Tulsa shooting, Charlotte shooting

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Tulsa shooting, Charlotte shooting

For the first time in all these race riots of the Obama administration, we see a clear demonstration--in fact--of both of the ugly sides of the hostilities.

First against the cops. From what I have seen, there was no excuse for the Tulsa, Oklahoma shooting. None. Terence Crutcher, a peaceful black man whose car was stalled on the road, was in essence executed by white Officer Betty Shelby while his hands were in the air and he was moving slowly. There were other cops on the scene, too. Then the cops let him bleed out for over two minutes before helping him.

I don't agree much with what Cenk Uygur says, but I agree with this video:

Incidentally, this video is going viral on YouTube. Right now it has well over 230,000 views. Cenk's other videos on the Charlotte shooting are showing only his normal audience views (about 15-20 k). Why? Because he's right in the video above. In the others, it's just his normal progressive business as usual.

Now for the cops, the Charlotte shooting. 

A black man, Keith Lamont Scott, was, according to the police, repeatedly warned to drop his gun by the police before they shot him. They claim to have video or images but can't release them yet because of an investigation. Charlotte, North Carolina is now in flames in a riot resembling other Black Lives Matter fostered riots like Ferguson, etc. A state of emergency has been declared. One civilian has shot another in the riots and the victim, initially thought killed, is in critical condition in the hospital.

The media is not saying it, but a core group of these Charlotte protesters are obviously bought and paid for by George Soros.

It's odd that the time the police are outright wrong and malicious in Tulsa, this is resulting in normal peaceful protests (so far) and the media is nowhere to be found. But when an apparently armed thug is shot in Charlotte, all hell breaks loose and the media is treating it like 24-hour-coverage riot porn.

My favorite video from this event is when CNN's reporter got taken out on air in Charlotte. CNN normally favors the protestors and now it is seeing what will happen if the paid ones take over. I would bet money that the thug who attacked CNN's Ed Lavandera is on Soros's payroll.

I don't expect CNN to change, though.

So there we have it.

Yes, the police do screw up badly at times. Including with malice.

And yes, violent protests are being funded and staged where the police are right in order to undermine public order.

Both things are happening. But you will find the media favoring the staged event geared against public order. Not a single mainstream investigative journalist to be found to look into it, either. They're all too busy yapping about social justice.

From where I sit, it sure looks like Soros doesn't want to waste his money in Tulsa where there is a legitimate grievance. Instead, he he prefers to invest in a blatant naked power play in Charlotte. And the mainstream media is agreeing with him.

Rush Limbaugh says it all:

In the Second Term of the First Black President, Rioting Is the New Normal

Why is this, I wonder?...


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Let's add this from Charlotte.

This tweet hit Drudge's top billing:




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6 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Tulsa shooting, Charlotte shooting


 There were other cops on the scene, too. Then the cops let him bleed out for over two minutes before helping him.

A black man, Keith Lamont Scott, was, according to the police, repeatedly warned to drop his gun by the police before they shot him. They claim to have video or images but can't release them yet because of an investigation. Charlotte, North Carolina is now in flames in a riot resembling other Black Lives Matter fostered riots like Ferguson, etc. A state of emergency has been declared. One civilian has shot another in the riots and the victim, initially thought killed, is in critical condition in the hospital.

The media is not saying it, but a core group of these Charlotte protesters are obviously bought and paid for by George Soros.

And yes, violent protests are being funded and staged where the police are right in order to undermine public order.



I think people misunderstand the need for compliance in situations involving potential violence. Given a similar situation I would do exactly what the officers are telling me to do, no ifs ands or buts.

The officers probably realize that involvement in providing medical help when not their specialty opens themselves up further to scrutiny when not providing appropriate corrective care and instead contributing to death. I have no doubt an ambulance was on its way for those 2 minutes. Theres also concern that similar to Rodney King theres a possibility for continued escalation that puts themselves in additional harms way. Its the perfectly correct thing to do, imo. They escalated then the downed suspect was essentially motionless rendering him less dangerous. I couldnt stand by but I am usually unaware of all the possibilities.


Whats this about Soros? Ive read there is some basis to believe him being behind the scenes at Trump rallies, financially but where is the evidence of him supplying the thuggery?

The new language being used to describe what police should be doing is deescalation. This is doing nothing but obscuring the role of police in crime. You have to ramp up before you let down. Perhaps theres another training method that could take the place during armed/unarmed resistance. Instead of teaching cops to go for center mass shots do a trade off by making marksmen spending extra range time in exchange for suits involving wrongful deaths. In other words spend money to avoid spending even more. In other words instead of going for the jugular go for extremities. 

Which leads me to an observation about the coverage of this years over 700 police shootings (according to Jill Stein). How anyone stays ignorant of this I dont know.

The lesson learned by all should be comply comply comply. And if you dont you inherently understand what it means to have a gun pointed in your direction, youse takes yer chances, its yer life. This is SOP with me a cc permit holder when traffic stopped. Hands out at 10 and 2, license and carry permit ready, dont speak unless spoken to. Inform the officer of a weapon, where it is, if is locked or loaded. Tell your story to the judge later, take your lumps, swallow your pride and live to see another day. The time to take a stand over racism isnt when police approach.

This idea of racism in reality is foreign to me. The first and last time it entered my life was with the 14th Street riots in DC. Now Im not ignorant but its safe to say if you want to avoid police its easy. Show me a grown man living in the US of A who needs to blame the color of his skin on his chances at a good life and I will show you a victim of his own choices.



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1 hour ago, turkeyfoot said:

Whats this about Soros? Ive read there is some basis to believe him being behind the scenes at Trump rallies, financially but where is the evidence of him supplying the thuggery?


Hacked and leaked emails of the Open Society Foundation.

Look it up. Just Google the following:

Soros Black Lives Matter

This has even hit the mainstream news. If you can't find anything, I'll look and provide you a few links. But you'll find plenty.

You may object that there is no evidence of Soros funding the Charlotte thugs in particular, but my reasoning goes like this:

Premise: Soros funds Black Lives Matter thugs (as per hacked emails).
Premise: Black Lives Matter thugs (among other thugs) were thugging in Charlotte.
Therefore: Soros funded Black Lives Matter thugs in Charlotte.

It's not proof, but a reasonable conclusion until some other facts show up.

There's an addon to this, too. Soros funds other thugs to agitate riots, not just BLM, but I'll leave that to another syllogism. :) 

For now, if something was barking and there is only one dog in the neighborhood, it's reasonable to assume that the one dog was barking even if you didn't see him do it. Another dog could show up, but that one dog does bark...


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To add to this about Charlotte, here is Rush again earlier today:

Obama and Hillary Want These Riots

A few quotes:


... look at what's going on in Charlotte here.  A black police chief. You have a black cop. You have a largely African-American city council. They're all being hung out to dry by the civil rights community.  Well, now I should say the rioters, the protesters, the Black Lives Matter.  They're running around talking about how white people are the devil.  White people are not involved in this one.  This particular police shooting didn't involve white people.

. . .

... the narrative they have built is, this is a white power problem.  White power as exemplified in the police departments.  White power as exemplified, illustrated in city governments.  But we're talking about the South now where many of these states and large cities are run by African-American governors and mayors.  And in this instance, that has turned Charlotte into a -- well, whatever you want to call it.  We now have no racial component at all.  So what is driving this? 

Well, there you get to the real answer of what this is really all about, and you see that race is the pretext, but even when race isn't a factor, it doesn't stop any of this, does it?  So everybody pushing for racial harmony, well, there wasn't any racial disharmony here.  Not in this specific incident.  I'm not denying that there is legitimate racial disharmony elsewhere, but in this specific incident, there wasn't.

. . .

... we're in the second term of the first African-American presidency in the country. We're in the last year, so we're in eight years of the first presidency of an African-American.  And they are madder than I can remember them being since Watts in the 1960s.  How?  Why? 

Where's all the hope and change?

. . .

Did Obama even ask for calm yesterday?  If he did, I missed it.  Most presidents, in an event like this where day two or night two is thought to be potentially even worse, you try to do what you can to tamp it down.  I don't think Obama has done that at all.  It's just like we've asked about Ferguson and elsewhere, we have to ask, "Where is Obama? Why hasn't Obama spoken out and actually told the facts about what actually happened in Charlotte?" 

You know, the president could have shut down Ferguson if he would have just come out and said, "Look, 'hands up, don't shoot' didn't happen."  Folks, I know he wasn't gonna do it.  I'm making a point here.

. . .

There's not a white person involved in this incident.  Is turning out the black vote so important to Obama and Hillary and the Democrats that they are willing to sacrifice another city to do it? 

And therein, ladies and gentlemen, lies the answer.  Hillary Clinton's having trouble mobilizing the African-American voting constituency that has showed up for Obama.

. . .

No, there isn't any fear of the police.  What's going on here is the total lack of respect for police.  But we have a black police chief. We have a black city council.  Wasn't that supposed to mean something, too?  I mean, in the sense of demonstrating, "Hey, progress is being made here. Real positions of political power are being legitimately won by African-Americans."  The mayor's being thrown under the bus. The mayor is a white woman.  But the city council, the police chief, they're all being thrown under the bus. 

The black cops, they're all being thrown under the bus here in a supposed racial riot.  So what really is at work here is that truth is not what matters.  Black Lives Matter is what is going on.  And what's driving this is the need for outrage in the black community because of the need for black voter turnout.  That is why Obama hasn't made move one to tamp this down.  This is why Hillary hasn't made move one to tamp this down.  They need the chaos. "Que bono?" Who benefits?  They need the chaos, they need the rage, they need the anger, they need all of this.

The playing of the race card is to generate black turnout for Democrats. 

. . .

And then we learn that George Soros and the usual Democrat suspects are funding all of this.  Oh, that's another bit of evidence that this is desired.  I mean, if somebody's gonna give money to see to it that this continues to happen, i.e., donating to Black Lives Matter and whoever, then they must want this, because they must conclude that there's some benefit to them.  So turning out the black vote is so important to Obama and Hillary and the Democrats, they're willing to sacrifice another American city to do it.

I could add to this, but I would only say what Rush said in different words (including the parts I didn't quote).

I might have some other thoughts later...


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17 hours ago, turkeyfoot said:

Whats this about Soros? Ive read there is some basis to believe him being behind the scenes at Trump rallies, financially but where is the evidence of him supplying the thuggery?


Here's a little more from Zero Hedge:

Who Is Behind The Riots? Charlotte Police Says 70% Of Arrested Protesters Had Out Of State IDs


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Smartphone video from Keith Lamont Scott's wife has just surfaced of the Charlotte shooting (see here at NBC).

The police are heard yelling drop the gun several times and she was yelling at them not to shoot.

It's too early to say, but the impression one gets looking at her video against the still released earlier is that the police mistook something Scott had for a gun during the shooting, then possibly planted one after. Scott apparently had brain damage and had just took his meds.

If that's the case, we have a holy mess. And Soros will send even more paid goons.


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Latest update.

It appears Keith Lamont Scott had a rap sheet for shooting at cops (see here).

Also, his fingerprint was on a loaded gun at the scene of the shooting (see here).

At least we know North Carolina is a swing state whereas Oklahoma is not and that could never have anything to do with the riot. No sireeeee... Never... Never I say!...




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16 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Latest update.

It appears Keith Lamont Scott had a rap sheet for shooting at cops (see here).

Also, his fingerprint was on a loaded gun at the scene of the shooting (see here).

At least we know North Carolina is a swing state whereas Oklahoma is not and that could never have anything to do with the riot. No sireeeee... Never... Never I say!...




I suspected as much. The police run your license, obtain a criminal  background if there is one, link into whether you have a gun license and depending on those results of that your current situation is assessed and then the approach determined. Given his rap sheet which he was cognizant of total compliance might have avoided the need for shots being fired.

Really, I just made this up, but it is common sense isnt it? Dont f with the police in their role to protect and defend, theyre armed and dangerous. 

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On 9/22/2016 at 0:40 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

obviously bought and paid for by George Soros.


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The following video is a little preachy, but it is a very good analysis of the Charlotte shooting and riots--and aftermath for that matter.

I find it hard to look at Molyneux as he speaks.

I'm probably bigoted against nonstop close-ups on baldness.


But if I fire up my trusty computer solitaire game and just listen to the video like a radio, it's tolerable. He has a mannerism that grates on my nerves. He will suddenly drop his voice to a whisper and accelerate his speaking speed, then make a sudden stop to indicate snark. The first couple of times I heard him do this, it was cute. After awhile, it got old like a comedian who tells the same joke over and over, then looks at you like he's expecting a laugh. Then crowns it by acting like he's been funny.

Anyway, if you are not irritated by that, this is a good discussion of the shooting. 



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