Like father, like son?

Roger Bissell

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The current issue of NewsWEAK has a rather interesting article on the Baby Boom Generation approaching retirement. Here is the URL for the online version of the article at

However, its author Howard Fineman just couldn't resist getting in a dig at Ayn Rand. He referred to Boomsday -- the new satirical novel by Christopher Buckley (William F's son) -- in which "a twenty-something 'Ayn Rand type' reacts to looming federal bankruptcy by mounting a political campaign to demand that all boomers do the patriotic thing: commit suicide at 70." Arrrrrgh. I am going to send in a brief comment, after I cool down a bit. Right now I'm just really steamed about the inter-generational pissing on Rand's grave by the Buckley family. As Michael would say, "Dayaaam."


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I enjoy a good satire (at least) as much as the next person, and

being a Boomer just two years behind our two most recent

Presidents, I will probably read Christopher Buckley's novel,

"Boomsday," now that your writer, Howard Fineman, has

brought it to my attention. But my gosh, didn't Buckley go

just a bit over the top in labeling as an "Ayn Rand type," a

young person urging the elderly to commit suicide so as to

avoid national bankruptcy? I challenge anyone on this

planet to show how Buckley's little literary dido is anything

other than a smear attack on Ayn Rand, who was an arch-

champion of people's right to life, and an arch-enemy of

any and all attempts to get people to engage in self-sacrifice,

let alone suicide. Now, if Buckley had used a "twenty-

something" Teddy Kennedy type to advocate drafting the

elderly to cure our budget deficits, that is a plan I could

heartily support and a book I could heartily recommend!

(Disclaimer: the previous sentence was intended as satire.)

Roger Bissell

Orange, CA

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