Democratic hopefuls for 2020 Presidential Race


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Say what? No Cortez on the list (even though she apparently donna have a no cortex, senor?) Still, it might be interesting to keep track of what’s “blowin’ in the wind.” Current top Democrats. The Washington Post “The Fix.” Aaron Blake Feb. 23, 2019.

15. Former attorney general Eric H. Holder Jr.: The nation’s first black attorney general has honed a message focused on voting rights and redistricting, but he gave a speech in Iowa this month that was much broader than that. In fact, it looked a lot like an announcement speech. His decision is due next month.

14. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe: McAuliffe said last weekend that he was “close” to making a decision and that he “wants to see where the field is.” He has expressed reservations about his party’s shift to the left and suggested that he would run as someone who would be a steady and disciplined steward of the economy. Recently, he was among the first to call for Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) and Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax (D) to resign.

13. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee: If you’re looking for a dark horse, you could do worse than Inslee, a former congressman and popular two-term governor with real credibility on liberal issues. He says he’ll run on climate change, first and foremost. But there seem to be hard feelings in at least one early state, New Hampshire, where the state party chairman recently accused the Democratic Governors Association chairman of “abandoning” the state’s 2018 governor’s race.

12. Former housing and urban development secretary Julián Castro: Castro got plenty of buzz as a potential vice-presidential pick for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and he’ll need to deal with the perception that that’s what he’s really campaigning for this time. In his first trip to Iowa as a candidate this week, he pitched himself as the “antithesis to Donald Trump.”

11. Hillary Clinton: I’d be very surprised if she ran, yes, but Clintonworld hasn’t slammed the door shut. CNN’s Jeff Zeleny reported last month that Clinton was telling people she was keeping that door slightly ajar, which drew a response from John Podesta. Except he used the old present-tense trick. “She’s not running for president,” he said. “She said she’s not running,” he added. And: “She says she’s not running for president, and I think this is media catnip.” Okay, we know she isn’t running right now. How about whether she might in the future? I know this seems pedantic, but people like Podesta know the difference.

10. Former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg: As Politico’s Marc Caputo writes, an old, white, male billionaire who used to be both a Republican and an independent isn’t exactly the demographic the Democratic Party seems to be craving. But Bloomberg put his money where his mouth is on gun control and climate change. That could go a long way, as could his hundreds of millions of dollars.

9. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.): Gillibrand launched her campaign last month despite having said just three months before that she would serve out her entire Senate term if she won reelection. “Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand flat-out lied,” declared the Buffalo News’s editorial board. The Syracuse Post-Standard agreed. Look, politicians change their mind about running all the time, and some have definitely lied about their intentions. But it was one of the worst-kept secrets in politics that Gillibrand was ramping up for a presidential campaign when she said she would serve out her term.

8. Sen. Sherrod Brown (Ohio): If you’re looking for someone who might benefit from the leftward lurch of this primary field — but also brings populist bona fides to it — Brown might be your guy. As the other candidates stretch the Overton window, Brown has charted what Politico calls a more “nuanced” relationship with corporations and banks. He also seems prepared, if and when he gets in, to focus on an electability argument, as a guy who won reelection in an important Midwestern state that President Trump easily carried.

7. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (Minn.): Every couple days or so, Klobuchar gets hit with another story about just what a dreadful boss many staffers say she is. The latest is courtesy of the New York Times. Klobuchar has tried to spin that as her being someone with high expectations, and her defenders suggest that the attack is gendered — the kind of thing we’d never talk about if she were a man. But there’s a difference between being demanding and reportedly throwing binders that hit people. If she can shake this, though, she may have the best claim to the moderate/pragmatic mantle in this race — a lane that could be pretty wide.

6. Former congressman Beto O’Rourke (Tex.): O’Rourke’s decision on whether to run is due in the coming days, and it looks as though he’s in. But what exactly will he run on? We tend to judge candidates like O’Rourke relative to whom they’re running against — in O’Rourke’s case in 2018, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.). But is he really the liberal hero Democrats are looking for, or just the guy they really wanted to unseat Cruz? O’Rourke didn’t exactly run on a hugely liberal platform, and there will be pressure to define himself almost immediately if he gets in. There is lots of upside here, though. Lots.

5. Former vice president Joe Biden: Biden is the highest-ranking pol on this list who isn’t yet a candidate. And he seems to be genuinely hesitant about whether to give it one last go, even as the conventional wisdom is he probably runs. As for if and when he does? Remember that his two previous campaigns didn’t go well at all. He left as a popular vice president, but it’s easier to be popular when you aren’t constantly front and center, facing scrutiny. Many people seem to think he would be Democrats’ best hope in the general election, but getting to the general election is a big, big if.

4. Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.): Booker scored a signature legislative win just before launching his presidential campaign, after Trump endorsed his First Step criminal reform legislation and it passed through both chambers. The big potential liability, at least at this point, are his ties to Wall Street and corporate interests. He has said he won’t take corporate PAC money.

3. Sen Elizabeth Warren (Mass.): Her supporters would like to believe the Native American stuff doesn’t matter, but that doesn’t explain why Warren feels the need to keep addressing it. And her inability to put this issue behind her after trying to preemptively take it off the table is perhaps the most troubling aspect of all this, practically speaking. That said, her credibility on liberal issues is matched by basically only one other person on this list, (see No. 2 below), which keeps her near the top.

2. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.): The 2016 Democratic runner-up is the latest big entrant in this race (not that there was much question he’d run). And he started off with a bang, raising nearly $6 million in about 24 hours — about four times his nearest competitor. That’s coming from the base he already built, yes, but that’s also kind of the point: 225,000 people gave to his campaign almost immediately, signifying a sizable reassembled base with which to start in a crowded field where assembling such a base won’t be easy.

1. Sen. Kamala D. Harris (Calif.): Nobody’s launch has been as impressive as Harris’s, save for Sanders’s fundraising haul. The California senator seems comfortable in her own skin, on-message and sharp, and it has made her a somewhat surprising early favorite in betting markets. The big early question for her, though, is whether her past “tough on crime” stance toward criminal justice fits with today’s Democratic Party.

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  • 1 month later...

Have you noticed how Lazy Joe is soaking up all the oxygen? Peter

An internet message from Clint Eastwood. My Twilight Years at 88. If you realize each day is a gift, you may be near my age. As I enjoy my twilight years, I am often struck by the inevitability that the party must end. There will come a clear, cold morning when there isn't any "more." No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat.

It seems to me that one of the important things to do before that morning comes, is to let everyone of your family and friends know that you care for them by finding simple ways to let them know your heartfelt beliefs and the guiding principles of your life so they can always say, "He was my friend, and I know where he stood." So, just in case I'm gone tomorrow, please know this:

I voted against that incompetent, lying, insincere, narcissistic, double-talking, socialist hypocrite,
and fiscally irresponsible moron who spent eight years in the White House 
trying to destroy our Military, our Homeland Security Department, our Treasury Department, our Justice Department, 
and turn our  wonderful country into a Muslim loving, socialist shit hole like the one he came from, and I don't mean Hawaii!

One more thing, participating in a gun buy-back program,  because you think criminals have too many guns, is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids. Regards, Clint Make My Day - Pass it on

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  • 3 weeks later...

From Breitbart: President Donald Trump ridiculed former Vice President Joe Biden after North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un described him as a “fool of low IQ.” “I have confidence that Chairman Kim will keep his promise to me, & also smiled when he called Swampman Joe Biden a low IQ individual, & worse,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

WHOA! That is wicked funny. Swampman!

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33 minutes ago, Peter said:

From Breitbart: President Donald Trump ridiculed former Vice President Joe Biden after North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un described him as a “fool of low IQ.”

[Donald Trump Needles ‘Swampman’ Joe Biden]


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I like “Make America Great Again,” but if you were running for President what slogan would you use? Here are some quotes for inspiration.

Teddy Roosevelt in a speech while governor on May 12, 1900: "We can afford to differ on the currency, the tariff, and foreign policy; but we cannot afford to differ on the question of honesty if we expect our republic permanently to endure.

H.L. Mencken “The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's good-by to the Bill of Rights.” . . . . "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

Barry Goldwater "I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom.  My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.  It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution or that have failed their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is "needed" before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents "interests, " I shall reply that I was informed that their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am doing the very best I can." 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can’t wait until the Dems have their debates, but I hope to see some claws and fangs before then. I bet Biden implodes before then. Small brain inside a big head? It’ll happen.   

Former Indian Eliza Warbird, who is foolishly running for President, is pushing for breaking up big tech. What happened? Aren’t they giving you enough wampum, Eliza? What about the other jerks who are running against you in the primary Chief Warbird? Corry Booker disagreed and sounded a bit saner, as he sort of belittled her. It’s about time for some fun. Peter

From The Net. The most famous curse was the Curse of Tippecanoe. Famous Indian chief Tecumseh's brother was Tenskwatawa, known as the Prophet. He supposedly set a curse against President Harrison, and future White House occupants who became president during years with the same ending number as Harrison. Therefore, Harrison, and every president after him that was elected 20 years apart all died in office. The curse was finally broken by First Lady Nancy Reagan, who hired psychics and astrologers to try to protect her husband from the effects of the curse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I might watch a bit of the Democrat debate but then later check out the highlights. Me, me, me, look at me! Look self-important. You count but you can’t count a trillion for education. A trillion for the poor? A trillion for anything as long as it is your money. Attack! Tora tora tora! Will Joe fade? Who will the rock star be?

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I tried watching the Demoncrat debate twice but it was just awful. Maybe the highlights will be better. The children. The Poor. The puppies. Feed the Children Weed so they will vote for Bernie, Pocahontas, or butt kiss.

Jimmy Fallon had an interesting sketch tonight. He sang and played the guitar. “Everything you do ends up on You Tube.” Along with the song there were snips from gaffs celebrities had made, especially politicians. “Everything you do ends up on You Tube.” Very catchy.  And Democrats were also made “light of.” Maybe I will start watching Jimmy again.  Peter

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Fox is saying the debates are not just about "who" will be elected, but it is also about "where" ideologically the democratic party will go. If they want to be elected they may lie about their left wing agenda for popularity and then implement socialist or progressive laws restricting economic and social life, after the election. So it is business as usual for them. I may check Real Clear Politics today or after tonight's debate.     

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President Trump’s job approval as of June 27, 2019 on Rasmussen is 50 percent, with a disapproval rate of 48 percent. The Dems chance for nomination? Biden 32 percent.   Sanders 16.9.   Warren 12.8.  Harris 7.   Buttigieg 6.6.   O’Rourke 3.3.   Yang 1.3.

From Real Clear Politics MIAMI - It was Elizabeth Warren's stage before she even stepped on it, and she took full advantage. During the first debate of the 2020 Democratic primary, the Massachusetts senator set the...

From The Hill MIAMI — The race for the Democratic presidential nomination shifted into top gear here on Wednesday night, with the first debate of the 2020 election cycle . . . .  A big night for Warren. The one-sentence summary: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) won. Castro has a breakout moment. Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro has made immigration the central issue of his candidacy. Going into the debate, immigration was in the center of the news agenda for tragic reasons, notably a heartrending photo of the late Óscar Ramírez and his infant daughter Valeria, who drowned together trying to cross the Rio Grande. Castro’s passion and detailed knowledge of the issue was readily apparent — and it may help him to become the breakout star of this debate.

Democrats want red meat. Moderates always face a challenge in primaries, and that problem is especially acute during the tenure of President Trump, an intensely polarizing figure. The strong audience reactions on Wednesday for Warren, Castro and, to some degree, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio outlined activists’ appetite

Minor candidates struggle. With the exception of Castro, few second-tier candidates made much of a mark. De Blasio perhaps did next best. The New York City mayor can sometimes seem low-wattage in his public appearances, but he was much more assertive and impassioned than usual as he made a pitch to the most left-wing voters in the primary. The Democratic Party “has to be strong and bold and progressive,” he insisted at one point. Others struggled. 

Trump was kept on the margins. One of the more surprising elements of the debate was that Trump was not particularly central to it. Naturally, there were questions related to some of his policies and there were som e jabs at him, particularly in closing remarks. But even many of the attacks had a pro forma quality. Democrats seemed more focused on making a positive case for their own candidacies than trying to prove who could punch harder at the president. Trump took time to jab at the debate as “BORING!” on Twitter, and to hit NBC News for an admittedly embarrassing sound problem that briefly disrupted proceedings.

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From The Hill MIAMI. . .  A big night for Warren. The one-sentence summary: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) won. end quote

Shyster Watch. “Pocahontas.” Remember where the o’s and the a’s go when writing her name or Poke’ll haunt us. I wonder if President Trump regrets calling her that? It could prove to be daunting if he has to debate her. Would he speak respectfully and call her Senator Warren? Might there be a backlash from women voters? Indian voters won’t like his use of the name. 2,843,391 American Indians live in the U.S.A. Peter  

Notes. From NBC. John Norwood, general secretary of the Alliance of Colonial Era Tribes, said Trump's nickname for Warren "smacks of racism." “The reference is using a historic American Indian figure as a derogatory insult and that’s insulting to all American Indians,” Norwood said, noting that it was particularly bad in context of the event. He added that the president should “stop using our historical people of significance as a racial slur against one of his opponents.”

The National Congress of American Indians, the largest and most recognizable umbrella group for Native American tribes also criticized Trump's remarks at the event honoring "code talkers" — Native Americans recruited by the Marines as communications specialists during World War II. "We regret that the president’s use of the name Pocahontas as a slur to insult a political adversary is overshadowing the true purpose of today’s White House ceremony,” NCAI President Jefferson Keel, himself a Vietnam combat veteran, said in a statement. “Today was about recognizing the remarkable courage and invaluable contributions of our Native code talkers.

But the White House said it was "ridiculous" to consider Trump's "Pocahontas" jab a racial slur. Instead, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, "What most people find offensive is Senator Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career." Warren has said she is proud of her heritage, citing "family stories" in defense of her claim of Native American ancestry, though she has never produced . . . . end quote

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