Alex Jones in All His Glory

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Alex Jones in All His Glory

If you ever wonder why Alex Jones has such a fervent following, it's not because of the paranoia or constant exposés. There are plenty of people who do that and don't get anywhere near the public Alex does.

It's because of moments like the following. I'm speaking of the underlying emotion of goodwill toward humanity (even those he targets). This creates a strong bond, especially with those who are afraid.

The emotion emerge periodically in most of the videos I have seen him do, just for a second or few, then he goes back to blasting his targets. Sometimes it goes on for awhile, sometimes it happens a lot in short bursts, sometimes only once or twice, sometimes not at all.

But it happens enough to create a background, what in fiction would be called an underlying emotion from his backstory.

Frankly, it's a pretty good moment. 

Granted, seeing Alex Jones in swimming attire is not everybody's cup of tea.



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