Does Hillary have a health problem?


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2 hours ago, Brant Gaede said:

How many years between your last pneumonia and your first vaccination?

My step-mother almost died of double-lobar and was saved by the "miracle of penicillin" in the late 1940s.

Elizabeth Taylor was almost done in by it in the early or mid 1960s.

Infections requiring hospital stay should be treated by Vitamin C Intravenously as an adjunct of treatment.


I have a pnuemonia booster vaccine  every 5 years.  I had my first pneumonia vaccine about 40 years ago and a booster every five years.  Look ma! No pnuemonia....

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56 minutes ago, BaalChatzaf said:

I have a pnuemonia booster vaccine  every 5 years.  I had my first pneumonia vaccine about 40 years ago and a booster every five years.  Look ma! No pnuemonia....

I thought you were better at logic than that. How do you know you would have gotten pneumonia without those injections of poison?

I never had a pneumonia vaccine and I never had pneumonia. Ditto for a bunch of other diseases. I have no fear of "catching" diseases and I take no precautions against any of them other than to avoid or minimize things that are bad for my health. In my experience most toxemia crises don't last longer than two days of fasting and sleeping. Very trivial.

You still didn't come up with peer reviewed scientifically controlled studies published in a medical journal, which is the only thing you accept as evidence on things you disagree with. But it seems anecdotal evidence will do for things you agree with.


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5 hours ago, jts said:

I thought you were better at logic than that. How do you know you would have gotten pneumonia without those injections of poison?

I never had a pneumonia vaccine and I never had pneumonia. Ditto for a bunch of other diseases. I have no fear of "catching" diseases and I take no precautions against any of them other than to avoid or minimize things that are bad for my health. In my experience most toxemia crises don't last longer than two days of fasting and sleeping. Very trivial.

You still didn't come up with peer reviewed scientifically controlled studies published in a medical journal, which is the only thing you accept as evidence on things you disagree with. But it seems anecdotal evidence will do for things you agree with.


I don't know for sure.  But clinical tests done on a sufficiently large population show that those who maintain their vaccination level regularly have a low incidence of pneumonia than those who don't or who have not been vaccinated.   Controlled differential testing is the closest thing we have to a sure bet and it is not a sure bet.  But it looks good.

While we are at it how do you know Pauling Juice and vitamin C  are helpful?.  Answer: you don't know  but the clinical tests are comforting, yes? 

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13 hours ago, BaalChatzaf said:

I have a pnuemonia booster vaccine  every 5 years.  I had my first pneumonia vaccine about 40 years ago and a booster every five years.  Look ma! No pnuemonia....

Never had pneumonia and never had the vaccine.


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2 hours ago, Brant Gaede said:

Never had pneumonia and never had the vaccine.


Lucky you.  I had it twice before I finally got vaccinated. 

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15 hours ago, BaalChatzaf said:

I don't know for sure.  But clinical tests done on a sufficiently large population show that those who maintain their vaccination level regularly have a low incidence of pneumonia than those who don't or who have not been vaccinated.   Controlled differential testing is the closest thing we have to a sure bet and it is not a sure bet.  But it looks good.

While we are at it how do you know Pauling Juice and vitamin C  are helpful?.  Answer: you don't know  but the clinical tests are comforting, yes? 

About pneumonia:  I look upon pneumonia as an advanced toxemia crisis and therefore I do not look upon immunity to pneumonia as a good thing. To explain this by means of an analogy that might be better understood, imagine a vaccine that made you immune to coughing. A cough is an attempt to remove an obstruction to breathing. What if you had an immunity to coughing and therefore could not cough (automatically) and then you had an obstruction to breathing? Would immunity to coughing be a good thing? I think it would be better to retain the ability to cough (automatically) and avoid obstructions to breathing.

Avoiding the necessity for pneumonia is very easy. Failing that, pneumonia can be reversed in 3 to 5 days by fasting and sleeping with little discomfort.

So I don't see pneumonia as a big deal and I don't see the logic of injecting poison into my bloodstream even if it does succeed in weakening my body's defense (the ability to produce a toxemia crisis).


About vitamin C and Pauling:  He advocated huge doses of vitamin C, far more than you are likely to easily get from food. It happens that vitamin C works together with some phytochemicals that enable vitamin C to be recycled, used repeatedly, so a little vitamin C might go a long way. So super large amounts of vitamin C might be unecessary if it comes from a good diet instead of pure vitamin C.


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Let's have some fun.

Does Hillary have a body-double?

:evil:  :) 

I didn't even get this one off Alex Jones. I'm not even sure if he talked about it.

Check out the images at the link below:


Don't ask where I come up with this stuff.




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9 hours ago, jts said:



About vitamin C and Pauling:  He advocated huge doses of vitamin C, far more than you are likely to easily get from food. It happens that vitamin C works together with some phytochemicals that enable vitamin C to be recycled, used repeatedly, so a little vitamin C might go a long way. So super large amounts of vitamin C might be unecessary if it comes from a good diet instead of pure vitamin C.


I consume enough  Vit.  C  to avoid getting scurvy.  I also have a salad of fresh fruit and veggies   every day.  Salads and the fact that I stopped smoking  back in 1962 and I ride my bike just about every day, are among the reasons I actually got to participate in my 80 th birthday.

What Ayn Rand did not find out in time  is that fire at man's fingertips (i.e. lit and inhaled cigarettes)  is a funeral  pyre. 

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20 hours ago, jts said:

About pneumonia:  I look upon pneumonia as an advanced toxemia crisis

That doesn't make sense. Toxemia is an old term, colloquial and indistinct, perhaps better known today as a knock-on to bacteremia, or in some cases  as septicemia, blood poisoning.  The 'products' of an infection enter the blood stream -- which is otherwise sterile -- 'toxins' or 'poison' from a bacterial infection.  An 'advanced' toxemia 'crisis' may be a consequence under certain circumstance of a case of pneumonia, but is not ever and always a result of pneumonia and is never mistaken for pneumonia. I am afraid your education in medical matters is compromised by a reliance upon 19th century quackery ... 


To explain this by means of an analogy that might be better understood, imagine a vaccine that made you immune to coughing.

An analogy, to be useful in argument, should be carefully wrought. Your analogy does not make sense and does not 'map.'  Coughing has variable 'causes.'  One might cough because of many reasons or medical conditions. There are no vaccines to immunize against coughing per se. The immunity is always specific to a an organism or infective agent. 

Here's the problem, Jerry. You are stuck fast  in a medical model that does not account for varied causes of infection: virus, bacteria, fungus, parasites ... so you cannot or will not accept that an infection by these factors is subject to medical solution.  You don't accept, as it were, a 'germ theory of disease" nor the actual agency of antibiotics. That gets you to about 1844 or so.


A cough is an attempt to remove an obstruction to breathing. What if you had an immunity to coughing and therefore could not cough (automatically) and then you had an obstruction to breathing? Would immunity to coughing be a good thing? I think it would be better to retain the ability to cough (automatically) and avoid obstructions to breathing.

Ask someone with cystic fibrosis about coughing. 

But here is another thing -- the connection between 'toxemia,' coughing, and pneumonia does not hang together in analogy.  Pneumonia is a bacterial infection.  Vaccination to prevent  infection does not guarantee no infection, but lessens the odds. And that vaccination does not immunize against coughing. Someone immunized against pneumococcal disease can still cough.  Moreover,  the immunizing agent is not a 'toxin' as understood by medicine.   The immunizing agent is a simulacra or fragment or 'killed' agent of infection.  It is not 'toxic' to cellular activity, and it does not create a knock-on 'toxemic' shock in the organism.

(there is a complicated relationship between toxins [the byproduct of a living organism] and the body. A toxin is 'made' in process; consider neurotoxins ... )

It doesn't always work, immunization. So the person could still fall ill with pneumonia, and could still fall more ill  -- if the bacterial infection 'breaks through'  to contaminate the bloodstream. In which case, that person could die from an untreated 'toxic shock.'

For an example from post-1844 history, consider the Toxic Shock Syndrome associated with super-absorbent tampon use. Consider pre-eclampsia, a complication of childbirth. Consider sepsis and septic shock ... these are all consequences of infection, a problematic immune response.  In today's world these are all dangerous and potentially life-threatening, but treatable.  Although often fatal, such conditions have been removed from being almost always fatal ... by prompt and intelligent treatment of the actual problem.

Put toxic shock to bed on a fast, and you most likely get a corpse -- without medical attention.


Avoiding the necessity for pneumonia is very easy. Failing that, pneumonia can be reversed in 3 to 5 days by fasting and sleeping with little discomfort.

I know that your supportive information is off stage, in the box called Magic Trall Fast.  But can you try to sketch out how no treatment but fasting can reverse a bacterial infection of the lungs?  And then can you apply your awesome toolkit to a complication of pneumonia -- say, septic shock?


So I don't see pneumonia as a big deal and I don't see the logic of injecting poison into my bloodstream even if it does succeed in weakening my body's defense (the ability to produce a toxemia crisis).

This is nonsense.  There is no 'toxemia crisis'-producing aspect of the body in a positive sense -- as a defense -- it is the shock-crisis that kills. If and when bacteria enters the blood-stream, it is the reaction of the immune system that can bring on death by shock.  There is also an important difference between poison and toxin, which difference you seem ignorant of.

I shouldn't bother countering your irrationality and confusion, but I'd like to think that an Objectivish attention to reality is more valuable than quackery, more valuable than mistaken notions, more valuable than arguments from personal incredulity.  

Edited by william.scherk
Punctuation. Added links to Wiki: sepsis / septic shock
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15 hours ago, jts said:

About vitamin C and Pauling:  He advocated huge doses of vitamin C, far more than you are likely to easily get from food. It happens that vitamin C works together with some phytochemicals that enable vitamin C to be recycled, used repeatedly, so a little vitamin C might go a long way. So super large amounts of vitamin C might be unecessary if it comes from a good diet instead of pure vitamin C.


One of the alleged benefits of vitamin c is it boosts ones immune system. I've been taking 1-2 grams of buffered C, daily, since the 80's, when I read Pearson & Shaw's book "Life Extension" The amount of times I've had a cold in all these years can be counted on one hand...and never lasted more than a few days. Add to that I have not been bedridden with a fever. Now would these results have been the same without the C? I can't say with certainty, but I have no intention of stopping the supplementation now.

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Some news on the medical front. A fresh two-page letter from Mrs Clinton's personal physician, and some leaks from Mr Trump's appearance with Dr Oz set to broadcast tomorrow. I guess Dr Oz gets to see the newest equivalent two-page letter from Trump's physician, but that document is not going to be released just yet.  One leak has Dr Oz remarking that Trump is slightly overweight, at 267 lbs.  I predict minor-league hoopla over that healthy bulk. 




Donald Trump Shows Dr. Oz His Health Documents

This image released by Sony Pictures Entertainment shows Dr. Oz, left, and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during a taping of 'The Dr. Oz Show,' in New York.ENLARGE
This image released by Sony Pictures Entertainment shows Dr. Oz, left, and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during a taping of 'The Dr. Oz Show,' in New York. PHOTO: ASSOCIATED PRESS


Edited by william.scherk
Added snippet and picture of Trump and Oz looking businesslike on a TV set.
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1 hour ago, BaalChatzaf said:

That bulk is NOT healthy.   

It certainly is not. He obviously feasts on carbs and avoids exercise. --J

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On 9/12/2016 at 2:09 PM, BaalChatzaf said:

Lucky you.  I had it twice before I finally got vaccinated. 

What's lucky about me is my parents and their ancestors. I expect to make it to 95.


and they had brains (I'm the dummy--sort of--and the one with the hair problem)

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The days of build-up to the great Reveal are about to end. Today we learn more about what Doctor Oz thinks about doctor's letters and other good things. From the Wall Street Journal and ABC News : 


The Dr. Oz video clip doesn’t give any details on what the papers say. Audience members quoted by various news outlets said Mr. Trump discussed his weight-loss goals and his effort to lower his cholesterol levels.

Asked about his exercise regimen, Mr. Trump said his campaigning kept him fit. “Donald Trump said that he makes a lot of speeches, and that his hand gesturing is the main source of his exercise,” Daniel Sinasohn, an audience member, said on MSNBC. “That’s how he exercises.”

Mr. Trump, who is well-known for eating fast food, defended his diet by saying “at least you know what’s in it,” Sinasohn said.

“He self-admitted he could lose a few pounds, but I think that’s most of America,” Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a Trump campaign adviser, told MSNBC about the New York businessman’s appearance on the Dr. Oz show.



The campaign described the information as medical records, but it only consisted of a one-page letter from Dr. Harold Bornstein and a letter from Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City which shows that Bornstein had been reappointed to its staff and has clinical privileges at the hospital.

The cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels listed in the letter were obtained during a physical exam that Trump had on Friday Sept. 9.

His blood pressure and cholesterol levels are within normal levels, as is his testosterone level.

The letter listed that Trump had a echocardiogram of his heart and a chest x-ray performed, but did not disclose why these tests were performed. While he has talked about members of his family who have grappled with alcoholism or Alzheimer's disease, the letter did not address this in the mention of his family health history. The letter also did not mention his current mental health.

The weight of 267 pounds is likely a misheard or mischievous re-telling. Today we can read that his weight is actually 236 pounds, with a body-ass index of 29.5.

For Mr Trump to 'give' his doctor's letter to Dr Oz -- instead of releasing it publicly -- seems a TV showman move, rather than an attempt to conceal or deceive. Why not drag out the drama, if in the end he gives over to public view the same kind of detail that Mrs Clinton's physician provided her?

Keep it sizzling. Give the Hoopla-machinery staff something to chew on.

[Added:] apparently, Mr Trump provided his Dr Garcia letter to some of The Them at the Washington Post. I will post it in comparison to Mr Clinton's note from Not Dr Garcia, if and when it comes out from behind a paywall.

I am guessing that this hoopla too will pass. As long as Mrs Clinton is not delivered to the first debate on a gurney, there is still 'life' in this contest.

Now I am going out to do hand-gesture exercise. I expect to break quite a sweat.

[Added:]  -- the doctors letter via Twitter via WaPo via Trump via his good doctor:


Edited by william.scherk
Added doctor note
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5 hours ago, william.scherk said:

The days of build-up to the great Reveal are about to end. Today we learn more about what Doctor Oz thinks about doctor's letters and other good things. From the Wall Street Journal and ABC News : 


The weight of 267 pounds is likely a misheard or mischievous re-telling. Today we can read that his weight is actually 236 pounds, with a body-ass index of 29.5.

For Mr Trump to 'give' his doctor's letter to Dr Oz -- instead of releasing it publicly -- seems a TV showman move, rather than an attempt to conceal or deceive. Why not drag out the drama, if in the end he gives over to public view the same kind of detail that Mrs Clinton's physician provided her?

Keep it sizzling. Give the Hoopla-machinery staff something to chew on.

[Added:] apparently, Mr Trump provided his Dr Garcia letter to some of The Them at the Washington Post. I will post it in comparison to Mr Clinton's note from Not Dr Garcia, if and when it comes out from behind a paywall.

I am guessing that this hoopla too will pass. As long as Mrs Clinton is not delivered to the first debate on a gurney, there is still 'life' in this contest.

Now I am going out to do hand-gesture exercise. I expect to break quite a sweat.

[Added:]  -- the doctors letter via Twitter via WaPo via Trump via his good doctor:


He has the same b.p. as I do.  236 pounds is still too much even for a six footer.   On the other hand he does not appear to be in immediate danger  of a stroke or a cardiac event.


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If Hillary  becomes very ill because of her electoral loss,  I am willing to bet there will be people who blame Hillary's illness on Trump.

I have a feeling we shall soon see if that is the case in the not too distant future. 

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