Gay Mullah?

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Gay Mullah?

How about something a little different today?

I learned two things this morning. The first is that there was a gay mullah in Iran who married gay couples. He is no longer in Iran, but he is still marrying gay couples. I didn't even know gays could marry under Islam. The second is that there are gay zones in Istanbul, Turkey, where the gay community can hang out.

I don't think this kind of issue will be discussed much in our subcommunity, or among conservatives, which is why we have to get it from a progressive site.

But I see this as a seismic shift of the Overton Window in the Islamic world. Not that it is widespread (which it isn't), but that it exists at all and is public in an Islamic country. Not to mention the complication that gay mullah must have lived during his time in Iran.

If Islamic culture is to change, it won't happen with an on-off switch. It has to happen from within. And although I don't believe the government (secular or theocratic) should be in the marriage business, this situation is so extreme and different from the perspective of traditionalist Muslims, they have to pay attention to it.

I can just see books start being written. This does have all the elements for great conflict, both personal and social, so it would be one hell of a good novel or true story (like the true story crimes books) if it were done right.


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