[Randex]God versus science

O-Land News Junkie

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In [the view of Viktor Frankl], an atheist is simply someone who, when he is talking to God, believes he is talking to himself. Which reminds me of something that another renowned atheist, Nathaniel Branden, wrote in his tell-all book "Judgment Day: My Years with Ayn Rand." Branden describes the moment, at age 12, when he says he became an atheist by explaining: "Isn't it more reasonable to accept the existence of the universe as the starting point of everything? Whatever stages of development it may go through, whatever its forms at different points in time, in an ultimate sense the universe is. … I felt a great rush of exhilaration and, looking at the blue sky overhead ... I felt a love of a kind I had never experienced consciously before: a love for being. A love for existence itself. I felt a great sense of serenity." [...] [T]o me, Branden's abstract words eloquently describe God.


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