Abortion doctor found guilty of first degree murder, three counts so far.


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VERDICT: Jury decides fate of Gosnell A jury has reached a verdict in the trial of the Philadelphia abortionist charged with three counts of first-degree murder.

Kermit Gosnell was charged with killing newborns who were born alive following "late-term" abortions.


I have lost track of an article I read which chastised Nancy Pelosi for advocating a woman's right to a late term partial birth abortion. It was written by a pro life person obviously. It was rather explicit about how it is done. It didn't say why the procedure was being done, what the reason was for the decision by the pregnant woman or whether somehow it was meant to save her life?

I warn you it is rather hard to bear. Gosnell would essentially deliver the baby and then make an incision in the back of its neck and cut the spinal cord. But the accepted partial birth procedure would be to turn the baby in the womb into a breech position, then to deliver both legs and both arms keeping the head inside the birth canal but exposing the neck and base of the skull. A suction tube would be inserted into the head and the brain would be suctioned out enabling the skull to collapse to facilitate removal of the now dead call it what you will.

Now Dr. Gosnell stands guilty of first degree murder. At least the Spartans would examine newborns and only throw deformed ones down a cliff.

This is one reason I chose not to become an obstetrician but then I was even horrified witnessing a first trimester therapeutic abortion.

I can think of an eye for an eye type of procedure to apply to end the doctors life. Scalpel! Suction!

See how he likes it!


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A newborn human is clearly a human. But is a newborn human a person?

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Egads what a horrible context.

Why late term in the first place? Why be the facilitator of such a process?

To the point of personhood, is it moral to not provide a man(person) with sustenance?

Should he have said "sorry I did not end the biologic processes of the fetus, you must take the resultant being and decide, for yourself, to withhold what is known as the requirements of biologic developement from it.(?)

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Abortion is such a difficult subject. Where is that line between fetus-hood and person-hood? And who draws that line? And how do we know when the line is crossed for each individual person?

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To the point of personhood, is it moral to not provide a man(person) with sustenance?

The only people you are legally obliged to feed are your legal dependents, primarily your underage children. You are under lo obligation to feed a stranger unless you have made a legally binding contract with him (and received payment) for feeding him.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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