Father Thrown Out Of Meeting

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Hey don't know if any of you guys saw this.


I was wondering if whether or not you felt he should have been thrown out of the meeting and I am curious as to your guys opinion on the whole "inappropriate books" in school thing?

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The issue is about a book that has an explicit sex passage in it, describing ejaculation and everything. The father was upset this was required reading for his middle-school 14 year old daughter. Kind of a no-brainer to me.

I don't know how far the thuggishness of the cop was due to following orders to enforce this crap or just getting off on power. Either way, he shamed himself (but see if he cares).

Pat, one of Glenn Beck's sidekicks does a hilarious imitation of Al Gore where he put a little more weight on the lisp than normal. He read the racy part of the book on radio using his Al Gore accent. Even though he fudged over the dirty words, it was still a hoot.


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But as Kant would say wasn't the cop just doing his duty hahha, I am kidding. I do have a question though, if it was a private school would you believe they had the right to give the students the book?


David C.

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The Blaze article doesn't give us enough to go on. We'd need at least a few minutes' video with a chance to see if he really was disruptive and really refused to yield. The father says that he was being arrested merely for running over the two-minute limit, but he's not the most reliable source on this. I can't help being reminded of the student thugs who, since the 1960s, have claimed that obstruction and violence are expressions of free speech.

A private school has a right to assign any book an adult could legitimately read. You could make exceptions for libel or copyright violation, but the same principles would apply here as anywhere else. (If they want to give the kids rough sex, I'd hope they'd assign The Fountainhead.)

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Marina, Baer's fourteen (14) year old daughter addresses the school board quite effectively in under one (1) minute...


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It isn't really a public vs private school issue. Private schools assign reading. Parents can object to it. It's no different.

Hunger Games is popular assigned reading for kids as young as the one in this story. That's explicit teen on teen murder, for the entertainment of adults, no less. Nineteen Minutes is explicit teen on teen sex. This is tough subject material for children. Some are more prepared for it than others, and it's the parents' responsibility, and right, to limit exposure as necessary.

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