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Media Matters Employees Feel 'Betrayed' By Management's Opposition To Their Union
by Dave Jamieson
April 28, 2004
Huffington Post

From the article:

The apparent decision by executives at Media Matters for America to oppose the unionization of their staff has left employees at the progressive media watchdog feeling stunned and betrayed, according to a statement from pro-union workers.

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In a statement Monday, workers identifying themselves as the Media Matters Organizing Committee voiced their disappointment at management's decision. They said that many of them "feel betrayed," left to wonder if they can advocate a pro-labor message under an employer "who is challenging our right to unionize" with the Service Employees International Union. Their statement in full:

"Media Matters employees often write in defense of organized labor, and our work has demonstrated the virtues of organizing through card-check and the perils of being forced through a protracted NLRB election process. It is fitting, then, that we've chosen to unionize and attempt to lead our own lives by the principles we regularly advocate for in our work."

"The actions of Media Matters executives have placed employees in the impossible position of continuing to produce content espousing pro-labor values for an employer who is challenging our right to unionize. Not only is management subjecting Media Matters employees to arduous NLRB procedures, the actions of their attorneys indicate Media Matters executives object so tenaciously to our union that they appear willing to prevent employees from ever having the opportunity to vote on the matter."

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