Ayaan Hirsi Ali back to Holland


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Hirsi Ali is back in Holland. Until now the Dutch government had payed the costs for her protection in the USA, but now she has become an American citizen the payment for her protection has stopped. As the US government doesn't pay for her protection she has gone back to Holland, feeling no longer safe in the US.

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I just now saw Submission. Theo Van Gogh 2004 on You Tube to see what all the noise was about. I thought it would be all blood and gore from news accounts. It is basically nothing more than 11 minutes of some VO monologues of women questioning their faith—mostly in perplexity—set to a close-up of a veiled woman and short images of wounds and tattoos on a woman's body interspersed. Sometimes a veiled man appears in the background. There is some interesting music.

What a world when something like that is worth killing over. What's worse is that the killing was pointless as to intended effect. It did not intimidate people. On the contrary, it provided enormous publicity for the film and an outrage against Islamic fanaticism all over the world.


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Dragonfly's report is very disturbing. She was working in the DC area and she did not feel safe. This is very bad.

There is an interview of Hirsi Ali in the latest issue of Reason magazine. It is impressive that she managed to free herself from the indoctrination of her childhood. She tried to enlighten her own sister who did not get it.

Nevertheless she is an inspiration.

I would think she would still be safer in the US than in Holland but I do hope her protection there is eternally effective. I found this at Instapundit.com:

Ayaan Hirsi Ali forced to leave the US and move back to The Netherlands

This just in...

AD.nl - Binnenland - VS wil Hirsi Ali niet beschermen

Dutch authorities told Hirsi Ali they were no longer willing to finance her personal security while living in the US and American authorities have refused to pick up the bills too, so she decided to move back to The Netherlands where she's guaranteed shelter and the same security measures she had previously enjoyed.

Edited by galtgulch
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