html books about tobacco


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Here is a whole shitload of free html books about the evils of tobacco. Most of them were published before 1900 and one in 1798. According to Peikoff, the facts about tobacco were not known when Ayn Rand smoked.


During the Nazi times, German doctors established a probable link between smoking and cancer. Herr Shickelgrueber was an anti-smoking nut and he believed to proper a Aryan should not be destroying his racially superior body with a substance mostly peddled by Jews.

The work the German doctors done was politically motivated, but they found out that smoking probably could cause cancer. AND they published their findings in internationally distributed medical journals. So Ayn Rand could have found out about smoking if she cared to. Even Nazi scientists can come up with correct conclusions. As the folks in London found out when Vi and V2 rockets rained down upon them. And it was a Nazi son of a bitch, Werner von Braun who was instrumental in putting an American on the Moon.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Ah Werner von Braun!

I aimed at the stars, but hit London...oops!

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Ah Werner von Braun!

I aimed at the stars, but hit London...oops!

My version of the same quip: I aim for the Stars, but sometimes I hit London and Antwerp....

Did you know that the reverse countdown for launches was originally invented by the movie person Frtiz Lange for a science fiction movie. It increases dramatic tension.

Ba'al Chataf

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Ah Werner von Braun!

I aimed at the stars, but hit London...oops!

My version of the same quip: I aim for the Stars, but sometimes I hit London and Antwerp....

Did you know that the reverse countdown for launches was originally invented by the movie person Frtiz Lange for a science fiction movie. It increases dramatic tension.

Ba'al Chataf

No, I did not.Great call Bob.I think some of the German language inserts lay out Hitler's plans to attack Russia! Adam
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Great call Bob.I think some of the German language inserts lay out Hitler's plans to attack Russia! Adam

Jeezus. The Krauts did -Destination Moon- before we did!

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Here is a whole shitload of free html books about the evils of tobacco. Most of them were published before 1900 and one in 1798. According to Peikoff, the facts about tobacco were not known when Ayn Rand smoked.


Smokers have lots of excuses and don't need to be confused by facts.

1. Smoking cuts off the last ten years of your life, which are not worth living anyway. (They probably would be worth living if you didn't smoke. And the last ten years of your shorter life are probably not worth living.)

2. Anyone who is thumbs down on smoking is anti-pleasure. That means anti-life and anti-reason and anti-man and is inspired by Kant.

3. The evidence in those books is not peer reviewed and therefore is not scientifically valid and therefore should be ignored.

4. Even if it was peer reviewed, that's not good enough because the authors are not scientists. They didn't write any scientific papers. So the peer reviewed evidence still wouldn't be valid.

5. Life is not about not dying. (Neither is health.)

6. Tobacco has nicotine. Nicotine is similar to nicotinic acid, which is a form of vitamin B3. You need that for your health.

7. People who quit smoking get a nicotine deficiency fit. This proves they need nicotine.

8. You can't be healthy and enjoy living, both at the same time. To be healthy, you must give up pleasures. (With health you have more capacity to enjoy things. And usually things that are good for health are more enjoyable than things that are bad for health.)

9. No matter how healthy you are, you die anyway. So what's the difference?

10. Symbol of controlled fire.

11. There are so many things that are bad for health that we can't avoid all of them. (We can avoid some of them.)

12. People who are thumbs down on smoking are health fanatics. The worst thing you can be is a health fanatic.

13. A man smokes all his life and lives to 97. This proves it did him no harm. (It proves no such thing. To prove that, you need at least 2 cases as similar as possible, one who smokes and one who does not smoke. The nonsmoker might live to 107 and, more importantly, live more free from health problems.)

14. Other people smoke. So I will smoke, just to copy them instead of thinking for myself. (Monkey see, monkey do. Even I know better than that.)


"Give me one good reason why I should quit smoking, and don't talk about statistics" - Ayn Rand to the doctor. It didn't matter that the doctor said smoking was "terribly bad" for her health and she went to the doctor with a health problem probably related to smoking. I am reminded of Dr. Gross. He was a rough and tough army doctor and he didn't tolerate BS from his patients. A man refused to quit smoking. Dr. Gross said: "Walk the hell out that door right now!" I admire his style. He was the type of doctor Ayn Rand needed.

Think logically. Dr. Gross (and other doctors of his type) did everything in his power to help patients get well at the expense of considerable time and energy. He was the best friend you could have for the purpose of getting well but you had to be sincere. People were lined up for his services. Why should he waste his valuable time and energy on people who won't do their part to get well when there are sincere people lined up who will do their part to get well?

Dr. Gross would have zero tolerance for Ayn Rand's attitude, and rightly so.

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Those were the days, weren't they?

Ba'al Chataf

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You bet. I remember buyin my first pack, and my reflections it was so odd to be so publicly acceptable, to take unknown substances into our very insides ---smokers are not irrationally defensive or delusional, and never were,

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