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What is the MOST valuable thing in existence?  Before I explain I have to erase a definition of a word from existence: validate.
You should have no need to receive positive feedback-IF YOU ARE OF TRUTH! 😉
To validate your thinking (in my definition): "A piece of knowledge, idea, act, creation etc. that creates a paradigm shift in your mind-refreshing all the contents to mint condition.  Reinvigorating all your old tools with new potentials & possibilities.  Like a payment for all the mind you have.
These are incredibly rare, in fact, I cannot remember the last time it happened to me (When you black something out this is the first thing that will go).
But if all that is of life is good, & all that is of pain is evil-all pleasure, all happiness, all love, all passion is created by validation

46 minutes ago, atlashead said:

Before I explain I have to erase a definition of a word from existence...


In Brazil, I once had half a song written (in Portuguese).

I lost that song (this was during my drinking days) and I have not been able to recover it in my memory.

But I do remember the substance. And someday I might even write one in English based on the same idea. (Or maybe write fiction...)

It was a song to my unborn son promising that I would never try to teach him things that I had not yet learned.


You sure like to preach, don't you?

Are you looking for positive feedback from others?




Man, I seem to be grumpy today.



But I want to leave clear that, as far as my own life is concerned, no person is going to obliterate any idea, true or false, from my existence.

They don't have that power over my mind, nor would I ever grant them that power.

Let them blast their own minds out of existence if they like.

But I will keep my mind out of it, thank you very much.


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