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A price like that probably means it's a textbook, that is, a trickle-down form of crony capitalism.

High textbook prices are held in place by the books being mandatory for courses and their cost not being felt (until later) because of student loans--which are held in place by the government, which is why universities also can be so expensive.

On the unencumbered free market, that particular book at that price wouldn't sell more than 100 copies or so, not because of the quality of the material, but by the nature of it. And 13 grand would basically cover the cost of a vanity printing with not much more left over.

At a lower price, it would sell a lot more. But the unencumbered free market is not the target customer for that book. The coerced student is. So the price can go through the roof.


College and the Worthless Wonder continue to merge.


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