A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Benghazigate

Michael Stuart Kelly

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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Benghazigate

Sometimes you read something that is just so stupid, you wonder how on earth our politicians manage to use their brains for anything but eating, procreating and embezzling. Some of them just keep on digging the hole they fell in as they yell they want to get out.

But not all. There's one thing I admire in Ambassador Susan Rice. After she crapped all over herself in public, on five major TV talk shows on the same day at that, no one has heard a peep out of her. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

She knows that anything further she says will only dig her deeper in, so she is working backstage (I presume) to find someone to pull her out.

But now Hillary has jumped into her hole and is digging like mad. Ironically, Hillary Clinton might finish off Rice by going down in flames and taking Rice with her.

Look at these latest words of wisdom from Artillery Hillary:

Hillary Clinton urges caution on newly released emails detailing Libya attack

October 24, 2012


From the article:

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton cautioned that a newly released State Department communication sent during the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi is "not in and of itself evidence" that the administration had definitively assessed the assault as a terrorist attack from the beginning.

Of course she would urge caution. This administration needs more time to get its story straight. The problem is... the clock ran out.

I guess after all the time they have had so far, Hillary figures she can stall some more.

But this thing is blowing up big time. Fox News is going ape-doody and the entire conservative press machine is following. The Progressive press will not be able to ignore this one for much longer, although they are still doing a good job of it.

Hillary should have taken a lesson from Rick Perry when he stepped in it right in front of the whole world (during the primary debates when he had a memory lapse on saying what a major issue was right after he said he was going to say it). He said, "Oops" and shut up.

Susan Rice learned that lesson. But she didn't say, "Oops," or anything for that matter. She just shut up.

Notice that neither Perry nor Rice tried to say they were right at all costs. They just shut up and took their lumps. And notice that both still have their jobs.

Now it's Hillary's turn, but she's going to show the public a thing or two. She's going to save Obama's butt and he will owe her big time. In her dreams. What she really needs is some damage control if she is going to survive this. Maybe even Obama needs the same.

I imagine Rice would like to stick needles in Hillary's eyes right now and wishes that she would follow suit and just shut the hell up, unless it's "Opps." I think she's starting to get an idea of what falling on your sword really means and her chance to avoid that is slipping away more and more with each lecture to the public from Hillary.

I don't know how this scandal is going to play out. It looks like it's going to get real ugly. But I do know the days of official denial about it are over.

It's Benghazigate time.


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CNN is caught in its own schizophrenic crisis. On the one hand, they are trumpeting that it is they who first broke this story - and clearly want everyone to notice what a super news network that they are. But then, on the other hand, this new story seriously calls into question the veracity of their hero, Barack Obama. As of this morning, the CNN correspondent in Benghazi, when interviewed by his own network, was furiously back-pedalling, trying to come up with some sort of alibi that the Whitehouse staff could use, that would absolve Obama from any knowledge or responsibility for "missing" these communications from our own embassy to the Whitehouse about the terrorist attack.

No doubt, they have come up with even more excuses. Whether this will affect the election is an open question.Although Mitt could use this, it is also possible that he or his Republican friends will fumble the ball, with the help of the MSM, of course.

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What Hillary Clinton is doing now is incredibly stupid.

Does she really think that the Obama administration wasn't rushing to any conclusions when Ambassador Rice was sent out to do five talking head shows in a single day? Or when Secretary of State Clinton was publicly blaming the Benghazi attack on the craptastic video?

She is doing irreparable damage to her career, as Susan Rice has previously done to hers.

Robert Campbell

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What Hillary Clinton is doing now is incredibly stupid.

Does she really think that the Obama administration wasn't rushing to any conclusions when Ambassador Rice was sent out to do five talking head shows in a single day? Or when Secretary of State Clinton was publicly blaming the Benghazi attack on the craptastic video?

She is doing irreparable damage to her career, as Susan Rice has previously done to hers.

Robert Campbell

I thought a year ago she would resign right away just to distance herself from this debacle of an Administration. That's when stupid revealed itself. Then with this shit she's taken stupid to places stupid has never been before. The consequence: stupid's envious.


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Notice that neither Perry nor Rice tried to say they were right at all costs. They just shut up and took their lumps. And notice that both still have their jobs.

Rick Perry is the governor of Texas and will be until at least until 2015, though he is considering a run again in 2014. He can be as dumb as he wants about being President of the United States.

I had to look up UN Ambassador Susan Rice. She is impressive. While new presidents do appoint new UN ambassadors, the job changes often within any one administration. Also, interestingly enough, George H.W. Bush was appointed to the post by Lyndon Johnson, as an example of how transitions in the White House do not always coincide with changes at the UN post. Consistency is important. Change must be orderly.

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