Air Force Awaits


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After taking 3.5 years to get through 2.5 years of engineering I decided it'd be best to choose a major that would help me get into a lucrative profession without the same level of study needed for an engineering degree. Basically, I was tired of going at such a slow pace. I was just so ready to graduate and move down to Miami with my girlfriend. Also, her cousin was well connected as a financial analyst. So, the decision to go into accounting was influenced entirely by the relationship I was in. It really had little to do with my personal interest or ambitions. Sadly, my last semester of college the relationship came to an ugly end. Looking back, it seems that it was a miracle that I made it through that semester. What a wild one it was. I moved three times. I lived with a black family, natives of Pittsburgh, for a month and got to see the evils of living under welfare firsthand, how they really take advantage of the system and also how it's so difficult to escape cultural customs like that of the absent and unfaithful father. Well, all that's besides the point of this post. So, I graduate and I'm in a position where I'm saying to myself,"what do I do now? The past two years of my life have been in preparation of being with her." She insisted that I stay in TN to finish my degree. She had a point. It would be faster and cheaper but the opportunity cost (something I learned as a business major :smile:) was time together. I really tried every way for us to be together. I was accepted to FIU, a well-known business school in Miami. Still, I understand her side. Her family was living under someone else's roof. They weren't in a position to help me get on my feet. I would've likely had my back against the wall had I made that decision but, the point is I knew that what was best for us, was for us to be together.

Again, that's really besides the point. So, I'm a fresh graduate and definitely not crazy about a career in Accounting. My younger brother and I start looking into the Military. At first he is much more serious than I am but I continue to do research and decide that the Air Force has a lot to offer. I see it as a way to start fresh. My GPA wasn't anything to write home about and I was never involved in extra-curricular activities so I didn't feel I was very marketable as an accountant anyways. I hear that being ex-military looks great on a resume and I also felt I could really use the discipline the military tries to instill in its cadets. I also decided on the job I would like to take. It's called cryptologic linguist. Basically, I will learn a foreign language (hopefully Arabic) and interpret recordings. It's my opinion that this combination will really help me in securing a job once I complete my time in the Air Force. Not only that, I will get to meet so many new people and see so many places. My language training will take place in Monterrey, CA, which I hear, is a beautiful place. So, after careful thought, I let my recruiting officer know that I was set on a career in the AF. I go to take the ASVAB Wednesday night in Nasvhille and Thursday I will undergo a physical. I don't believe I'll start BMT until July/August.....

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Excellent! A very logical decision. You should IM Shane, an OL member, here as "sbeaulieu," he has eighteen (18) years in the Air Force currently and is a solid individual.


Thanks for your future service.


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Monterey is very beautiful indeed. Just a couple of hours south of me, I've been there many times. You'll be near Santa Cruz which is the birthplace of Crossfit. Best wishes and I also thank you for your upcoming service.

I didn't know that about Crossfit. Crossfit has become very popular in Cookeville, TN. That's where I attended college. I actually had Speech with Rich Froning. He's a well-known crossfit enthusiast. I believe he's won and competed in several national and regional crossfit competitions.

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Rich is the 2011 Crossfit games champion. He won $250,000 last July at the games. He is an amazingly gifted athelete. I've been following the CF games for several years, they have all been awesome, last year was spectacular. I'm very much looking forward to this year, I hope to be able to go down to LA and watch in person, though they have very good on-line coverage. Annie Mist Thorisdottir, from Iceland, was the women's winner last year, also won $250,000. She is as amazing as Rich and always smiling!

The open competition starts in about 10 days. They last for about six weeks and determine the people eligible to compete at the regional competitions. The top 3 from each region go to the games in July. Very, very not easy. Anyone can sign up for the open competition if they want to have a go at the big money. I think there are about 3500 or more crossfit affiliates now all over the world. People come from all over to LA for the games. A couple of years ago Miko Salo from Finland was the men's winner, he's one of my favorites. I'm hoping he can repeat this year. Rich is a pretty tough competitor though. I watched him pretty closely through the open last year and the games, I thought he had room for improvement skill wise in a few movements which would make him more efficient. I'm sure he's worked on all his skills for this year. He will be very hard to beat.

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I was the son of a Naval Officer. I thought of myself as being in the military until I reached the age of 18 when I left home. I made a lot of good friends. It was exciting. I loved being around honorable people. I talked about it with other military “brats” and they warned me that really being in the military would be different. It was. The army was a chore. I resented the hours and the rules. Some bases were better than others. I liked Fort Gordon, Georgia, but disliked Fort Dix, New Jersey. Dix was too spit and polish and this was in wartime.

I have heard the Air Force is better. I used to take my Mom up to the commissary at Dover Air Force Base. And I delivered office equipment to Dover Air. They have the prettiest female gate guards there. They look like models. Dennis May is Air Force reserves now. Talk to him.

Just remember that Broadway song:

I joined the Navy to see the world.

And what did I see? I saw the sea.

Peter Taylor

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I was the son of a Naval Officer. I thought of myself as being in the military until I reached the age of 18 when I left home. I made a lot of good friends. It was exciting. I loved being around honorable people. I talked about it with other military “brats” and they warned me that really being in the military would be different. It was. The army was a chore. I resented the hours and the rules. Some bases were better than others. I liked Fort Gordon, Georgia, but disliked Fort Dix, New Jersey. Dix was too spit and polish and this was in wartime.

I have heard the Air Force is better. I used to take my Mom up to the commissary at Dover Air Force Base. And I delivered office equipment to Dover Air. They have the prettiest female gate guards there. They look like models. Dennis May is Air Force reserves now. Talk to him.

Just remember that Broadway song:

I joined the Navy to see the world.

And what did I see? I saw the sea.

Peter Taylor

Yeah, I had a friend tell me about "seeing the world" in the Navy. I think you actually get to see more of the World in the Air Force :D.

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After taking 3.5 years to get through 2.5 years of engineering I decided it'd be best to choose a major that would help me get into a lucrative profession without the same level of study needed for an engineering degree. Basically, I was tired of going at such a slow pace. I was just so ready to graduate and move down to Miami with my girlfriend. Also, her cousin was well connected as a financial analyst. So, the decision to go into accounting was influenced entirely by the relationship I was in. It really had little to do with my personal interest or ambitions. Sadly, my last semester of college the relationship came to an ugly end. Looking back, it seems that it was a miracle that I made it through that semester. What a wild one it was. I moved three times. I lived with a black family for a month and got to see the evils of living under welfare firsthand, how they really take advantage of the system and also how it's so difficult to escape cultural customs like that of the absent and unfaithful father. Well, all that's besides the point of this post. So, I graduate and I'm in a position where I'm saying to myself,"what do I do now? The past two years of my life have been in preparation of being with her." She insisted that I stay in TN to finish my degree. She had a point. It would be faster and cheaper but the opportunity cost (something I learned as a business major :smile:) was time together. I really tried every way for us to be together. I was accepted to FIU, a well-known business school in Miami. Still, I understand her side. Her family was living under someone else's roof. They weren't in a position to help me get on my feet. I would've likely had my back against the wall had I made that decision but, the point is I knew that what was best for us, was for us to be together.

Again, that's really besides the point. So, I'm a fresh graduate and definitely not crazy about a career in Accounting. My younger brother and I start looking into the Military. At first he is much more serious than I am but I continue to do research and decide that the Air Force has a lot to offer. I see it as a way to start fresh. My GPA wasn't anything to write home about and I was never involved in extra-curricular activities so I didn't feel I was very marketable as an accountant anyways. I hear that being ex-military looks great on a resume and I also felt I could really use the discipline the military tries to instill in its cadets. I also decided on the job I would like to take. It's called cryptologic linguist. Basically, I will learn a foreign language (hopefully Arabic) and interpret recordings. It's my opinion that this combination will really help me in securing a job once I complete my time in the Air Force. Not only that, I will get to meet so many new people and see so many places. My language training will take place in Monterrey, CA, which I hear, is a beautiful place. So, after careful thought, I let my recruiting officer know that I was set on a career in the AF. I go to take the ASVAB Wednesday night in Nasvhille and Thursday I will undergo a physical. I don't believe I'll start BMT until July/August.....

When I enlisted in the army in 1964 the National Security Agency tried to recruit me, but I declined the extra year of enlistment. I would have gone to language school in Monterrey. I believe language study now is divided into two groups, hard and soft(?). Arabic would be hard. Any of the romance languages, soft. If I had taken the offer I probably would have eventually ended up in the CIA or the NSA as a civilian. Today the CIA is crap. Don't end up there.


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Best of luck in your chosen career. The language training will be an enrichment for your whole future life, whatever it holds.

And please do not let Brant talk you into dropping just one, teeny-weeny bomb on Canada, to make up for 1812.

Obviously there was no point in staying around Nashville, considering how the Preds are doing lol.

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Thanks for the encouragement. Haha, was that an age joke on Brant? Hey now, the preds are in the race. Some say we have the toughest division in the NHL where we're just 3 points out of 2nd place.

No, just a joke on Brant's vigilant concern for the border of your great republic, aimed at the wrong border.

When you go to California, will you suit up for the Sharks or the Kings? I think the Sharks face paint is better personally, and I do like the whooshy tank they skate out of.

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I actually just finished doing a little research. It seems that the Sharks are a more successful franchise. Lol, this discussion may have to go to the hockey forum but did you know they're re-zoning the NHL?

I actually just finished doing a little research. It seems that the Sharks are a more successful franchise. Lol, this discussion may have to go to the hockey forum but did you know they're re-zoning the NHL?

From watching a couple games, it looks like the Shark Tank would be the better fan experience, the organization really tries to jazz it up for them. of course the best fan experience in the NHL now is at Winnipeg, if you don't mind going deaf. They have the smallest arena on the continent, and by far the loudest, they are sold out for the next 5 years and packed to the rafters every game. Each game they pick a visiting team player, apparently at random, to boo relentlessly , whatever he does on the ice, even if he gives lifesaving CPR to small children who were flung onto the rink in lieu of octopi.

I have heard of the rezoning, I know it is causing ructions. I haven't paid much attention because even if the Leafs were rezoned into a division all by themselves, they would still not make the playoffs, and the Habs are having a horrible season, and their owners should be shot, and like that..a little depressed, I guess I may have been.

Maybe you could answer over on the Hockey thread, who will the rezoning affect the most? Do you think Quebec will finally get the Coyotes ("Nor-DIQUES YESSSS OUIIII) and put Phoenix out of its misery?

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  • 5 months later...

Update: I can't believe it. Here it is six months later and my plans are underway. I was finally assigned a job as an airborne crypto linguist! I won't know which language I'll be studying until I get out of basic. My ship-date is December 18th.

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Update: I can't believe it. Here it is six months later and my plans are underway. I was finally assigned a job as an airborne crypto linguist! I won't know which language I'll be studying until I get out of basic. My ship-date is December 18th.

Well done, congrats!

Airborne cryptolinguist is the coolest job title ever

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Congratulations, Aristocrates! You are now an Air Force “Aristocat.”

If your basic training has not yet started I suggest you jog two days, then take one day off. Weight lift one day, take one or two days off. Hang from and do chin ups from a bar. Buy the course from Rosetta Stone when you know what language you will be studying to preemptively give you an edge. Go on The Net and learn how to do the “low crawl.” Shoot targets. There should be a video showing you how to ace basic training. Oh, and learn how to say, “Fuck!” and “Fucking AF” with conviction.


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Whenever I see "basic training" I remember the silly, sublimely funny Stripes.

So remember Aristo, you're an airman! An American airman! Your ancestors have been kicked out of every decent country in the world!



Excellent per your request...
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