I'm Running for President

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Copyright © 2007 By Ray Thomas

This is to announce that I am officially running for president on the "rational individualist" ticket. It's not a big party, since I'm it. Do I think I can win? Nope. But I figure everybody else who has no chance of winning is running, so why not me? By my own definition, I'm the only candidate who should be elected. I figure any candidate who wants the job should be barred from winning. So as far as I can see right now, I have more to offer than anybody else who is running so far with the possible exception of Tom Tancredo (If Ron Paul runs, I'll think carefully about dropping out). Hillary Clinton is a socialist and our erstwhile Republican Senator McCain, are both "front-runners. "McCain might as well be a liberal, too (socialist). Just about everything he's done promotes socialism and liberalism (both words meaning the same thing). My platform is simple individualism, which is the antithesis to socialism. I believe every individual should not, so long as he/she is able, ask for anybody else to support him/her in any way. If he/she is able, he/she should always do everything for him/herself. For those who cannot do for themselves, we will "band together" and help. But it will be each individual's decision whether or not to help. We will never "prop up" an able-bodied person who is just lazy.


I believe reducing taxes is the only way to solve our economic problems. Contrary to what the Democrats think, letting financiers (and everybody else) keep more of their money gives them more money to use in financing projects and buy more goods that create more jobs and make more money, not only for themselves, but for everybody involved. Thereby they create a bigger tax base. Thus, everybody who is making more money pays more taxes, which gives the government more money to fritter away. Reducing taxes has raised the "tax take" every time it has been tried. I can't see why the Democrats can't see this. It is as plain as the noses on their faces. Maybe that's why. They can't see beyond their noses, which are usually in the air.


I will do all I can to help "big business" and "big oil," because they are the very people who make our lives better. Wal-Mart, for instance, is one of the liberals' biggest targets, but they create more wealth, for more people, than anyone else (including, of course, themselves, and they're entitled) I've never been able to understand why the liberals, who are the biggest critics of presidents who don't preside over a growing economy, do everything in their power to destroy the economy. This alone would eliminate any Democrat from consideration for any office higher than dogcatcher, in my mind. If they're not smart enough to figure this out for themselves, I don't want them in any position of power where they can control such things.


On gun control, I will ask a simple question: "What makes you think a criminal, whose very life is breaking the law, will obey a law that says he can't be armed?" That says it all. No liberal or anti-gun freak has ever been able to answer that question. They just call the asker names. That's their primary method for stopping criticism without answering the critic's charges or questions. They're experts at diverting their critics by "labeling" them, causing the critic to defend himself against the "label," rather than insist the liberal answer the question, which usually they can't. I once challenged a liberal (airline pilot) who pontificated the old liberal saw, "the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer:" by asking him how much he made in a year. He said, "What's that got to do with it?" My answer was, "If you make more than $75,000 a year (which most airline pilots do), you're rich, according to the liberals. To which he replied, "Where do you get your information? From Rush Limbaugh? (the label) I asked him where he got his, and he said CNN. I replied, "Nuff said." The argument was over and he stalked off in a huff. I was a cab driver at the time and his partner gave me a big tip, saying, "I've been trying to shut him up since Kansas City with his liberal crap. I was glad to see that."


On border security, the first thing I'd do is unhandcuff the Border Patrol. The way I understand it, they carry guns for show only. They've got orders NOT to use them under any circumstances, and not to chase illegal aliens, even if they're smugglers. That's why two Border Control agents are in prison for ten or more years for doing their jobs. One of the first things I would do as president, is to pardon these men and compensate them fully for what they've been through. They would never have to work again if they didn't want to. If they did, I'd promote them to the jobs of the men who let them down while firing those men (or women).


Next, I would make lobbying and "junkets " paid for by lobbyists illegal. All "gifts," of any kind, no matter how well hidden, would be prohibited. Politicians would no longer be able to make questionable land deals and receive "speaking fees" while in office (Or after leaving office, if the speeches are for those they "regulated" while in office). They would no longer be allowed to go right from a government job to highly paid employment in the very industries they "regulated" while in office. No longer would somebody be able to come to Washington a pauper and go home a millionaire. Bill Clinton couldn't even make as much as his wife until he went to Washington, and now he won't shut up about how rich he is. People would still be able to try to sway politicians to their way of thinking, but would no longer be able to make a politician rich if they did what they wanted.


On the Iraq war, I'd do what it takes to WIN in Iraq, whatever that is. If it means getting rid of Ahmadjinidad or the "head honcho" in any country that helps terrorists, so be it. He needs to be given the "Saddam treatment." We actually won that war in the first week, and had Saddam "on the run" to his "hole in the ground." Now we're dealing with the remnants of his supporters, financed and led by agents from Iran. (They couldn't beat him in a war, so now they're taking advantage of his misfortune). I would "take the handcuffs off our troops" and allow them to do what is necessary to "clean out" all the nests of terrorists. I would be VERY careful in punishing them for mistaken "collateral damage," since the terrorists are well known to put women and children in front of themselves in battle.


I would also move immediately for the dissolution of the National Education Association. This organization is not a "teacher's union." It is a way for the liberals and socialists to be able to force teachers to teach, not academics, but politically correct collectivism . Teachers still claim to be "underpaid," but teachers now "earn" more per year than just about anybody else, considering their three-month vacation. I would make a law against teaching anything but academics, and outlaw teaching political opinion as "fact," no matter which side the teacher is on. I would do away with any organization at any level, that "passed" on the politics of a potential teacher before he/she can be considered for employment. In other words, I would do everything I can to stop the schools from being a "training ground for socialists," as they are today.


I would make a law prohibiting gay activists from being able to teach (in our schools) that being gay is "normal and natural," as is now being taught in some schools, principally in Massachusetts (Teddy Kennedy's "owned and operated" state). I don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms. If having sex with someone of your own sex seems good to you, I'm okay with that, and I'd never discriminate against you for it. But don't ever try and teach my children that being gay is "normal and natural." It isn't. Sex is for procreation (having babies, for those who don't know what that means), and gays cannot procreate without the participation and cooperation of a member of the opposite sex, in some fashion. If any same-sex couple ever (provably) has a baby without the participation of a member of the opposite sex, let me know. I might change my mind. But I doubt that is ever going to happen.

I could go on and on because there are so many things the liberals, who ran as conservatives and lied from one end to the other to get elected, but I won't. If you can figure out what individualism is, you know what else I'll do. I don't subscribe to collectivism (socialism, communism, Nazism, etc.) in any form, under any name. If I were to be elected, you wouldn't be asked (ordered) to "share" what you've worked hard to earn with those who push each other out of the way to convince the politicians in charge of the largess that they are the "most needy." Being "needy" should never be a demand on someone else's earnings. If those who can't do for themselves are really "needy," it should be the individual's own decision whether or not to help them. Their money and property should never be taken from them for the benefit of another.

I am not "forming an "exploratory committee" because I do not intend to hire anybody to help in my campaign. I do not intend to try and raise any money and I am not accepting any contributions. I am "running." If someone wants to write my name in on a ballot, so be it. I don't expect to win, in fact, I don't want to. But I intend to have a lot of fun with this, and I will.

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Hi Ray,

Welcome to Objectivist Living. I think its great you are running for president and announcing it here on OL. What this country needs is a rational individualist platform in politics to draw attention to the issues from our perspective. I wish you success in your campaign.


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Hi Ray,

Welcome to Objectivist Living. I think its great you are running for president and announcing it here on OL. What this country needs is a rational individualist platform in politics to draw attention to the issues from our perspective. I wish you success in your campaign.


Kat and all:

I'm going to reply to all with one message. The THOMA$ REPORT is www.geocities.com/thomasreport and my personal site is www.geocities.com/raythomas101

I think this article has been read by more people than most, with the possible exception of "News Nuggets" on www.sierratimes.com but I intend to keep writing if NOBODY reads it.

By the way, Jeff: I CAN'T run. I can hardly walk.


P. S.: If I did this reply wrong, somebody please tell me how it is done. I haven't figured out this site yet. :unsure:

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Your reply was just fine. (I made your links functional, though.)

You can find some very quick advice in the Corner Office section, Tech Support / IPB Help Desk.



Thank you. I purposely made them non-functional because I wasn't sure they would be allowed if they were simply clickable on this forum. I'm still trying to figure out how to put my own html in as I post without having to do it again. This article, for instance, already had the html in it. I had to go back to my web site and cut & paste it without html because it came up with the code still showing in the section where I inspect the article before posting. When I did that, lost the italics and/or bold that was there and didn't want to take the time to return it through the symbols above.

RAY THOMA$ :aww:

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This forum uses bb code. You can learn the basics here. Its a small hassle at first, but after you get the hang of it, bb code is quicker to use than html. The only problem is with copy/paste.

btw - I reformatted your article before releasing it. If you don't like anything, please feel free to change it. Also, only items submitted in the Articles subforum and the Objectivist Living Corner Office Subforums section go through moderation. All the rest goes up immediately.

A good president needs to know these things...



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This forum uses bb code. You can learn the basics here. Its a small hassle at first, but after you get the hang of it, bb code is quicker to use than html. The only problem is with copy/paste.

btw - I reformatted your article before releasing it. If you don't like anything, please feel free to change it. Also, only items submitted in the Articles subforum and the Objectivist Living Corner Office Subforums section go through moderation. All the rest goes up immediately.

A good president needs to know these things...




Well, I guess since there isn't much chance of me ever being one, it doesn't matter much.

I'll check out bb code.

But my problem is that by the time it gets here, it has usually already been posted on raythomas101. That means html is alreadfy there. To reformat it here. I'd need to reformat the whole thing. Since I use a lot of italics, this might be a chore. Oh well. It's no big thing.

By the way. When you made my URLs clickable in my previous post, you missed one. But that's okay. Anybody who uses a computer much knows how to do it.


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This forum uses bb code. You can learn the basics here. Its a small hassle at first, but after you get the hang of it, bb code is quicker to use than html. The only problem is with copy/paste.

btw - I reformatted your article before releasing it. If you don't like anything, please feel free to change it. Also, only items submitted in the Articles subforum and the Objectivist Living Corner Office Subforums section go through moderation. All the rest goes up immediately.

A good president needs to know these things...




Bb code is essentially the same as html except for the [ ] instead of < > enclosing the code. So when I write one than appeas here first, I'll use it. Or the clickable codes at the top.



Well, I guess since there isn't much chance of me ever being one, it doesn't matter much.

I'll check out bb code.

But my problem is that by the time it gets here, it has usually already been posted on raythomas101. That means html is alreadfy there. To reformat it here. I'd need to reformat the whole thing. Since I use a lot of italics, this might be a chore. Oh well. It's no big thing.

By the way. When you made my URLs clickable in my previous post, you missed one. But that's okay. Anybody who uses a computer much knows how to do it.

RAY THOMA$ :brr:

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The link is fixed. Sorry I missed it.

I suggest you make an intermediate step in your copy/paste routine from html formatted documents. Copy/paste to Word first, then make up a little replacement procedure for Word. For example:

Find what: <i>
Replace with: [i]

Then select "Replace All"


Find what: </i>
Replace with: [/i]

Then select "Replace All"

And so on with other tags.

Then copy/paste from the Word document. This is a whole lot faster than changing it all by hand.

(Sorry about using the "Code" fields. My examples of italics in bb code do not appear otherwise, as they are formatting commands.)

Also, if you only have rtf or already formatted documents without html tags, I find color coding italics useful before adding the tags. (This goes for bold or other formats, if there is a lot of it.) That way you are less prone to miss one. I use a special feature in "Find" where I leave the "Find what" field blank, then use the "Format" button at bottom to get to "Font," where I select "Italics." I then click on "Find Next" and color code the selected text in yellow with the "Highlight" feature on the toolbar. Then I go back and add the tags.


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The link is fixed. Sorry I missed it.

I suggest you make an intermediate step in your copy/paste routine from html formatted documents. Copy/paste to Word first, then make up a little replacement procedure for Word. For example:

Find what: <i>
Replace with: [i]

Then select "Replace All"


Find what: </i>
Replace with: [/i]

Then select "Replace All"

And so on with other tags.

Then copy/paste from the Word document. This is a whole lot faster than changing it all by hand.

(Sorry about using the "Code" fields. My examples of italics in bb code do not appear otherwise, as they are formatting commands.)

Also, if you only have rtf or already formatted documents without html tags, I find color coding italics useful before adding the tags. (This goes for bold or other formats, if there is a lot of it.) That way you are less prone to miss one. I use a special feature in "Find" where I leave the "Find what" field blank, then use the "Format" button at bottom to get to "Font," where I select "Italics." I then click on "Find Next" and color code the selected text in yellow with the "Highlight" feature on the toolbar. Then I go back and add the tags.



That's a good idea, and easy, since I ususally write most of what I write in Word, and the codes that would have to be canged are few. But would I have to replace the "HTML" code with "code?"


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But would I have to replace the "HTML" code with "code?"



I wasn't able to communicate this properly. In forum-land, the phpbb programs are set up to interpret certain combinations of letters and symbols as commands, just like with html.

Thus, if I put a "[" and an "i" and a "]" all together, it will exist, but it will not display. That is because it is a command for italics. Knowing this reality, all forum software programs come with a "Code" field where bb commands do not work and you can see the code as written when you are discussing code. That is the only reason I put the examples in the little square marked "Code."


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