Frame Control - Learn It, You're Gonna Need It

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Frame Control - Learn It, You're Gonna Need It 

Here in O-Land, we don't talk about things like frame control much.

But Ayn Rand talked about it. She wrote about it.

She did not call it frame control though. She talked about not accepting the premises of the opposing view and was more concerned about the moral substance inside the frame than the frame control itself.

For example, see Argument from Intimidation


Before one can judge something correctly, one has to identify it correctly. And Rand never worked out for her readers what to do with frame control. Instead, she focused on condemning the substance within a frame when it was evil and walk away.

That's OK if you don't want to persuade. But what if you want to get your ideas across?

Besides, how do you walk away from the news media?

After all, the fake news media is run on frame control. That's its main schtick. And look at the mess in the world that came as a result.


So it's a good idea to learn how to handle frame control in general with a hardheaded person as something separate from talking about what is within the frame.

So how do you do it?


The technique is a simple 2-part process.

1. Keep the person engaged by allowing him to believe he is winning some kind of contest.

2. Refuse to enter his or her frame while you repeat your frame without budging.

Jesse Peterson just gave a masterclass in how to do this. I don't know who his guest is. But, from the way the guest took the bait and behaved, its not important because he's not important.




As an aside, Jesee allows the other guy to believe he is winning by appearing weak, not intelligent, odd way of talking, and so on.

Trump allows others to believe they are winning from the opposite end. He projects being a big lout of a buffoon. Even today, people believe that is his own self-image and not a technique. And they do that while living within his frame time after time.

How does he lead the fake news media around by the nose all the time? This is the secret. He allows them to think they are far superior to him, then he does not accept their premises or frame. Instead, he keeps repeating his own frame over and over and over--with and without variations. 



Say what?

Both weak and strong work at winning?

Well, step outside your own thinking for a sec. Don't worry. It will still be there when you get back.

Now ask this. Why learn frame control without bothering to learn how to win the argument?

The answer is easy and nobody ever talks about it.

The person with the prevailing frame wins. He gets others to do what he wants them to do.


And why would you want to do that if your thing is reason?

Well, you might want to get the other person to do something different than normal. Say, you might want the person to consider your argument for real without the mind games.

If that is the result you desire, then learn this technique. It will make your outcome easier by far.

Incidentally, there are many things you could want the other person to do. And you are free to choose. You can get people to raise themselves up, or you can go off into sleazeland and take advantage of them.

For example, pickup artists always talk about using frame control to get women in bed. :) What's worse, that's what they say they want even as they do it successfully. But at root, many don't even want that. They just want to stop feeling like losers. :) 


But there is a reality of frame control in rhetoric and persuasion and you must keep it in mind to learn--and become skilled at--frame control.

In a discussion, the prevailing frame absorbs the weaker frame.


Sucks it right in. Slurp...

Only one overall frame at a time is possible in any human interaction, especially between two people. The frame can change and seesaw, but the stronger and weaker cannot coexist at the same moment. One will be in control, and the one who controls that one will be in control of the interaction's result.

This is too long a topic to go into why in the present context, so take this as you will. You are free to disagree or take it as is right now and look into it later. 

But this is why you have to dominate the other frame with your own frame when you discuss things with a hardheaded or ill-intentioned person. Only after you get your frame positioned as the stronger one, the prevailing one, should you argue your point of view with logic and emotion.

That is, if you like to influence others. Maybe you like watching your words turn into unremembered dust and fall on the ground in front you you? 


Maybe, as time goes on, I--that is we--can add more examples of frame control to this thread. And, who knows, elaborate on techniques?

It's a hell of a lot of fun to identify frame control at random times during the day once you're able to see it.



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Pelosi just lays out another form of frame control bare bones.

She calls it The Wrap-Up Smear.

You have to see this video to believe she would openly say it out loud.

Yet she does and nobody cares.

(They will only care when the frame changes.)

In Pelosi's frame control system (that is, Wrap-Up Smear system):

1. The politician smears a person to the press with lies and garbage.

2. The press prints it.

3. The politician then "merchandizes" the news stories wherever he or she can as validation for the smear.


That means the false story--the smear--gets accepted as fact by the public at large.

And the people who do it this way always know they are lying.

As Pelosi said at the end, "It's a tactic."



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Her 'tactic' is more like a collaborative practice.

When 'newspapers' ( pages of text created by pressing paper against wet ink aka "the printing press" aka 'the press') were within common knowledge controlled and or sympathetic to certain political parties. The powers that be could not point to a 'story' generated by the 'press' as really even an approximation of 'fact', the smear couldn't even get off the page :)

Jackson's opponents and their papers decried him as a whore lover and his wife a whore, but everyone knew whether or not that was true, those saying it were doing so to harm him politically , maybe she was a whore , but whatevs right ?

Somebody figured out they needed to convince the 'people' that a thing called 'journalism' somehow got hatched and manifest 'itself' with non-partisanship and objectivity. The scourge of yellow journalism is over! Our institutions have created a whole new practice and school of a pure field and all the accredited participants shall from this day forth only pay fealty to the "Truth", a "press' worthy of attention!

I'm no etymologist or linguist , but I wonder if 'news' isn't more related to 'gossip or story' then say the concept of chronicle.

Freedom of the press meant or should have that pamphleteers may distribute their products and the contents thereof without fear of reprisal from government entities,for and from criticizing the government or individuals up to but not including blatant falsehoods. 

"Objective News" is the press of the Uniparty, institutionalized fields are 'of' the institutions. Yarvin's concept of the "cathedral"( not even his term but I think he is most associated with it) points to how the centers of power wield it, was the 'grey old lady' really ever at odds, fundamentally, with the 'ivy league'?

That is why SC justices today seem perplexed that the 1 st amendment gets in the way of the 'news that is fit to print'.

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On 3/19/2024 at 5:58 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

The technique is a simple 2-part process.

1. Keep the person engaged by allowing him to believe he is winning some kind of contest.

2. Refuse to enter his or her frame while you repeat your frame without budging.

Here is another master at work on this frame control technique.

Look at how superior and snarky the individual is when he starts getting questions from Senator John Kennedy. And look at how defensive he gets by the end after having been humiliated beyond repair.

Once you see frame control patterns, you can't help not seeing them.

What's more, it's a lot of fun seeing them.



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