Beware the Bloggers' Bile

Michael Stuart Kelly

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Beware the Bloggers' Bile


Jun. 06, 2007


From the article.

But the smart stuff is being drowned out by a fierce, bullying, often witless tone of intolerance that has overtaken the left-wing sector of the blogosphere. Anyone who doesn't move in lockstep with the most extreme voices is savaged and ridiculed—especially people like me who often agree with the liberal position but sometimes disagree and are therefore considered traitorously unreliable.


(I'm biting my tongue...)



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Beware the Bloggers' Bile


Jun. 06, 2007


From the article.

But the smart stuff is being drowned out by a fierce, bullying, often witless tone of intolerance that has overtaken the left-wing sector of the blogosphere. Anyone who doesn't move in lockstep with the most extreme voices is savaged and ridiculed—especially people like me who often agree with the liberal position but sometimes disagree and are therefore considered traitorously unreliable.


(I'm biting my tongue...)



Why" Why are you biting your tongue? What were you about to say? I am wondering if it is something like this:

"Funny thing about this article is that Klein purports to be a semi-'liberal' himself. And when you read a bit more about the exchange he is whingeing about, you see that Klein's m.o. is to whine about bad people without naming them or providing links to their perfidy, as seen here. In this case, he was caught in a sloppy bit of reporting, and properly castigated for it. What Klein does not mention is that he was caught being a slophound journalist -- that the criticism was deserved and on target, whatever its tone. What Klein also doesn't mention is that he uses the same technique he whinges about -- I am thoroughly sick of arguments about 'THEM" in which THEY are not named. I am also sick to death of Klein's brand of hypocrisy. But that's just me. If you all want to score cheap rhetorical points by smirking little asides, have at 'er . . ."

Me, I find Joe Klein vastly entertaining, in a creepy kind of way. See David Corn's piece in Salon for an idea of who Joe Klein is too craven to name. The subtitle is worth the entrance fee -- "Joe Klein is not only a disgrace to his profession, he may be nuts, too."

Klein would prefer that bloggers not exist, because then his errors and omissions and generally upchuckish self-regard would be given a pass . . .

For those unfamiliar with the issue regarding Harman, see "Joe Klein's Big Lie," in which his inordinate fondness for himself and his faux victimhood are put into perspective.

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I had no idea of who Joe Klein was until I read your links. I saw the article as a headline in a news service. I saw a parallel, since I perceived he was a liberal, and originally wrote, "Objectivist are not alone!" But then I saw that this statement could be taken several ways, so I deleted it. What got left apparently was too cryptic for what I intended.

Anyway, so as not to lose an opportunity, I went to the links you provided. One of them, Since you asked of March 2, 2007, had comments that I skimmed. They could do any of the hostile Objectivist forums and blogs proud. Here is a small selection.

"(That's called a "link," Joe. You point the little arrow to it and then push the button next to your finger.)" - Jim J

"What the F*CK are you talking about? Go back to being an irrelevant print journalist and quit trying to muddy up the blogosphere with your lies!" - Crayon

"Go wash your brain out with soap...all the b.s. is mucking up your prattle." - Patrick

"And guess what I'm a big ol' lefty. Whilst you are a jejune, smug, spewer of tripe at least with this post." - attaturk

"Why don't you spend as much time insulting righties as you do lefties? Have a blech weekend!" - AlphaLiberal

"Boofuckinghoo." - NTodd

"Shorter Bottom Line: I created an idiotic strawman, and it doesn't exists. So you guys all suck!" - zota

"Shorter Jokeline: I was peddling bullshit and got caught. So I'm going to start acting like a fuckwit." - Anonymous

We should all get together and have a party...


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  • 4 weeks later...

~ BB is right on. 'Others', of course, meaning any/all disagreers about any "O'ist" point adhered and committed to by some self-styled advocate.

~ Besides, take the 'meanness' out of Politics (Federal, anyways), and waddaya got nowadays?

~ A vacuum...

~ ...or, wishfully, actual (as of yore) States(wo)men as legislators. (Maybe there's 10? Maybe?)



Edited by John Dailey
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