These Dorks Are What Democracy Looks Like

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These Dorks Are What Democracy Looks Like


Here's a YouTube video of a dude, Luke Rudkowski, who says he does not support Mitt Romney.


Well, maybe...


But if he doesn't Romney, I don't know why he made a video embarrassing only Obama supporters. It's not like there are no dorky Romney supporters he could bamboozle in the same manner.


Basically, he stopped people on the streets of New York and asked them if they supported Obama. If they said yes, he asked them what they thought about some policies that Mitt Romney intended to enact if elected.


The trick is that these are policies that Obama has already done.


You should hear the folks bashing them. Total disagreement. Moral indignation. Blah blah blah about freedom and the Constitution. Then the look on their faces when he revealed what he had done. It's priceless. One dude even said Rudkowski got his facts wrong. He was civil, but you could tell he was royally pissed.


Here's the video:



For as funny as this is (and it is hilarious), I believe Rudkowski blew an excellent chance to make an important cultural statement that could do some good. He needed to do the Romney people, too.


The message should be (and is probably intended to be) a call to rise--that a person needs to get correctly informed of the facts about why he or she supports one candidate or the other.


Instead, we get a pure unadulterated "dirty-tricks" kind of Romney support video, with Rudkowski saying he doesn't support Romney in any shape or form.




It's comforting to know that the vote of each person Rudkowski interviewed bears the same worth as mine.


Here's a double positive adding up to a negative that expresses what I feel:


Yeah, right...


Or more to the point:







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