I'm a nothing, I'm a nothing...

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I just came across a very funny Jewish joke (listening to a lecture by Joel Roberts on excellence in media). I've gotta share this as it's especially apt for Objectivist leaning people. So here goes, without apology. (My wording.)

The Jewish culture does not have much formalized naval-gazing self-denial in its history. But there are some exceptions. For example, in the 19th century there was a movement in Eastern Europe called Musar. It taught you should look inward, not outward, and strictly deny your desires in order to be able to live up to the sacred rules, laws and commandments.

Once, in a a small town where the Musar movement was predominant, a poor traveler arrived by train. It was raining, cold, and he was early for his appointment.

He walked around trying to find shelter, but he got soaked instead. Then he looked down a street and saw a small decrepit shtiebel (a small synagogue). It was falling apart. At least the doors were open. He could get out of the rain and wait until his appointment time.

Once inside he huddled over and tried to make himself warm. Then he noticed two men sitting, rocking back and forth and back and forth. Apparently they were praying. Every so often they would cry out:

"Oy... I'm a nothing! I'm a nothing!

Oy... I'm a nothing! I'm a nothing!"

The traveler quietly found a place and sat down. Time passed. It was moving slowly and he fell into daydreaming. But he kept snapping out of it by the sudden cries of: "Oy... I'm a nothing! I'm a nothing!"

Well, here I am, he thought. Why not give it a try?

He started praying, rocking back and forth, trying to keep the same rhythm as the other two men. Slowly but surely. Back and forth. Back and forth. More time passed.

Then a change began to take place within him. A feeling, almost unnoticeable at first. Important. Spiritual. Transcendental. The more he rocked, the stronger it got.

As it developed, it took root and welled up within him from the very depths of his soul. Finally, when he could contain it no more, he cried out:

"Oy... I'm a nothing! I'm a nothing!"

The two men suddenly stopped.

One looked at the other, blinked, pointed to the traveler and said, "So look who thinks he's a nothing already."



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