Ron Paul is electable despite media blackout. Watch this!

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I hope Ron Paul kicks ass so hard that they gotta clear their throat to fart, but it probably won't happen.

50% of the vote in for tonight's Republican primary in Arkansas and Dr. Paul can barely stay ahead of Rick Santorum!

Newt Gingrich (REP)

percentageMeter.gif 4.88% 5,280 Mitt Romney (REP)

percentageMeter.gif 68.68% 74,320 Rick Santorum (REP)

percentageMeter.gif 12.96% 14,024 Ron Paul (REP)

percentageMeter.gif 13.48% 14,585 108,209

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Adam,

I wanted you to get an update from me personally, since we have some great news!

Due to the smart planning of our campaign and the hard work and diligence of supporters like you, we stand to send nearly 200 bound delegates to the Republican National Convention in Tampa. This number shatters the predictions of the pundits and talking heads and shows the seriousness of our movement.

What's more, we will send several hundred additional supporters to Tampa who, while bound to Romney, believe in our ideas of liberty, constitutional government, and a common-sense foreign policy.

When it is all said and done, we will likely have as many as 500 supporters as delegates on the Convention floor. That is just over 20 percent!

And while this total is not enough to win the nomination, it puts us in a tremendous position to grow our movement and shape the future of the GOP!

I hope every one of you continues the fight we have advanced so well this year. I hope you will finish your local and state conventions, and, if you were selected as a national delegate, that you will head to Tampa in August to force the Republican Party to listen to the voice of liberty.

We have never had this kind of opportunity. There will be hundreds of your fellow supporters in Tampa who will be ready and willing to push the Republican Party back to its limited government, liberty roots.

There are many issues to fight for in Tampa. Also, candidates like Justin Amash, Kurt Bills, and Thomas Massie need your support as we move into the fall. Across the country, supporters of liberty have won local office and leadership positions in the GOP, and we need to keep working.

Our delegates’ presence must be felt both in Tampa and in years to come.

Stand up for what we believe in. Be respectful. And let the establishment know that we are the future of the Party and of the country.

Our Revolution is just getting started. You'll be hearing plenty from me as we approach Tampa and the fall elections. You'll also be hearing of important developments on Audit the Fed and Campaign for Liberty.

I hope you'll continue to stand with me as we go forward. Our Revolution could not have come this far without you.

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Rand Paul endorses Romney


6/7/12 9:47 PM EDT

File this under signs the Ron Paul campaign is really, truly over: Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul threw his support tonight to Mitt Romney.

The endorsement came in an appearance on "Hannity," a little less than 24 hours after the elder Paul acknowledged in an email that his delegate total is "not enough to win the nomination."

(PHOTOS: The 25 best quotes from the Ron Paul campaign)

Romney embraced the endorsement in a press release, calling Rand Paul a "leading voice in the effort to scale back the size and reach of government and promote liberty."

"Over the past three and half years, President Obama has made government more and more of a presence in our lives, and Americans can’t afford four more years of the same failed policies," Romney said. "As president, I will reform the federal government and make it smaller, simpler, and smarter. I am grateful for Sen. Paul’s support and look forward to working with him to get America back on the right track."

(PHOTOS: Ron Paul's career)

Now the question is: how many Pauls will speak at the Republican National Convention?

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