The D Word - 2023

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The D Word - 2023

It's that time again.

Every year I ask for donations for OL. I am normally able to keep a handle on the expenses, but this time the squeeze is harsh.

We have been targeted, which is one of the reasons activity has gone down so much. Also, the opinions that get expressed here are not the ones the establishment wants, so their AI bots have made hash with traffic from search engine results. 

But I'm not a complainer. Those are just facts I have to deal with. So long as I am alive, we are going to stay alive and thrive no matter what.

Also, I have a big plan in the works that seems to be taking forever to get to the profit stage, but once that kicks in, OL will no longer need monetary help, although your donations will always be welcome. :)  And they will always be put to good use. 

But this year it's a cold winter.


Also, like it or not, it's important to have alternative sites like OL as options. In a world that is being consumed by big centralized social media and other organizations, places like OL are vital to keep our culture going online.

Not so much this minute since everyone is using the freebies the Big Control Industrial Complex is providing. For just one example, there are many Ayn Rand sites on Facebook.

But where are these people going to go once surveillance censorship cracks its whip against them? Or what happens if Facebook gets dismantled by social change? After all, in the current state of affairs, the ruling class is moving the nations toward a new world war.

I don't expect people to take this one laying down, though. And when the power shifts, what will become of the institutions that helped bring this crisis about? People are going to be pissed at them in a major way. I see trust busting galore coming. It may not be moral, but neither is the collusion between government and the market practiced by the Big Control Industrial Complex moral. So this will happen.

What then for the freebie users?

In my view, the Big Control Industrial Complex will not go down without a fight. And it will start cutting what freebies it can, or at least, picking and choosing those who get them. those that dance to the party tune. Which ideas do you think will be the first ones to go as it tries to save itself?



So even though this winter is cold and our immediate voice is small, right now is the time to stay in existence. There's a big job that we, and sites like us, will have to do when things get nasty. Does anyone doubt they will get nasty? And sooner than later? I don't. 


If you get value from OL, please see what you can do to help.

Just click on the donation button and donate what you can.

You have no idea the difference it will make this year.

Thank you from the mind and the heart.

I love all of you.


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