Breitbart's outrage machine lives on


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In some recent discussions we've had in other threads in which Breitbart was mentioned, I was surprised to learn that Breitbart has supporters on this site, to include some guys I've know for a long time. (I'm always surprised to find that Breitbart ever had supporters anywhere)

That compelled me to stroll on over the and give it another look... you know, just to see if maybe I was being too hard on the guy. Maybe he wasn't so bad as I remember.. maybe he was just a guy who was trying to fight against big government in his own way, right?

So this is what I find.

And it provoked a couple thoughts in my mind....

First, the article is straight bullshit, from start to finish. It is such an inversion of anything remotely resembling reality that he might as well be accusing the Pope of threatening to imprison all pro-lifers. Every night at exactly 10PM, I am subject to what is supposed to be an "evening prayer" over the ship's intercom, but which turns out to be a mini-sermon followed by a prayer in Jesus's name. This is every freaking night. This is over the intercom, where no one can escape hearing it.

I eat lunch every day with the two ship's chaplains. I am familiar with the other chaplains on the ship as well (there are four of them altogether). They do several worship services in the chapel every day. They are flown to shore when the landing force has exercises in order to conduct services for those servicemen. The ship tried to do a sunrise worship service on Easter last moth, and would have, had operational circumstances not gotten in the way.

Religious proselytization is alive and well in the military, and is not going anywhere. Mikey Weinstein is doing what he can to ensure that the military cannot use the force of law to preselytize to unwilling servicemen, as they have been doing for years in violation of the constitution, but he is not making any attempt to subject anyone to a court-martial just for professing their beliefs.

Again, the article is pure bullshit. It's not misguided, it's not misinformed, it's not hyperbole. It's dishonest bullshit, propogated to advance a theocratic agenda.

The military hires people to preach, for freak's sake.

But the other thought I had was... I wonder if Mr. Jerry Biggers would consider this article, with it's HUGE headline font, its alarmist theme, and its clear sense of urgency in the face of religion being oppressed by the big bad government machine to be SCREAMING, OUTRAGED, ANGRY, HOPPING MAD, etc...

And all those who were trying to explain to me how a media source can create undue emphasis on a story to further their own political agenda... do you hold to that same standard? If so, how do you feel this article meets up?

Because remember... we were all debating about whether an obscure article about a billboard qualified as the pushing of a GSTP™ agenda item. So, does this clearly sensationalistic, clearly untrue article provoke the same sense of outrage in my hard-right-leaning friends?

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... do you hold to that same standard?

I do.


Yes, I am confident that you do.

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I'm not going to defend or this article, and I agree with most of Kacy's points in this instance. I do want to point out that Andrew Breitbart died in 2012 and is not synonymous with or its current staff of columnists. I have heard some here defending Andrew Breitbart, the person, or such alternative media as generally (and with many qualifiers), but I have not personally witnessed anyone engaging in a blanket defense of every columnist on

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I have not personally witnessed anyone engaging in a blanket defense of every columnist on


Nor will you.


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I'd never read or anything by B. No videos, no nothing. I did read he may have been poisoned by a guy he met who spiked his glass of wine. is on it's face a bs site (I looked), but I did not go inside, and it's practically self-refuting to anyone using his brain, and that's just the home page.


no need to go inside, but if you feel contrary I suggest rubber boots and gloves and serious facial protection or even a HazMat suit

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