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16 minutes ago, caroljane said:

Indeed it does. It sounds like something a person did say who is bigoted against Jon Letendre. "an individual" as the courts say, but I have seen no evidence of individuality in him, nothing that he doesn't get direct from Trump Worshippers headquarters or Conspiracy Today. His obscene juvenile attacks on me are justified , because I am a leftist, and any filth he throws is fair, because after all, the left is always worse than anything the right could ever do, or say . I am bigoted, against bigots like him, oh yes.

You betcha.

Now if you will excuse me, I am late for my Luciferian study group at the Reformed Brandenite Brotherhood.

One would hope that a person would stick to attacking a person’s ideas and not stoop to attacking the person.  I know I did, and I am sorry for doing so.  Yup fell back into the SOLO mode and am feeling a little..sullied for doing so.

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29 minutes ago, caroljane said:

It sounds like something a person did say who is bigoted against Jon Letendre. "an individual" as the courts say...


Actually, it sounds more collective than that. It sounds like you feel superior to Trump supporters (at least the white middle class ones) in the same way white Southerners used to feel about blacks--that you are a superior form of human and they an inferior partly-human animal of sorts. A bigot against those people. That's what it sounds like.

30 minutes ago, caroljane said:

You betcha.

It this context, imitating Sarah Palin with contemptuous sarcasm is a perfect example of something such a bigot against people like Sarah Palin would say.

Maybe that's not your intent, but it sure comes off that way.

As to the flame warring, I am mulling over wisdom, not just rule-following. I am pretty sure this will work itself out before too long. My intent is not to host a place where flame warring is what it's all about. So let's see how things work out.

To my knowledge, there are no serial killers, pedophiles or sadists on OL, so I am optimistic.



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 About the Film: Operation Toussaint tells the story of Operation Underground Railroad’s beginning and founder Tim Ballard who left his post as a special agent for the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security to form Operation Underground Railroad and go undercover to rescue child sex trafficking victims that he couldn’t save when bound by government restrictions. Join Tim and his expert team of specialists as they go undercover in Haiti to bring a ring of sex traffickers who bribed their way out of jail to justice. This is a story of courage, faith, and hope.


“Snicker, tee, hee, did you go to college, even at all?” and other “legitimate questions”  from Carol and Billyboy, some of the finest  scum on earth in three, two, one...

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Stormy is being politically persecuted. Trump had her arrested:

In today's world, it's horrifying for a presidential candidate to have bragged during some adolescent so-called "locker room" talk that when you're a star, women let you grab them by the pussy, but there's a double standard in that a woman can grab others by their various personal parts, including the personal parts of police officers, and it's okay! Her lawyer says it's no biggie, and that she does it all the time.

Anyway, Trump is an authoritarian Hitler dude for having personally ordered the cops to go and get her.


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Trump dubs himself 'stable genius,' calls NATO summit a success



[...] One reporter, during the press conference, asked if Trump's message would change once he departed on Air Force One, perhaps referring to tweets that followed G7 talks, in which Trump turned on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Macron.

“That's other people that do that," Trump replied. "I don't. I'm very consistent. I'm a very stable genius.”

Trump, who is scheduled to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki Monday, blasted Germany earlier this week for its billion-dollar natural gas deal with Moscow. But on Thursday, he said he was ready to sit down with Putin.

“He’s a competitor," Trump said. "Somebody was saying is he an enemy? He’s not my enemy. Is he your friend? No, I don’t know him very much. But the couple of times I’ve met him, we’ve gotten along well…. Hopefully, someday, maybe he’ll be a friend. It could happen." 



FoxNews video:

See also: Chris Wallace Announces Exclusive Interview With Vladimir Putin Monday After Trump Summit




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The Left is losing its shit over not being allowed to anonymously wreck and destroy order and violate their fellow citizens rights...


“The law is effectively a modern take on anti-mask laws dating back to the mid-20th century in order to stop the violent activities of the Ku Klux Klan - and the left is predictably pissed.”


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This video features the press conference President Trump held today in Europe:


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10 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

Trump dubs himself 'stable genius,' calls NATO summit a success

FoxNews video:

See also: Chris Wallace Announces Exclusive Interview With Vladimir Putin Monday After Trump Summit




He certainly knows how to play you.

Anyway, is Trump stable? Yes, absolutely. He's always calm in the face of the left's constant emotional instability. He has no fear where a McCain or Romney would be caving in and begging for approval. You haven't had the effect on him that you wish. Is he a genius? I don't know. Possibly. Maybe, maybe not. He's definitely genius at putting burrs under lefties' saddles and leading them around by their noses. Is his calling himself a stable genius silly? Sure, but its much less silly than Obama believing that the world needs "a million young Barack and Michelle Obamas." Produce nothing during your entire life, acquire power and make a mess of everything, and then self-grade yourself as needing to be cloned a million times in order to save the world? Heh. Trump has never come close to overrating himself that badly.

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10 minutes ago, Anger Management Franchisee said:



It's a photo of the Black Bloc attacking Toronto police vehicles during the G-20 riots in 2010

Via Zerohedge's pseudonymous "Tyler Durden," from July 10:


Introduced to the House Judiciary Committee by Rep. Dan Donovan (R-NY) and co-sponsored by Peter King (R-NY), Ted Budd (R-NC) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ). H.R. 6054, the "Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018" states: 

Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, while in disguise, including while wearing a mask, injures, oppresses, threatens, or intimidates any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 15 years, or both.

The bill also includes 2 years of jail time for "Destroying buildings or property" while wearing a mask or disguise. 

One of the more notable incidents of Antifa violence was an assault on a Trump supporter by Bay Area professor and anarchist, Eric Clanton, who was "unmasked" by users of popular internet forums and arrested and charged with four counts of assault with a deadly weapon. Clanton remains free on bail, while his trial has been postponed several times.

According to the Congressional site that tracks bills, HR 6054, was introduced June 8, and sent to the House Judiciary Committee ...

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Holy crap! Stormy Daniels was arrested for human trafficking in part of a long term sex trafficking operation. Remember there are claims she was in the NXIVM child sex trafficking cult! #Pedogate #Pizzagate #QAnon
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The Democrats can kiss Nov goodbye. President Trump will receive the backing of the American people, and, come January, 2019, Trump will enjoy the full cooperation of the entire US government.


“It may be a surprise, but President Trump is nowhere near as unpopular among minority voters as the biased mainstream media suggest. Why is that? In a word, jobs. Trump, it turns out, has been the most consequential president in history when it comes to minority employment. In June, for instance, the unemployment rate for Hispanics and Latinos 16 years and older fell to 4.6%, its lowest level ever, from 4.9% in May.”

Despite a relentless media barrage aimed at Trump and his immigration policies, a new Harvard/Harris Poll found a 10% rise in approval for Trump among Hispanic.”


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45 minutes ago, Liz Crokin said:
Holy crap! Stormy Daniels was arrested for human trafficking

No, Liz. She was charged with three counts of putting her boobs too close to undercover dick's faces in a strip club. Your tweet appears to reflect an inability to connect dots correctly.

Here's a video of trangender Giuli and Man about Pussy Town demonstrating the boob action scenario.


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36 minutes ago, Jon Letendre said:

The Democrats can kiss Nov goodbye. President Trump will receive the backing of the American people, and, come January, 2019, Trump will enjoy the full cooperation of the entire US government.


“It may be a surprise, but President Trump is nowhere near as unpopular among minority voters as the biased mainstream media suggest. Why is that? In a word, jobs. Trump, it turns out, has been the most consequential president in history when it comes to minority employment. In June, for instance, the unemployment rate for Hispanics and Latinos 16 years and older fell to 4.6%, its lowest level ever, from 4.9% in May.”

Despite a relentless media barrage aimed at Trump and his immigration policies, a new Harvard/Harris Poll found a 10% rise in approval for Trump among Hispanic.”


“If it is no longer the consensus among black people that we all need government assistance to survive, and we start thinking for ourselves in large numbers and making the two parties compete for our votes, then the Democratic Party is finished.”
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