Crash your car? Blame the stars!!


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Oh, my God, here's a good one for ya. I laughed when I saw this but not surprised in the least bit. So much wasted money, energy, time, productivity, brain cells. Oy. Absolutely amazing. I wasn't sure on where to put this, either OL Room or OL Humor so it ended up here. "A recent study suggests that you should be wary of getting into a vehicle driven by a Libra, Aquarian or Aries." Anything to evade reality and responsibility.

Well, hell, you know what, that must be why I got a speeding ticket last year in November. It's NOT because I was in a wee bit of a hurry and I knew full well what I was doing. But in reality, it was because I'm a damn Capricorn. LOL Give me a break.

By Reuters

Crash your car? Blame the stars.

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Well, if you do such a study as who has the most accidents, there has to be some subset of people who will turn up as having the most accidents almost anyway you have previously distinguished them.

But, there was a recent study that babies born at a certain time of the year, I think late winter, were more subject to some developmental problem or other. So, what if these signs clumped at a certain time of the year and indicated some other problem, such as a concentration deficit brought on by the mother having a vitamin D deficit late in her pregnancy (just to make something up)? But, when I looked up when Libras, Aquarians, and Aries were born, two might fit some seasonal correlation bill (Aquarian 20 Jan - 18 Feb, Aries 21 Mar - 20 Apr), but what would link Libra (24 Sep - 23 Oct) with them? Ah... too little Vitamin D for Aquarians and Aries (or is that Arians, or is that ARIans?) and too much vitamin D for Libras. Ok, now we might have an issue worth making a meaningful study of.

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I once knew a guy in Brazil who always spoke of applying astrological "principles" to high finance. (I can see him in my mind right now, but I can't remember his name.) He was always talking about millions, was always surrounded by millionaires, and was always broke.

I think the heavy hitters kept him around as a plaything for their spouses.


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Well, if you do such a study as who has the most accidents, there has to be some subset of people who will turn up as having the most accidents almost anyway you have previously distinguished them.

But, there was a recent study that babies born at a certain time of the year, I think late winter, were more subject to some developmental problem or other. So, what if these signs clumped at a certain time of the year and indicated some other problem, such as a concentration deficit brought on by the mother having a vitamin D deficit late in her pregnancy (just to make something up)? But, when I looked up when Libras, Aquarians, and Aries were born, two might fit some seasonal correlation bill (Aquarian 20 Jan - 18 Feb, Aries 21 Mar - 20 Apr), but what would link Libra (24 Sep - 23 Oct) with them? Ah... too little Vitamin D for Aquarians and Aries (or is that Arians, or is that ARIans?) and too much vitamin D for Libras. Ok, now we might have an issue worth making a meaningful study of.

Hey Charles, :)

If I am remembering correctly, the vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women late in winter and having babies with developmental problems makes perfect sense as direct sunlight on skin produces vitamin D. Of course wintertime, people are not exposed as much to direct sunlight. A vitamin D deficiency can cause an array of health problems so it makes total sense. I'm surprised they haven't done the study sooner as it seems pretty obvious. Well, to me, it does.

Now as to the other, I am sure if you sat in traffic school with me last Saturday and the 200 or so people that were there you'd probably find it quite interesting. The first 4 hours or so which were unbelievably boring :yawn: and brutal to sit through and 200 people standing up as if in an AA meeting, saying their first name, their offense, and the reason why they committed the offense was revealing. A great majority of the people that were there had either run a red light or were speeding and the number one reason was "I was in a hurry." The officer that was holding the class would always respond, "Do you enjoy being here?" The response was, "No." Then the officer would say, "Well, the next time you get the hankerin' to speed, you'll think twice before doing it or you'll end up right back here in my class enduring 8 hours of torture."

I wasn't that far over the speed limit but was enough to get a ticket. I'm definitely more mindful of my speed as I don't want another ticket and a point being put on my driving record which I have an excellent driving record to begin with.

Anyway, have already spent too much time on this post. Seriously need to get back to work. But glad to see you back and posting more on OL !! :)


Edited by CNA
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My daughter Karen had to endure a similar torture a bit less than a year ago. In Maryland, teenage drivers have to run an incredible gauntlet of driving courses to get a provisional license. This provisional license becomes a regular license if they get no moving violation tickets in that year. If they do, they have to take another course, and then the 1 year clock starts ticking again. Lots of young people are tortured for years.

It is fun to be back. There are both interesting and nice people here. A few are real honeys!

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