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That's a goof McAfee did to get people who overreact outraged. Even the priest is staged.


In a video or tweet I saw earlier, McAfee even said he loves to go to confession and make up all kinds of shit to get under the priest's skin.

If he's aware of this Twitter outrage you posted, I bet he's laughing his ass off. That's exactly the reaction he went for, even though I believe his target was other, that is religious pearl clutchers and people like that.

This is kinda like the left going nuts when Trump, in a rally, made a quip asking if the Russians could find Hillary Clinton's deleted emails. Even today, there are anti-Trumpers who swear (with all due outrage) this is proof solid he was inviting Putin to interfere in the election.

Like McAfee or dislike him, I happen to like him, but if people like those in that Twitter thread treat McAfee's dark humor as proof of him endorsing cannibalism and eating babies in real life, they make it hard for people to take them seriously when they do good work and have a serious message to spread.

Does anyone, even those people, think John McAfee is a devout Catholic? They why do they believe he's telling the truth in a mock confession?

PC language for is not a good standard for judging a person's actions, especially people like McAfee who embody the trickster and rebel archetypes. Look at what he does, not what he says.

If your beef is drugs, OK. He uses drugs and he's filmed it. But cannibalism and eating babies in real life? 

If he ever films himself killing a baby and eating it, I will join your outrage peeps on Twitter. But if he talks about it to get a rise out of the outrage peeps and shit on them a little, and they actually get all outraged in the manner of social justice warriors, all I can do is chuckle. 

Humor exists. Reality exists. Words only do not replace reality.

McAfee is a comedian in the Andy Kaufman mold as part of his schtick.


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Scott Adams says there are about 20% (I think that's the number) of people who don't get humor or certain kinds of humor.

He's a highly successful professional humorist with a huge body of work, so he probably knows what he is talking about.

And he says it's hopeless to explain it to them. 

That's life.

Oh well. I guess I'm just an apologist for pedophiles, cannibals, and God knows what else to some people.



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4 hours ago, Brant Gaede said:

I appreciate the technique, not the subject matter.


I don't like the subject matter either, but I know well the minefield in this kind of thing. It runs alongside the technique.

The biggest issue is hatred. I'm not against hatred, it's part of the human condition, but it comes at a price.

The problem with hatred is that, when one lets it loose ungoverned in one's soul, it eventually grows and makes the person start hating things that are not real as if they were. Then that grows and grows.

After a while, they demand others hate the non-real things as well. And if these others refuse, they eventually get targeted for hatred themselves.

Rand suffered from this attitude later in life in a few things. Ultimately, she drove everyone except Peikoff a few hangers-on around Peikoff away from her.

On a larger level, this is the process of how most wars take root and erupt.

Well, I won't be intimidated.

I refuse to hate unreal things when I know the real.

I like John McAfee. In fact, I love the guy. He's entertaining.

Nobody else has to like him. Frankly, I don't give a crap. Everybody has their likes and dislikes. Plenty of people like things I don't like. So?

To me, John McAfee is anti-authoritarian. And, from what I see, authoritarians really really really don't like it.

Nope, not at all. They want him to kneel down to them--to shut up and sit the fuck down and behave the way they say behave.

Then McAfee farts real loud and says he likes to eat babies with a big fuck you smirk.

He doesn't eat babies, of course. He's just pissing off the authoritarians when they come after him.

I resonate with this attitude. It's one of the reasons I love the guy.

It's real hard to get me to kneel down, too.

And I also love pissing off authoritarians.

4 hours ago, Brant Gaede said:

Really, who needs this guy?


Not even me. I choose to like him.

On the other hand, who needs fucking authoritarians?


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To quote Liz Crokin from the Instagram embed above in Jon's post:


Does it matter if he's telling the truth or if this is just a sick campaign PR stunt?

. . .

Even if this is a sick joke, does anyone in their right mind think this is even remotely funny... 

Does it matter whether he's telling the truth? It matters to people like me, people to whom the truth is important.

On the other point, I'm in my right mind... let me see to make sure... yup... I'm in my right mind.

And do I think it's funny? Let me see again just to make sure.

Yup. It's funny.


I love to laugh when I see authoritarians getting bent out of shape.

I love to laugh at them and their power lust when they are bent out of shape.

Man do they look goofy when they get pissed.


Notice that I actively fight pedophilia, the elitists, and the things these people now want to attribute to McAfee as if these things were true. But, to these people, if these things are not true, they want to attribute them to McAfee anyway. To quote Crokin again in this context: Does it matter if he's telling the truth? To Crokin it doesn't matter. She just said so.

Oddly enough, I like Liz Crokin, especially when she does to Luciferian authoritarians what McAfee just did to authoritarians of another stripe.

But I will never bow down to her. Ever. That's even more rigid when she gets in authoritarian mode.

Ditto for anyone who thinks like her. 

Fuck authoritarians.


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12 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


I don't like the subject matter either, but I know well the minefield in this kind of thing. It runs alongside the technique.

The biggest issue is hatred. I'm not against hatred, it's part of the human condition, but it comes at a price.

The problem with hatred is that, when one lets it loose ungoverned in one's soul, it eventually grows and makes the person start hating things that are not real as if they were. Then that grows and grows.

After a while, they demand others hate the non-real things as well. And if these others refuse, they eventually get targeted for hatred themselves.

Rand suffered from this attitude later in life in a few things. Ultimately, she drove everyone except Peikoff a few hangers-on around Peikoff away from her.

On a larger level, this is the process of how most wars take root and erupt.

Well, I won't be intimidated.

I refuse to hate unreal things when I know the real.

I like John McAfee. In fact, I love the guy. He's entertaining.

Nobody else has to like him. Frankly, I don't give a crap. Everybody has their likes and dislikes. Plenty of people like things I don't like. So?

To me, John McAfee is anti-authoritarian. And, from what I see, authoritarians really really really don't like it.

Nope, not at all. They want him to kneel down to them--to shut up and sit the fuck down and behave the way they say behave.

Then McAfee farts real loud and says he likes to eat babies with a big fuck you smirk.

He doesn't eat babies, of course. He's just pissing off the authoritarians when they come after him.

I resonate with this attitude. It's one of the reasons I love the guy.

It's real hard to get me to kneel down, too.

And I also love pissing off authoritarians.


Not even me. I choose to like him.

On the other hand, who needs fucking authoritarians?


I neither like nor dislike him. I think he went too far to be someone I'd have anything to do with. Too much hate the state and that's all you represent. I hate the state, but he has nothing to sell me. I'm mostly about LOVE (and veal).


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19 minutes ago, Brant Gaede said:

I neither like nor dislike him. I think he went too far to be someone I'd have anything to do with. Too much hate the state and that's all you represent. I hate the state, but he has nothing to sell me. I'm mostly about LOVE (and veal).



I mostly agree with this.

I've learned that humans are not static, neither are our minds. My moral outrage is not a permanent state. It comes and goes just like excitement, contentment, irritation, playfulness, etc. Sometimes my mind is so focused, I can't believe the dots I am connecting and information I am soaking up, and other times I have a hard time finding seeing what's right in front of me through the mental fog.

So McAfee is not someone I want to check in on all the time. He's for a certain mood with me and only then. For example, when I'm feeling ornery or particularly pissed at authoritarians, government overreach, surveillance state, control freaks who wouldn't know an individual right if it bit them on the ass, and so on, man does he make me laugh.


btw - He's running for President. Registered and everything. One of the planks in his platform is that, even though he has 0% chance of winning, should such a fluke occur, he would make the worst president of all time.



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McAfee on the coronavirus.

(The video is only a couple of minutes long.)


That's the way I see it.

I wasn't aware, before, though, that infected Chinese in Wuhan were put in beds in stadiums where it was freezing. No wonder they have a higher death rate.

To quote McAfee:


Stop looking at the play. Look at the puppeteers.


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