Sworn into USA Congress on the Qur'an???

Michael Stuart Kelly

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~ Thanx for giving a better 'title' than my "My Web Page." Am still getting the hang of these cyber-thingees-options you got here.

~ Now, Occam nwst, if someone would just take the same 'razor' (preferably a 'straight' barber's one) to TJ's Qur'an... --- At this point/time-period, I don't care 'who' comes anywhere-near-worth-calling-'close' to TJ's intellectual calibre, 'cause I don't care which way(s) [or, how often] they use the 'razor.' Hell, if Hillary used it (enough), maybe even *I* might (I stress: might) vote for her. - Yeah. Then there's snowballs in hell and pigs with wings worth considering...

~ 'Swearing by the (unexpurgated/un-'razored') Quran' strikes me as no different than 'Swearing by Mein Kampf'...TJ's copy of such or not. This little PR ploy of Ellison's will cause a HEAP of trouble down the line.



Edited by John Dailey
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I have a feeling Mr Ellison will be with us for a long time. His seat is safe Democrat. I suspect he will be able to raise lots of money. He will be able to get donations from lots of guilty white liberals. Idiots like Goode will attack him causing GWL's to give further support. My hope is that he doesn't get many more co-religionists joining him.

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~ It's not really Ellison who caused any probs here. It's the officially-elected-by-US officials who accepted this 'ploy' who are the problem: the 'politician's we elect, for better or worse (why, oh why do they always seem to get worse re our allowed choices?)

~ Ellison is merely a clearly smart-cookie who knows how to maneuver in the labyrinth of higher politics.

We all have allowed the labyrinth to be created, ergo to be used by manipulating-oriented politicians who see all the 'rules' as mere Roberts'-Rules-of-Order game-playing for absolutely nothing other than their personal power-ladder-climbing. Ellison is not unique herein. He's merely a novelty in his being Muslim...and clearly knowing how to use this dimension to his advantage, grass-roots bias nwst.

~ The unfortunate thing about our Congress and Senate is that now, in my lifetime, I cannot say that amongst all these 'politicians', that there is a single 'statesman' worth calling such.

~ I'm starting to like the movie V more and more.



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