How to be deliberately provocative AND "tongue-in-cheek"

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Rush Limbaugh (not always my favorite due to his irresistible tendency to put his foot in his mouth - or other orifice)

How to simultaneously - be deliberately provocative, with tongue-in-cheek ,barely disguised gloating,... and stick it to the Obama Administration, the MSM, and the Al Sharpton wanna-bes.

Opening Commentary on his program: (slight paraphrase) on the George Zimmerman trial:

"You know, I had this dream last night, ...that Obama made a sincere gesture at improving race relations, by announcing that he had appointed George Zimmerman to replace outgoing Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano!.

then I woke up with a start! And realized that Obama would be unlikely to do it!"

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LOL. Rush seems to have adopted this style of never being quite serious, probably to avoid being quoted as saying anything offensive. I think it started after he was accused of calling Sandra Fluke a slut. He has always put humor in his show, but now, I think, he is consciously never quite serious. It's hard for his opponents to twist a joke around to their advantage.

Caveat: I don't listen that often, so it could just be my mistaken impression.


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Caveat: I don't listen that often, so it could just be my mistaken impression.


You are. For almost twenty-five [25] years he has been doing his dead pan humor. One of the reasons that his show is so popular is because of the humor that is woven into his commentary.

The man is a genius.

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He's always done dead-pan humor, but I've also heard him get pretty serious, just not recently.

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday called attention to Zimmerman trial witness Rachel Jeantel’s most recent public remarks, arguing that they demonstrate that race was not involved at all in Zimmerman’s shooting of Martin, and that in fact Martin may have attacked Zimmerman for an entirely different reason: Because Martin was “a gay-basher.”

Appearing on CNN’s Piers Morgan Live last night, Jeantel explained that during her telephone conversation with Trayvon Martin on the night of his death, she warned Martin to run from George Zimmerman because he might be a rapist:

PIERS MORGAN: And he was freaked out by it?

RACHEL JEANTEL: Yes. Definitely, after I say ‘may be a rapist,’ for every boy, for every man, every — who’s not that kind of way, seeing a grown man following them, would they be creep out? … And people need to understand, he didn’t want that creepy ass cracker going to his father or girlfriend’s house to go get — mind you, his little brother was there. You know — now, mind you, I told you — I told Trayvon it might have been a rapist.

Jeantel went on to say that any parent who would encourage his child to remain standing calmly in the face of such a threat — rather than to run or fight — would be likely to see his child “in the news for a missing person.”

UPDATE: Rush Limbaugh offered additional commentary in the second hour of his syndicated radio program this afternoon, saying, “I have offered a viewpoint of what Rachel Jeantel said that the left does not want out there.” He added:

she did allude to the homosexual aspect of this [during the trial]; but you know, if I really wanted to stir it up, I would make the case that it was Zimmerman’s civil rights that got violated. Here you’ve got Zimmerman, a properly accredited neighborhood-watch captain, or whatever his title was . . . and you’ve got this guy beating up on him because he thinks he’s gay. I mean that sounds like a civil rights violation to me! [evident sarcasm]. . . The way I’ve been conditioned in this country, that sounds like a hate crime to me!

Limbaugh continued, “What do you think the left will do with that, once they learn that it was Zimmerman’s rights that got violated?”

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He's always done dead-pan humor, but I've also heard him get pretty serious, just not recently.

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday called attention to Zimmerman trial witness Rachel Jeantel’s most recent public remarks, arguing that they demonstrate that race was not involved at all in Zimmerman’s shooting of Martin, and that in fact Martin may have attacked Zimmerman for an entirely different reason: Because Martin was “a gay-basher.”

Appearing on CNN’s Piers Morgan Live last night, Jeantel explained that during her telephone conversation with Trayvon Martin on the night of his death, she warned Martin to run from George Zimmerman because he might be a rapist:

Jeantel went on to say that any parent who would encourage his child to remain standing calmly in the face of such a threat — rather than to run or fight — would be likely to see his child “in the news for a missing person.”

PIERS MORGAN: And he was freaked out by it?

RACHEL JEANTEL: Yes. Definitely, after I say ‘may be a rapist,’ for every boy, for every man, every — who’s not that kind of way, seeing a grown man following them, would they be creep out? … And people need to understand, he didn’t want that creepy ass cracker going to his father or girlfriend’s house to go get — mind you, his little brother was there. You know — now, mind you, I told you — I told Trayvon it might have been a rapist.

UPDATE: Rush Limbaugh offered additional commentary in the second hour of his syndicated radio program this afternoon, saying, “I have offered a viewpoint of what Rachel Jeantel said that the left does not want out there.” He added:

Limbaugh continued, “What do you think the left will do with that, once they learn that it was Zimmerman’s rights that got violated?”

she did allude to the homosexual aspect of this [during the trial]; but you know, if I really wanted to stir it up, I would make the case that it was Zimmerman’s civil rights that got violated. Here you’ve got Zimmerman, a properly accredited neighborhood-watch captain, or whatever his title was . . . and you’ve got this guy beating up on him because he thinks he’s gay. I mean that sounds like a civil rights violation to me! [evident sarcasm]. . . The way I’ve been conditioned in this country, that sounds like a hate crime to me!

And how, in fact, did the Left and its ally, the MSM, respond to Rush? Did they deal with Rush's main point, that Trayvon's girlfriend admitted that she told him on her cellphone that he might be being stalked by a gay person who wanted to rape him? No, of course not. Instead they started putting out news stories the "Rush now says it all right for him to use the word nigga because Jentel said it's not (!!) a racial epithet.

Now Rush is no fool. He's been around long enough to know that the Left just loves to exaggerate or distort anything he says. But unfortunately, he needlessly keeps giving them ammunition. He could have stated his main point, which he said was being ignored by the media. And by god, El Rushbo is the man to expose it all.Well, duh, they didn't report that part. Instead, they chose his statement that he could now call anyone "nigga!", and left out the rest See The news report in The Huffington Post or any other news outlet..

So, I posted the following on the comments section:

"Media Matters is being deceptive. They present here only the first part of Rush's commentary on what Rachel Jeantel said on CNN, implying that Limbaugh only wanted to have the chance to repeat her use of "ni**a", WITHOUT presenting his main point, what Jeanel told the CNN interviewers that she said on her cellphone to Trayvon, that she warned him that the person following him (Zimmerman) may be gay and possibly stalking him to rape him. If true, that would explain Trayvon's subsequent altercation with Zimmerman. BUT MEDIAMATTERS DECIDED NOT TO SHARE THAT PART OF RUSH's COMMENTARY. Gee, I wonder why?"

Did they post it? Not that I could find. Most of the comments (many hundreds) were shouting for Rush's blood, want him kicked off the air, etc.

So Rush took a perfectly good news story,...and managed to blow it with his gratuitous remarys a "nigga."

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