Promote your blog or website on OL


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I know there are many writers and bloggers who are members in the OL community. Get your personal website or blog linked from the OL community blog list(accessible from the menu at the top of the page). If you currently have a blog, please take a few moments to have it added to the OL blog page by going into "My Controls" and setting up a blog. All you need to do is name name your blog and add a short description and provide the url of your current blog. This is a great way to promote your blog and drive traffic directly to your site. Please only use this function to promote your own writings, not for commercial use.

If you are already signed up for a blog or will be adding your link, please paste your url into your profile so if the link gets broken I can repair it. I see there are a couple of blogs up already that I cannot fix because I do not have the urls.


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Hi Tee-Jay. You can set up a blog link that will redirect to your existing blog. We offer two blog options: local and externally linked blogs. Since you have a site already, you would set up an external blog and fill in the url to create a link on our blog page.

In your User Control Panel (My Controls), you will see a Community Blog menu group. To create a Blog click on Blog Settings. Agree to the Blog Terms and Rules. Provide a name for your Blog and a description (optional). You are able to choose between a local and external Blog.

When you click 'Finish' your Blog will be created.

Kori, I saw your new blog and I must say your nephew is soooo adorable!

Thanks for bloggin'


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