Just Another Anti-Obama White Guy! ,,,Oops - Allen West Is Black,,,Nevermind!


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Allen West Tells Liberal Leaders To "Get The Hell Out Of The USA"

"Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America," Rep. Allen West (R-FL) said at the Palm Beach County Republican Party Lincoln Day dinner. West represents the district in the U.S. Congress.

You have to watch the video!!

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Conor Murphy is a talented young writer who contributes to The Washington Times.Murphy’s analysis often addresses political realities others seem to miss. In his latest column, Murphy notes that Ron Paul is not only in this election to win it, but that he might be the best possible GOP presidential nominee given the dynamics of this particular campaign including the weaknesses of the other candidates. Writes Murphy:

During this primary season, many political pundits have assumed that Ron Paul is not actively trying to win the Presidency. To them, he is simply a message candidate who has some interesting ideas but no path to the nomination… The facts, however, say otherwise…

  • This time around, the Ron Paul campaign is more organized, has better advisors, and is actually campaigning to win.
  • Along with establishment candidate Mitt Romney, Ron Paul is the only candidate who was able to get on the ballot in all fifty states…
  • Rick Santorum still has very poor name recognition, and Newt Gingrich is one of the most polarizing political figures of our generation…
  • Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are the only electable candidates to choose from…
  • Paul’s campaign strategy is not just to stay in the race until the very end, but to accumulate delegates…

Murphy then makes a very important point about Ron Paul’s supposed electoral limits:

There has been a general consensus in the media that Paul has a “ceiling” of support and cannot get past a certain point. The argument goes that because he knows this, he cannot possibly be trying to win a national election. Once again, this argument might have been true in 2008, but not today. Anyone who has paid attention to the election over the past eight months would see that the ceiling for Ron Paul has gotten higher over time. When he first announced that he was forming an exploratory campaign, pundits said that he would get his 5% of the vote and then drop out. Soon it was 10%, but that was all he would ever get. Within months, the “ceiling” was at 20% and Ron Paul had a shot at winning the Iowa Caucus. At that point Chris Wallace made the comment that Iowa would no longer matter if Ron Paul pulled out a victory there. Ron Paul and his campaign have realized that the “ceiling” that the media talks about does not exist and has simply been created to discourage potential supporters.

There is no question that Dr. Paul’s path to the nomination will be uphill, but the uninspiring Mitt Romney, the unstable Newt Gingrich, and the obscure Rick Santorum make anything possible. He will have many bumps in the road, but he is the only candidate in the race who will cut anything from the budget, who has been consistent, and who is a true conservative.

Santorum, Gingrich, and Romney should take notice: Ron Paul isn’t going anywhere.">>>

Allen West is right to reject the leftists who hide behind innocuous sounding labels such as progressive as they hoodwink the populace with their rhetoric while keeping invisible their true intentions to enslave America. The Founders tried to prevent a tyranny from ever arising here by writing the Constitution as they did to limit the central government the way they did by granting only certain powers to the Congress. Those who seek to empower the central government have used sophistry in all its forms to justify the extension of powers which were not granted.

Ron Paul shares the vision of the Founders, except the one who thought the British Monarchy was the model we should use. ALexander Hamilton found "implied powers" such as for a central bank and we now see the error of that as the dollar has lost its purchasing power almost completely since the creation of the Fed. Ron Paul has drawn our attention to these issues which go ignored by the media and the pundits in the debates.

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Allen West Tells Liberal Leaders To "Get The Hell Out Of The USA"

"Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America," Rep. Allen West (R-FL) said at the Palm Beach County Republican Party Lincoln Day dinner. West represents the district in the U.S. Congress.

You have to watch the video!!

Hey, we agreed to take Obama and the posse already. You never mentioned anything about Pelosi-- who authorized this guy to propose deal-changers anyway? And where have you moved Vinny? He's not returning calls even to his mother! What's going on?



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Our abject apologies. One of our new recruits, who we thought was a female turned out to be well, not properly endowed and, er... this is rather difficult to explain, but, er, he/she/it appears to have, um...er...absconded with the pretty boy and we are trying to determine where they may be hiding.

As soon as we know anything we will use the special secure channel.

I knew I should have conducted the physicals personally.

Agent in suspense

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Our abject apologies. One of our new recruits, who we thought was a female turned out to be well, not properly endowed and, er... this is rather difficult to explain, but, er, he/she/it appears to have, um...er...absconded with the pretty boy and we are trying to determine where they may be hiding.

As soon as we know anything we will use the special secure channel.

I knew I should have conducted the physicals personally.

Agent in suspense

Of course you should have! Why the hell do you think you got this gig anyway, it was hardly for your sterling record infiltrating the Lodge.

West Palm Beach, of course. The whole speech was a diversionary tactic while the linchpin of the negotiations was whisked away to who knows what hellish bondage.

If you do not personally spend the rest of your sorry life searching places of hellish bondage until you find him, then your sorry life will be much, much sorrier and shorter than your actuary expects.

Any questions?

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My actuary died, he bet me he would outlive me based on his numbers...it only took one bullet to win the bet.

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My actuary died, he bet me he would outlive me based on his numbers...it only took one bullet to win the bet.

Who fired the shot?

Ba'al Chatzaf

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My actuary died, he bet me he would outlive me based on his numbers...it only took one bullet to win the bet.

Who fired the shot?

Ba'al Chatzaf

The winner of the bet...me ,,,


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