Free stater makes the case for masks


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  • 4 weeks later...

Nonsense.  Masks have no value whatsoever.  The case for masks is the case for tyranny.  

The masks are there to dehumanize the population, to enslave, to draw humanity away from one another, to separate, to erase live,  real interaction.  It has nothing to do with dis-ease, save for the fact that as far as your rulers are concerned--YOU are the dis-ease they mean to control.  The masks, in conjunction with your electronic slave tracking device, i.e., your dumbphone, set us on a new way of communication, forcing us onto the control grid more than ever before.  Did you read all the reports of how slavephone use skyrocketed when the Covid sham kicked in a few months ago?  That's just what they were looking for.  They got it.  And you got the bill.

Now, get back inside, you are under house arrest, peasant slave!  Do as you are told--OR ELSE!  And don't forget to keep your slavephone on at all times and use Google for EVERYTHING! 

Yours, Truly, Always And Forevermore, Big Brother

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5 minutes ago, ThatGuy said:

Reminds me of an old Billy Idol song, "Eyes Without a Face"...


“I spend so much time
Believing all the lies
To keep the dream alive.

Now it makes me sad,
It makes me mad at truth


Eyes without a face.
Got no human grace
Your eyes without a face.
Such a human waste,
Your eyes without a face.

And now it's getting worse.”

Selected lyrics, in correct order.


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We're goin' fer broke.  Wear a mask or you're headed for the hoosegow, says Utah Gov. I hope our lovely SD Gov. Has more sense than the rest.  So far, so good.  I'm still waiting for a response on my letter to her requesting secession.  Ya never know.  Might get lucky.  I've been lucky before.

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Stay the fuck home, Fascist Shitbags trying to impose on the healthy and thriving.

Keep your frail, infirm and frightened selves away from us and the children. Rand had that right, the children should not have to see things like you, it is abuse. (She said 'the disabled", and that is what you are.)

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The only thing Jerry fails to mention in this video is the fact that what is being done to us, to our economy--to our world--with all the masks and lockdowns and other lies, tyranny and sheer nonsense is the fact that all of it is being done on purpose.  It is an attack, a power grab, a lie, psyops, an act of war.  Sure, some of, if not most of our elected tyrants actually believe what they are being told about Covid-19 and only mean well when they spout their lies and nonsense.  Others know it is a lie or don't know it is a lie and could care less either way but agree with our rulers that the animals, that's you and I, need obey their edicts and whims even if it means our own destruction.  

You are a slave on a plantation.  Nothing more.  It's that simple.  Welcome to the plantation.  

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  • 4 months later...

sorry for the slow response here.  It's good people aren't automatically believing what the government says, but I'm not convinced that personal stop-the-spread measures like masks and distancing are inappropriate.   I am convinced that it should be up to each property owner how this is handled.

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