How flames flame in a free falling vehicle


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You really must see this.

This is how flames burn on ISS.

The video in the article is about 4:30 min long. Very interesting and it has some practical applications.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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“An indescribable sensation seized me. I could not tell up from down. I had lost all bodily weight. … The slightest springing effort, sent me slowly from one side of the balloon to the opposite.” He accurately described a candle flame in zero-g: “The flame of the taper became globular and less luminous; -- the heated air from it, seemingly not knowing which way to rise, diffused itself slowly in every direction.” -- Orrin Lindsay’s Plan of Aerial Navigation with a Narrative of his Explorations in the Higher Regions of the Atmosphere and his Wonderful Voyage Round the Moon! by John Leonard Riddell. (New Orleans: Rea’s Power Press Office, 55 Magazine Street; 1847).

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“An indescribable sensation seized me. I could not tell up from down. I had lost all bodily weight. … The slightest springing effort, sent me slowly from one side of the balloon to the opposite.” He accurately described a candle flame in zero-g: “The flame of the taper became globular and less luminous; -- the heated air from it, seemingly not knowing which way to rise, diffused itself slowly in every direction.” -- Orrin Lindsay’s Plan of Aerial Navigation with a Narrative of his Explorations in the Higher Regions of the Atmosphere and his Wonderful Voyage Round the Moon! by John Leonard Riddell. (New Orleans: Rea’s Power Press Office, 55 Magazine Street; 1847).

That was an excellent speculation. In 1847 the physics of the day would not have produced the prediction. It was only after the development of thermodynamics (some 20 later) that the above prediction would have followed from the physics.

Every so often people guess things rights.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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