The Italian Man Who went to Malta


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It cannot be racist because Italian is not a "race."

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I mean, if it were really about an Italian on Malta, it would be in Italian and have something to do with Malta.

Danny Thomas used to tell jokes that depended on accents, but they took place in America, were not obscene, and no one got insulted.

... and what Selene said. I mean, if you knew anything about Italy...

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I saved up my view of this thread and video, as I usually am quite entertained by the Chimp from Edmonton.

Funny video. Crass stereotypes, shitty accent, cute script. Italians, I suspect, could not give a flying fuck. As for 'racism,' Adam is right as usual. Italians are as much a race as the Maltese, each a lovely blend of forty-nine centuries of conquest, pillage, population transfers, war, immigration and spaghetti -- Italy even today is a polity barely managing to speak with one voice. A Sardinian Went To Friulia. A Sicilian Went To Milan. An Abruzzan Went To Venice. A Milanese Went To The Piedmont. Hilarity ensued. Fucking lazy southerners. Brutal heartless northerners. Dirty gypsies, dirty Africans. Dirty foreigners.

Malta is one of those places that is hard to grasp in one hand, like Italy, and its linguistic heritage is fascinating and instructive (unless you are as dull-subnormal as Jerry). That a Maltese could not understand an Italian (even speaking Fake-accented Guidoese is so far from reality as to render the video both funny and stupid.

Here is a wee snippet from the Wikipedia article on Malta:

Almost 100% of Maltese people can speak Maltese, 88% of the Maltese people can speak English, 66% can speak Italian, and nowadays more than 17% of the Maltese speak French.

Jerry, you can use one of your four opposable thumbs to fire up the Kaypro and find Wikipedia on your own.

And that 'Maltese,' no, it is not a corn-syrup infused ball of wax and food dye, Jerry. It is a unique, fabulous language, and it looks like this, from KullHadd, one of seventeen daily Malta newspapers:

Rohs fil-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma

Fost il-fatturi ewlenin li bla dubju kkontibwew mhux ftit ghall-isfiducja mifruxa li tinhass fil-konfront ta' Lawrence Gonzi u shabu l-Ministri hija l-affari taz-zieda ta' ¤500-¤600 lill-ministri u s-segretarji parlamentari u l-kontijiet esagerati tad-dawl u l-ilma.

Fir-rigward tal-onorarja parlamentari, Lawrence Gonzi pprova jbengilha ftit billi fis-sena ta' qabel l-elezzjoni z-zieda ta' ¤500 twaqqfet temporanjament taht xi skuza jew ohra, u l-ministri u s-segretarji-parlamentari jergghu jibdew jiehduha wara l-elezzjoni, jekk jerga' jkun hemm Gvern Nazzjonalista.

Jidher illi Lawrence Gonzi u Tonio Fenech qed jaraw kif fil-bagit li jmiss, dejjem jekk dan jithalla jsir mid-deputati dissident fi hdan il-PN, se jrattbu xi ftit mill-ghafsa tal-kontijiet esagerati tad-dawl u l-ilma u bhala gimmick elettorali irahsu ftit dawn il-kontijiet.

Jidher li d-deputat Nazzjonalista Franco Debono ghandu xamma preciza ta' dak li ghandhom f'mohhhom Gonzi u Fenech, meta matul din il-gimgha, avolja ninsabu fl-eqlel tas-sajf, fetah baraxx kontra Austin Gatt dwar il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma. Debono sejjah lil Gatt "bully", u "untouchable li ma jista' ghalih hadd".

Here is my little story called Jerry Goes To Malta. It is in Maltese, oddly enough, which I am pretty sure no chimpanzee understands.

Jerry Story hija idjota. Iżda huwa ma jkunx jaf hu idjota. Dan huwa imdejjaq lil Jerry, iżda jagħmel għal hilarity ħafna.

Jum wieħed hu se jżuru Malta, u stupefied tiegħu mono-multilingwiżmu se jkun okay mal-Malti. Huma simili turisti injorant.
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Didn't tickle me. Didn't like it. Didn't enjoy it.

Brant, ma naħsibx hemm xi raġuni li jkun hekk f'daqqa. Għaliex ma tgħidilna ftit aktar dwar ir-reazzjoni tiegħek? Inti tista 'tkun jitkellem dwar xejn affattu.

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