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Alex Jones and The Alt Media Bunch

Now that Alex Jones has been unbanned from X (Twitter), I believe a lot more alt media people are going to get attention.

That's what this thread is for.

And to kick it off, let's start with an article from Infowars.


Stay tuned for major updates!

We can do topic substance as we go along.

What a pleasure to make this thread.




Just a note.

This thread is here in the Conservative News section, but the name no longer means what conservative means these days.

When I established this thread, I meant conservative as establishment Republican pro-liberty and pro-capitalism news. That meaning for conservative has morphed into war-mongering Republican asshole news.


So to recover some of the original meaning and to morph it in a new direction, let's just say conservative news--at least in this thread--means pro-individual rights, pro-liberty, pro-capitalism and anti-crony news that is replacing the mainstream news.

In other words, Alex Jones is now mainstream.





The old gang is coming back into the spotlight.

And this is just the start.

Trouble in elitist asshole paradise is on the way.

Not only that, when the heat comes, we get to watch the Predator Class predate on each other.




Here is one great interview.

Charlie Kirk is interviewing Alex Jones.

They discuss the fourth turning, even a mega-turning (blocks of thousand year units) that is happening right now.

They go into Elon Musk and how he is falling onto the side of liberty without really wanting that in the beginning. But it's more than just sloganeering. They discuss Elon's motivations and talents, like seeing huge waves and jumping on them before others even know a wave is forming.

And they go into so much more.


Alex Jones joins the Charlie Kirk Show on Real America's Voice to break down how epic the times are that we are now entering. "There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen." - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. **ALEX JONES…

It's only an hour. If you are not familiar with Alex's thought, his true thought and not just the caricature put out by mainstream media liars and hoax promoters, this might be a pleasant surprise.

And there's this. If you are feeling down, which is by design from the behavioral science engineers of the Predator Class, this video is an injection of morale. I want to say hopium, except there is no failure involved. This is pure morale-boosting energy with clear calls to action. Yes, you yourself can do things, practical things, to keep the authoritarians from taking over for good.

It's a good world and it is ours if we want it.


I sure did.




Almost better than the interview was the commercial in the middle with the Xi Dragon. The thing that needs the biggest fight first is to get this nation back. 

One of the worst aspects of the scamdemic was the lack of a need for domestic military force. Weird right ? I know. But based on the idea that the actual use of physical force against a population is inversely proportional to the power the government wields over the citizenry, means the lack of the need for the National guard to have a visible presence was telling. In the beginning of the lockdowns I was constantly expecting to see some kind of heavy law enforcement ,federal or state level , materialize especially between state border crossings which I transverse daily, and nope , apparently no need, the screens spoke and that was enough. That doesn’t bode well for a ‘free’ people.

State security in East Germany was maintained with the help of the people themselves, their power was greatly enhanced by the amount of ‘regular people’ willing and volunteering to help keep the Stasi informed, an almost innate weakness of human psychology in that the mechanisms exist and if one isn’t conscious of its effects , their own attention can be stirred by those who are conscious of the mechanisms and actively work to exploit them.

Take that poop people segment from the commercial, see any daily news stories as to why it is was easy to wipe San Francisco’s ass in a day , but it wasn’t done prior and (I’m assuming?) will revert to the ass wiping needing. It will probably become the same shit hole and everyone will but.. but.. what can be done ? Or why the same thing isn’t happening in other major cities ?

I liked this video for the hopium(the better kind) of the gist of what people like Charlie and Alex say and another pretty good conversation was recently when Dave Rubin sat with Bret Weinstein and what they said about how the reactions one could see  from people concerning their responses to all things Covid gave a view to helping see the separation of the wheat from the chaff. Those who operated from a position dealing with the truth are now more clearly laid out as allies and fellow travelers.

And by “truth” I am not referring to anything like having a secret decoder ring or special glasses that allow one to see the reptile alien things, but paying attention to what is true, really real, you know objective reality. As crazy a time it was when we were in the midst , there were obvious things one could still focus on. Some did and tried to vocalize their views eg pointing out the abrupt changes to established virology ie mass vaccination in the first wave of a novel infection used to be a bad strategy, and vaccine safety standards going from years if not decades of trials being a medical standard to ..well three months is really the same thing..

Bret Weinstein isn’t always correct, and he will correct himself in public, but during the whole fiasco his (and his wife Heather’s) arc always bent in the direction of getting to truer things. 


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Alex just did his first X exclusive show.


He will be doing a short daily show on X, 10 t0 15 minutes, giving the main points of his other shows or dealing with a sudden breaking news story.

It's happening, folks.

Free speech is coming back in the news and in social media.



btw - I heard Tucker say a great truth earlier today. He said: censorship only protects the powerful.

They always say it's to protect the weak, but that is words.

Out in reality, only the powerful get benefit from censorship.


There goes that words and deeds standard again...



  • 3 weeks later...


Alex Jones with Jimmy Dore.

I started to watch this just to get a gist and I ended up blowing up my afternoon.

What a fantastic interview.

I wonder what all those people are thinking, you know, the ones who used to go bahh bahh bahh bahh bahh bahh about Alex Jones, muh conspiracy theories and so on. What are they saying now that Alex is hanging out with Joe Rogan, Jimmy Dore, Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, etc.?


All I hear is a big honking silence from them.

Anyway, if you are anti-authoritarian, love freedom, believe in free speech, and despise establishment narratives and fake news, you will love this interview.





  • 2 months later...

Guess who just got interviewed by Mike Tyson?

Alex Jones!


But of course there is a backstory. Mike invited Alex to his podcast to be interviewed. (Mike quipped he thought the KKK was going to show up. :) But they got along great and ended up loving each other's presence.) They recorded the interview, then big tech censors stepped in--YouTube and unnamed others. The Predator Class said the interview could not be posted on Mike's channel.


Big Tech censored Mike Tyson. Imagine what they will do to you as the election gets near.


But Alex is an old hand at this stuff. He thought they might censor the interview, so he had his crew interview Mike backstage and they cobbled together a 30 minute video together.

Nobody knows if the original interview will ever be aired.

But at least the world now has this part and everyone can see it.


I loathe Predator Class censors,

Like it or not, we all have to fight the culture war if we want freedom.

The Predator Class wants freedom, too, but only for themselves.

For you and me, they want human prey in the wild or human livestock on a farm they own.

Slavery is another word for it. Plantation works, too.

Morally bankrupt power-mongering idiots. That's what the Predator Class is made up of.

They are evil halfbreeds--half human and half subhuman.


You can find more info about the Mike Tyson and Alex Jones interview, including the video above, at Banned Video (Alex's site).


See behind the scenes footage from the banned episode.




  • 3 weeks later...

It is such a wonderful feeling to see this start to become mainstream.


After all that mocking I received for featuring Alex Jones when I believed his view was relevant and right, it now comes out that he really was right and an icky Predator Class does exist. And not only does it exist, it exists as a bunch of pedophiles who go to islands to fuck children and infants.

If anything deserves mockery, people who support that do. 


And what do kiddie-humpers want?

To rule the world!




Here is Scott Adams in Alex Jones mode:


I explain all the mysteries in the news today and always


According to Scott, when something doesn't make sense these days, and when you look deeper, it's always the same fucking people doing it. (That was Scott's adjective.) Scott identifies these people as the CIA.

Let me repeat that. Scott Adams said--many times in this video--when something does not make sense on a large scale, and you look deeper, it's always the CIA.

And he gives a long list of examples.

Modern art? Yup. I, myself, know this was an operation of the State Department to combat Russia way back when. You should look into it if you don't believe it. It's fascinating, well documented by the government, and out in the open. And then something interesting happened. They discovered that modern art is great for money laundering, so the CIA went in whole hog. :) 

Ukraine war? Yup. And Scott gives a whole lot of reasons.

As an aside, Scott's basic frame is that nobody--left, right, or center-- outside of insiders and an enormous propaganda campaign wants something, yet here it is and society is invested in it big time. When that happens, Scott says that is the CIA doing it.

Sex trafficking among the rich and powerful like with Epstein and Diddy. Yup.

Election fraud all over the place? Yup.

Arresting and incarcerating political opponents? Yup.

Social media censorship in one direction only? Yup.

Current political oppression in Brazil? Yup.

Massive illegal immigrant invasion on the southern border of the USA? Yup.

It's always the CIA.


I disagree with Scott on limiting this to the CIA. I believe there is a Predator Class and the CIA belongs to it. We can also call it the Deep State.

Watch the video and see all this for yourself.

I have to say, Scott makes a compelling case. And he keeps qualifying it by saying he has no absolute proof of any of it, but he cannot think any reason other than the CIA to explain why a major senseless thing happens on a large scale that nobody wants it. And another thing. And another.


Alex Jones has been targeting the Deep State just like that for decades. In a different tone, of course, but still... 

The truth takes its time, but it always comes out in the end.




The intelligence community set up Alex Jones and targeted him for destruction.

Just to show this is serious, it is being used as a rallying cry in the US Congress to get rid of FISA warrants.


And Alex?

Well... Alex is going to have a big fat paycheck in the end.

He's going to sue their balls off.


I bet he also gets to watch some of his darkest enemies in the Deep State get prison sentences after all is said and done.



  • 1 month later...

The Federal Government is trying to shut down Alex Jones again.

They were planning a surprise attack to sequester his studios, but that has since been interrupted by a court order. In the current environment, it is hard to say what is true and what is false, so I have not discussed it yet.

In fact, I still want to learn more before I write about it.


However, there is one thing I know for a fact because I have the video below.

Lara Logan knows this is real, so she decided to do her part to support Alex right at this dark moment. Lara has never been on Alex's show before. But she went into his studio and gave him an interview almost 2 hours long.

I wanted to skim it, but I couldn't. I had to watch it all in full focus.

This is an amazing interview.

Watch it. You don't want to miss this one.


Lara Logan joins Alex Jones live in-studio to detail her awakening from mainstream media reporter to truth seeking journalist. **ALEX JONES ON X ** - SAVE INFOWARS!! BUY NOW!! $$URGENT! …


Outside of talking about mankind's enemies, Lara and Alex agreed and discussed at length the need to live by moral principles. 

They also highlighted something I have been sensing more and more as I go along.

The people who live for power do not understand those who live by moral principles. To them, a moral principle is a tactic to be used for manipulating others, not a code to live by. 

It is so refreshing to see a discussion like this in a context like that.


Lara also said something I believe important for people in O-Land to understand. You may not believe in God the way she and Alex believe, but it is important to know that they believe it. And just as important, in how they believe it.

Their form has nothing to do with the way Christians are presented in O-Land. That image is a perception seen through the opinions and ideas of Ayn Rand and those who claim to speak in her name.

The reality is different when you listen to someone like Lara explain what she believes in her heart. She was telling Alex that she has spent a good portion of her career reporting on wars from the front lines. She said she used to be angry at God (or the ideal of God) all the time for allowing the atrocities of the world to exist, for allowing child trafficking and baby rape-torture-murder videos on the dark web and things like that. Then she said a man explained it to her. He told her that she was obviously pained by what she saw, but she needs to think about how much that pains God.

He told her to look at the people who do such things. You will always see they are fighting with God every step of the way, not in some imaginary way. They openly proclaim they are fighting God. They constantly say He doesn't exist and mock those who believe in Him. They do that much more than needed to promote their quest for power and the atrocities they carry out.


It's an interesting perspective. I resonate with their feelings and sense a lot of truth in what they say. What's more, every time I learn some depth about some evil person in prominence in our culture, some power-monger, more often than not I find Satan worship or Luciferianism. Even with those who claim Lucifer and Satan are separate, they both fight against God as part of their presumed activities on earth. And their followers fight God as a main concern, too.

Like I said, you don't have to believe this to know it is important. Why? Because they believe it and they act on it.


Anyway, it is so good to see Alex and Lara teaming up. And better when you realize that their underlying foundational bond is not a common enemy, but common moral principles.

As Lara says, "In the end, God wins."

Which means the evil bastards lose.



  • Thanks 1

As an afterthought, Lara talked about one thing that got to me.

She talked about the bait-and-switch on principles that evil people (Predator Class people) do.

They promise you a glowing vision to work toward, full of principles and goodness, and they persuade you to join them. And you do, fully believing in it. But after you are hooked and working hard at it, you discover the awfulness behind it, and that this awfulness has been behind it from the beginning.

I have a gullible nature (which I fight against), but I know exactly what she means. God knows, this has been the story of my life in so many pursuits, it is no longer amusing.


On a personal note, living by moral principles will bring you this kind of pain in the world we live in, as it brought me over and over. As it brought Lara and Alex. And Ayn Rand. But living by moral principles is worth it. I cannot imagine living any other way.


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Vedic religions/philosophies have been my draw of late. The type of spirituality that comes from those foundations and ontologies is quite different from what I thought I understood as 'religion' and really Christianity as being of the 'West'. 

Dharmic principles 'resonate' nicely through a more secular lens and can be expressed in things like NIOF and other O-land adjacents. God in that sense can be an abstraction that subsumes the idea that intentional harm or cause to suffering is antithetical to the ideal. And over stretching the metaphor/ananlogy  even further would be to say when B.Franklin quipped about keeping a Republic , he was pointing to Adams(?) and the idea that self governance is best done by 'religious' people. And that that sense can be more from dharmic principles than from any particular religious dogma.

The older I get , the more premises I realize I should check :)

ps some of the most important premises I need to check are the ones I accepted as premises without realizing ,lol

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I believe anyone who bases their desire to be a good person on almost any standard religion will be well-served.

And anyone who wants to practice moral abominations and call them good based on technicalities and hair-splitting can find ways to do that in any religion. And ideology, including Objectivism.

The idea does not make the human. The human makes the idea, then adopts it or rejects it. Or ignores it.

How to use morality is not about God. It's about volition, free will. Desire.

I find a good dose of curiosity and introspection helps a lot, too.

And while I am at it, I reject the constant insinuation in the culture (and in O-Land) that the mind is different than reality. I hold that the mind is part of reality. It has to exist to be a mind. :) 

And daydreams? Easy. Daydreams have to exist in some form, even if only as archetypes and templates and memory fragments, and random connections before one can daydream them. They are not something different than existence. They are part of existence.



Incidentally, I forgot where I heard it on video in the last few days, but I did hear the following.

Someone said that the Democrats have a serious problem because they think words are reality. So they don't bother with observing reality anymore.

If I remember who said that, I will post it. That's an astute obsevation.

It's similar to when I harp on and on about words people and deeds people, but it's more nuanced.

I like it.

There used to be names for people who turned words into reality. They used to be called sorcerers and witches. Now they are called woke.




In the last few years , I suppose as a result of a seeming unavoidable ‘mid-life’ crisis kinda thing, I realized how long or how much I was repressing a not so quasi-implicit fascination with ‘awareness’. Mine especially, lol. I never questioned existence, but I think I took my subjective experience of ‘it’ for granted or accepted the ultimate phenomenon unexaminedly.

Intellectual angst lead me out of the O’ist backyard and my oh my the things I saw strolling around , lol.


  • Smile 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Alex Jones lives to fight another day.


As reported earlier, a federal judge on Friday ordered the liquidation of Alex Jones’ personal assets.

He is going to have to liquidate his personal assets, though, like a ranch and things like that.

But Infowars stays open.

The case against him should have been concluded long ago. However, there is a lot of dark money and intelligence people pushing from the hidden corners. Their real purpose is not to secure money for the parents of the children killed at the Sandy Hook massacre. Their real purpose is to get Alex Jones off the air before the election. They even explored legal measures to shut down his account on X (as in here we go again). Fortunately the shut down stuff failed.

They did get a previous judgment of over one billion dollars as a fine for the Sandy Hook reporting. And another 400+ million tacked onto that.

Who on earth has ever heard of a billion dollar fine against a one man operation and some employees? What's worse, the lawsuit was for over a couple of trillion dollars.

That's not a lawsuit about money or pain and suffering. That's abuse of power to squash a person without prison. But, believe me, they would throw Alex in prison if they could.


Lots and lots of celebrities have recently appeared in interviews with Alex on Infowars as a protest against this abuse of power, Tucker Carlsen, Russel Brand and others.

And the beat goes on...


  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Alex Jones has to auction off Infowars in order to pay toward his one billion dollar plus court judgment about the Sandy Hook stuff.

The Bad Guys did this to try to silence him.

Here is one indication that the silencing will not happen.

Also, I expect under the Trump administration some remedy will be provided to Alex to stop this lawfare absurdity.

No matter what, though, Alex ain't going nowhere.



  • 1 month later...

The left-wing satire site, The Onion, just bought Infowars through a murky auction process.

This is not satire. It happened.


And they think they will shut down Alex Jones that way.

Outside of legalities, I predict this will backfire on them in ways nobody has imagined so far.


What a bunch of losers.



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