for him on election day but to start now each day trying to convince and persuade others they encounter to vote for him. It will get easier later on if his supporters reach into numbers in the millions. Now is the hard time when there are so few to begin with.

Ron Paul would be a better president than any of the others of either party in restoring the republic to its Constitutional limits meaning each of us will be free at last.


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supporters reach into numbers in the millions. Now is the hard time when there are so few to begin with.

Ron Paul would be a better president than any of the others of either party in restoring the republic to its Constitutional limits meaning each of us will be free at last.


Before we can be free we must destroy our enemies. When the Bad Guys are dead or gone we can figure out how to be just to each other. I want the next President of the United States to be a stone killer. Red in fang and claw. Without mercy (toward our enemies) and totally focused on their destruction. What we need is Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar. Or even better, Genghis Kahn.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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I wouldn't worry, as so many here do, that Ron Paul wouldn't be sufficiently militaristic. He would just require that the Congress "Declare War" before he would order our troops off to fight, in case there were a good reason to believe that our country were threatened or invaded.


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When the Bad Guys are dead or gone we can figure out how to be just to each other.


Someone who is unjust is a Bad Guy and if we have to figure out how to be just, that sets on the premise that there is a problem with Bad Guys among us. Otherwise we would not have to figure out anything (it would be resolved by default). How can we figure out how to be just to each other if we kill all the Bad Guys first? No one will be left standing.



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When the Bad Guys are dead or gone we can figure out how to be just to each other.


Someone who is unjust is a Bad Guy and if we have to figure out how to be just, that sets on the premise that there is a problem with Bad Guys among us. Otherwise we would not have to figure out anything (it would be resolved by default). How can we figure out how to be just to each other if we kill all the Bad Guys first? No one will be left standing.



I will be left standing. The last one standing is the winner.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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TV ads are very important. I hope Dr. Paul can do some good with them.

The only good Candidate Paul can do is to smoke the other (and more viable) candidates out on constitutional issues. Paul himself does not have a chance. Ralph Nader is more likely to be elected president.

Ba'al Chatzaf

In my short time here at this forum, it is hard to believe that one person could possibly be that wrong on so many fundamental understandings.

I have been involved in the libertarian party since it began coalescing in the sixties, we even had some traditional Taft Republican "liberals" [classical liberals or actual libertarians].

Therefore, the reason you are not analyzing the "Ron Paul Phenomena" correctly is that you have no concept of how to market an idea with the incredible technology that is available today.

The internet, which essentially creates Marshal McCluen's "global village", is the precise technological "event" that catalyzes movements and change.

The Guttenburgh [sp ??] printing press was a pale indication of what we are experiencing now.

For example, Jen being in country, half way around the world, is able to give us direct observations of reality. If we trust her ability to observe, we grow with good information to expand our general understanding of reality.

If you analyze the Harry Brown numbers and the Ross Perot numbers election district by election district you will find relationships which provide the basis for a field organization that would shock and awe the main stream media in terms of results on election day.

However, the main drag on Paul's potential numbers is the "false" argument that a vote for Paul is a "wasted vote". This concept and the rigidedly repressive filing requirements in the fifty (50) states are the main obstacles to a serious and well funded third party movement.

The wild card in the political room is the internet and the basic common sense of total disgust with the centralized system of waste, incompetence and treason that exists in the Federal Governnment.

Corruption on a local scale can be tolerated as the grease that makes the "political" machine function to deliver services on an acceptable basis to the taxed.

Corruption and centralized power is a recipe for dictatorship, the direct results of which my lansmen already have had more than enough examples of.

Ba'al, you should really think before you write such palpably poor statements.


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I wouldn't worry, as so many here do, that Ron Paul wouldn't be sufficiently militaristic. He would just require that the Congress "Declare War" before he would order our troops off to fight, in case there were a good reason to believe that our country were threatened or invaded.


Precisely. You understand, as I do, and strongly argued that, if the premise of the war justified attacking, you must declare war.

Good job!

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I wouldn't worry, as so many here do, that Ron Paul wouldn't be sufficiently militaristic. He would just require that the Congress "Declare War" before he would order our troops off to fight, in case there were a good reason to believe that our country were threatened or invaded.


Precisely. You understand, as I do, and strongly argued that, if the premise of the war justified attacking, you must declare war.

Good job!

Hi Adam,

I recall a fellow years ago telling me that a member of the Communist Party tried to recruit him. He was told that if he joined now (this was at least thirty six years ago) that he would be near the top of the pyramid of power once they had complete control of the country. That never happened although I imagine power lusters still abound including the likes of Hillary Clinton or George Bush. The guy told me he declined to accept the invitation.

It brings to mind that if the fifty thousand loyal supporters each set out to recruit just ten others before election day, and the first ones they find set out to recruit just nine more, and the second tier set out to just recruit eight more, and so on, that would result in the doubling ten times needed to reach fifty million!

That is certainly doable given the dissatisfaction so many have with the status quo. So many don't bother to vote at all and although it is said that their politics breaks down the same as those who do vote, they don't vote for a reason. A Ron Paul candidacy growing exponentially as it might demonstrate will gain credibility as time goes on.

I expect that the fund raiser on the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party on December 16th will wake up many who will realize that there is a movement to be contented with. No idea what the goal will be, whether just a repeat of the 4.2 Million dollars but more likely something like twice that should do the trick.

At some point the media will acknowledge that Ron Paul is a legitimate contender and not just a spoiler.

I am aware that he still is not the perfect candidate from either an Objectivist or a libertarian point of view, but he is so superior to any of the others of either party running that will not matter. He will be running against the War in Iraq primarily and to restore the Constitution and to abolish the IRS and excessive government spending which might carry him into office.

I will endeavor to spread the word and to recruit. It is in my nature. I just read Howard Fast's Six Days in June about the Battle of Bunker (and Breed's) Hill. Although there were 12 to 15 thousand rebels surrounding Boston which had about 4 or 5 thousand British regulars, only 2 thousand rebels manned the redoubt on Breed's Hill and adjacent walls and battlements. They were ordered to keep their head's down so the grenadiers did not see them as they followed orders to march up the hill until the white's of their eyes could be seen. Virtually all the grenadiers were slaughtered and the British retreated but regrouped and were ordered to advance again and again until the ammunition and the powder of the rebels ran out and they had to move off.

Their leader reprimanded the Commander of the rebel forces around Boston for not sending additional troops, ammunition or powder which were pleaded for by those brave rebels in harm's way.

I would encourage everyone to rekindle the Spirit of those revolutionary times in themselves and to man the last barricade in the defense of liberty in our time. Pass the torch and pass the ammunition!

We have the opportunity to change history with a principled man who has proven himself in his ten terms in the Congress to adhere to his principles which are those of a Constitutional Republic.


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I wouldn't worry, as so many here do, that Ron Paul wouldn't be sufficiently militaristic. He would just require that the Congress "Declare War" before he would order our troops off to fight, in case there were a good reason to believe that our country were threatened or invaded.


Precisely. You understand, as I do, and strongly argued that, if the premise of the war justified attacking, you must declare war.

Good job!

Hi Adam,

I recall a fellow years ago telling me that a member of the Communist Party tried to recruit him. He was told that if he joined now (this was at least thirty six years ago) that he would be near the top of the pyramid of power once they had complete control of the country. That never happened although I imagine power lusters still abound including the likes of Hillary Clinton or George Bush. The guy told me he declined to accept the invitation.

It brings to mind that if the fifty thousand loyal supporters each set out to recruit just ten others before election day, and the first ones they find set out to recruit just nine more, and the second tier set out to just recruit eight more, and so on, that would result in the doubling ten times needed to reach fifty million!

That is certainly doable given the dissatisfaction so many have with the status quo. So many don't bother to vote at all and although it is said that their politics breaks down the same as those who do vote, they don't vote for a reason. A Ron Paul candidacy growing exponentially as it might demonstrate will gain credibility as time goes on.

I expect that the fund raiser on the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party on December 16th will wake up many who will realize that there is a movement to be contented with. No idea what the goal will be, whether just a repeat of the 4.2 Million dollars but more likely something like twice that should do the trick.

At some point the media will acknowledge that Ron Paul is a legitimate contender and not just a spoiler.

I am aware that he still is not the perfect candidate from either an Objectivist or a libertarian point of view, but he is so superior to any of the others of either party running that will not matter. He will be running against the War in Iraq primarily and to restore the Constitution and to abolish the IRS and excessive government spending which might carry him into office.

I will endeavor to spread the word and to recruit. It is in my nature. I just read Howard Fast's Six Days in June about the Battle of Bunker (and Breed's) Hill. Although there were 12 to 15 thousand rebels surrounding Boston which had about 4 or 5 thousand British regulars, only 2 thousand rebels manned the redoubt on Breed's Hill and adjacent walls and battlements. They were ordered to keep their head's down so the grenadiers did not see them as they followed orders to march up the hill until the white's of their eyes could be seen. Virtually all the grenadiers were slaughtered and the British retreated but regrouped and were ordered to advance again and again until the ammunition and the powder of the rebels ran out and they had to move off.

Their leader reprimanded the Commander of the rebel forces around Boston for not sending additional troops, ammunition or powder which were pleaded for by those brave rebels in harm's way.

I would encourage everyone to rekindle the Spirit of those revolutionary times in themselves and to man the last barricade in the defense of liberty in our time. Pass the torch and pass the ammunition!

We have the opportunity to change history with a principled man who has proven himself in his ten terms in the Congress to adhere to his principles which are those of a Constitutional Republic.


Understood. It is the way I have spread Rand's concepts since I was 13-14 yrs old in 1960. Just Saturday, my lady and I were at Michaels, a craft store in Newport News, Virginia. I carry the 35th anniversary issue of Atlas which I am re-reading for the umpteenth time. This time I am making elaborate notes and sure enough, a man in his early fifties stopped on a dime and asked me what I thought of her.

I love those openings. Would up we hit it off and he and his wife invited us to go sailing. They were both Randians and were fascinated that I actually attended the original NBI in NY.

It is just like the Fountainhead, you cannot suppress ideas. You can drive them underground, but just like a spring of energy they will explode in places where you least expect them.

Essentially, with the internet technology available now, any properly crafted insurgency movement can succeed.

I would commend the site Real Clear Politcs which has some of the best polling data, graphs and information to give you insights on the different primaries in different states.

For example, in NH, both Huckabee [who I also respect] and Paul or even at about 7% which is incredible at this point with less than two months left to the first caucus in Iowa and the open primary in NH.

My cousin lives in Nashua and is heavily political as I am and he "senses" the same righteous anger in his community.

Live Free or Die baby!!!!

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For example, in NH, both Huckabee [who I also respect] and Paul or even at about 7% which is incredible at this point with less than two months left to the first caucus in Iowa and the open primary in NH.

My cousin lives in Nashua and is heavily political as I am and he "senses" the same righteous anger in his community.

Live Free or Die baby!!!!

Without French assistance the Revolution would have failed and the Founding Fathers would have been hanged as traitors.

Revolutionary zeal of the New Hampshire variety is very stirring and thrilling, but it is not sufficient to win the war.

I like the New Hampshire spirit (I lved 25 miles from Nashua in Mass.) , but it is not sufficient in and of itself to deal with our external enemies. To do that we have to do a lot of killing which is why I want a stone-killer as President.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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For example, in NH, both Huckabee [who I also respect] and Paul or even at about 7% which is incredible at this point with less than two months left to the first caucus in Iowa and the open primary in NH.

My cousin lives in Nashua and is heavily political as I am and he "senses" the same righteous anger in his community.

Live Free or Die baby!!!!

Without French assistance the Revolution would have failed and the Founding Fathers would have been hanged as traitors.

Revolutionary zeal of the New Hampshire variety is very stirring and thrilling, but it is not sufficient to win the war.

I like the New Hampshire spirit (I lved 25 miles from Nashua in Mass.) , but it is not sufficient in and of itself to deal with our external enemies. To do that we have to do a lot of killing which is why I want a stone-killer as President.

Ba'al Chatzaf

You are a very sick man Ba'al.

Have you ever been in a fire fight? I have and I have been hit. Have you ever killed a man face to face? Have you ever put your life in another man's hands and taken the responsibility for his life?

I have no problem dispatching an enemy. You see enemies in the shadows of your mind and frankly, you offend my personal conscience with your wall of hate.

If I thought "pity" was a valuable emotion, I would pity you, but I don't, so I do not pity you.

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You are a very sick man Ba'al.

Have you ever been in a fire fight? I have and I have been hit. Have you ever killed a man face to face? Have you ever put your life in another man's hands and taken the responsibility for his life?

No. Health prohibited my joining the active military. Bronchial Asthma and all that. However I have helped to design weapons that have killed thousands of enemies. If I cannot be a warrior then I will be weapon smith to warriors. I do not feel one bit guilty about any deaths I have been party too. Let the enemies of me, my family and my countrymen die. It is as simple as that. I have blood on my hands, but not one bit of guilt. The blood I have on my hands is there righteously. If this is sick, then sick I am. I have the heart and stomach of a stone killer. Unfortunately I do not have the lungs. So it goes. Let my enemies beware.

If I lived in a peaceful world I would be totally peaceful. But I don't. So that is the way it goes.

As to taking responsibility, I have administered the Heimlich maneuver. Is that responsible and taking someone else's life in my hands?

If my health permitted it, I would have be proud to stand and fight (and perhaps die) with and for my buddies. That is why soldiers fight. For their buddies.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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You are a very sick man Ba'al.

Have you ever been in a fire fight? I have and I have been hit. Have you ever killed a man face to face? Have you ever put your life in another man's hands and taken the responsibility for his life?

No. Health prohibited my joining the active military. Bronchial Asthma and all that. However I have helped to design weapons that have killed thousands of enemies. If I cannot be a warrior then I will be weapon smith to warriors. I do not feel one bit guilty about any deaths I have been party too. Let the enemies of me, my family and my countrymen die. It is as simple as that. I have blood on my hands, but not one bit of guilt. The blood I have on my hands is there righteously. If this is sick, then sick I am. I have the heart and stomach of a stone killer. Unfortunately I do not have the lungs. So it goes. Let my enemies beware.

If I lived in a peaceful world I would be totally peaceful. But I don't. So that is the way it goes.

As to taking responsibility, I have administered the Heimlich maneuver. Is that responsible and taking someone else's life in my hands?

If my health permitted it, I would have be proud to stand and fight (and perhaps die) with and for my buddies. That is why soldiers fight. For their buddies.

Ba'al Chatzaf


That is why they end up fighting, after being sucked into or driven into fighting for their country. When the bullets are crackling by your head it is the guy next to you that matters. I believe everything you have said, half to your credit and half not. But the not doesn't matter, practically, only that you are working in the war plant back home.


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That is why they end up fighting, after being sucked into or driven into fighting for their country. When the bullets are crackling by your head it is the guy next to you that matters. I believe everything you have said, half to your credit and half not. But the not doesn't matter, practically, only that you are working in the war plant back home.


Worked at the war plant? Hell I designed an algorithm for cruise missiles to do terrain tracking, knowing full well thousands would be killed. And I was glad to do it. Death to my enemies. I also worked on H-bombs at Livermore. It didn't bother me a bit. I did my part to keep WW3 with the Russians from happening. And I didn't do it for My Country. I did it for ME!

As far as being under fire, no I haven't been. However I have driven in New Jersey during the rush hour and that is plenty hazardous. Had my health been better I would have been glad to put up with exploding shells as long as I could get my pound of flesh. Being killed while having fun does not bother me. We are all going to die. We may as well have some fun while driving to the graveyard.

The issue is not being in danger. The issue is being willing to kill or not willing to kill one's enemies. I have no conflict on this issue. I will do whatever I can to kill my enemies (plus any collateral damage) and I won't lose a bit of sleep over it. My heart is as hard as granite on this matter. No pity, no mercy, no forgiveness. We live in a rough neighborhood (the planet Earth) and we must do what we can to survive in it, because we have no means of moving elsewhere. Shit happens and most of it flows downward.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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