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Jack Bauer's Next Mission: Fighting Global Warming


The Associated Press

The Washington Post

August 3, 2007

From the article:

From "An Inconvenient Truth" to popularizing the Prius, Hollywood has helped lead the way on some environmental issues. One of the latest initiatives: Cool Change, Fox's company-wide program to reduce the network's impact on global warming. As part of that effort, the seventh season of "24" will take steps to reduce and offset the carbon emissions from the show's production, with the goal of having the season finale be entirely carbon-neutral.

It may sound like a publicity stunt, but Fox spokesman Chris Anderson says the network isn't after bigger ratings. "We are publicizing '24's' commitment to climate change for two reasons and two reasons only: to inspire the public to take global warming seriously and hopefully to motivate other studios to make changes to their production practices as well," he says.

It looks like Jack Bauer is going to finally meet his end. He will be fatally Gored by a lot of bull.

There goes another excellent series down the tubes.



~ I suspect not, all things considered.

~ Note that the hype innuends that such will be part of story-lines, yet reading the article clearly shows otherwise. Any actual 'Greening of 24' would be its death-knell; the eco-terrorists will have won, and 24's producers know this. --- An AGW Jack in a high-speed pursuit with a new 'hybrid' solar-panelled wind-propellor-driven oversized skateboard after 'large-carbon-footprint'-threatening criminals? I don't think so.

~ I believe this crap's about temporarily PR-placating pressure groups, and using this to re-point fingers pointed at the program to 'other' movie/TV producers; nothing more.



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