[Atlasphere]Indian Ayn Rand Fan among Virginia Tech Victims

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The article “World Reacts to Tech Shootings” in today’s Guardian mentions briefly that one of the Virginia Tech victims was a fan of Ayn Rand’s work:

India - which lost a lecturer - added a second victim to its toll: Minal Panchal, a 26-year-old master’s student in building sciences, CNN-IBN news said Wednesday. She had been listed as missing before her body was found at Norris Hall.

“She was really passionate about architecture, about buildings and Ayn Rand was one of her favorite authors. She went to the U.S. to study building sciences,” said Chetna Parekh, a friend from Mumbai.

India eNews has a full article about Minal, titled “Minal’s dreams brought her to US varsity — and death” (which too notes her admiration for Ayn Rand’s work).

Tomorrow we’ll be publishing an excellent op-ed by Jacob Sullum which analyzes the relationship between the Virginia Tech shooting and so-called “gun-free” policies on college campuses.

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