How did we get so deeply in debt and who will rescue us?

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Paul will not be nominated and he will never be president. Why do you persist?

As to his message, we are so deep in the hole we cannot dig our way out. Sooner or later the government will have to default on the debt.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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I agree that Ron Paul is largely irrelevant, as much as we like to agree with his statements in favor of the unpoliticized marketplace. Paul nonetheless is more of a conservative than a libertarian; and he is not an Objectivist, even as he admires the political writings of Ayn Rand.

However, "we" are not in debt; the government is. State and nation are two different things. Moreover, the salient point is that when the state needs 1000 Cruise/Tomahawk missiles, they just create more Zeroes in the missile accounts. They issue checks. The missle makers pay their employees and suppliers. It works for parks, medical care, ports and harbors, the surgeon general's office, whatever... Ultimately, the "bonds" (so-called) are owned by huge capitalists. In the best of times, we have peace because no one profits from war. In the worst of times, someone in Zurich (or now in Davos) decides that they can get one over on the next capitalist and they start a war, maybe by telling their Palestinian surrogates to fire a Katyushin Rocket (purchased from whom and with what?) at Israel.

But Israel is a case in point, Robert. How many currencies have they gone through since 1949? Does it matter?

Japan, Italy, Turkey,... lose a few wars, or even win one... just knock off some zeroes and count again...

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Ron Paul is not "irrelevant" to those who have taken the trouble to actually read his books. I am rereading his best seller: The Revolution: A Manifesto and find that it paints a picture of a man who is akin to Thomas Jefferson in his devotion to the Constitution. He makes it clear that Jefferson spent many years thinking of just how to maintain a limit on power of the central government the sovereign states had created.

Ron Paul is not irrelevant to those who have acquired an understanding of him and his endeavor over the three decades in which his message has been identical but no one was listening until now. Ron Paul has ignited a movement of likeminded citizens of all ages spread all over this country. Each of them (us) realize that his message is not about him, rather his message will endure and the movement he started or to which he provided "intellectual ammunition" will grow, just as the ideas of Ayn Rand survive and help the cause of individual freedom.

It matters whether Ron Paul's supporters succeed in keeping his candidacy alive. It matters whether they can overcome the prevailing notions that I will not mention here but which impede his being chosen as the nominee of the Republican Party.

His supporters grow in number as more people receive the Ron Paul super brochure and find out what the debate process manages to keep from their being aware. His run for the presidency is truly against the odds but still his supporters donate to his money bombs as they are this very day. The present money bomb is called the Battle of Cowpens money bomb as the 17th of January is the anniversary of that victory for the revolutionaries, took place in South Carolina, and is known to the people of that state as it is part of their history.

Just as the American Revolution was fought against tyranny under a monarchy, the fight today is against a form of tyranny by an oppressive central government which has exceeded its Constitutional bounds. It is virtually the same battle based on the same principles and everyone's liberty is at stake.

Given that our current president demonstrated his willingness to ignore the Constitution recently when he appointed leaders to a new agency without regard to the normal advise and consent process by the Senate, is there any doubt that he has assumed dictatorial powers and there is no telling what he will do next or within another four year term?

You will hear Ron Paul supporters say that too much is at stake in this election for anyone other that Ron Paul to be elected as he will restore the Republic in a way none of the others will.

I urge you to read Ron Paul's The Revolution: A Manifesto and then his other books End The Fed etc.

I am sure that you may still think his chances are slim nevertheless you will choose to join the effort to keep him in the race and hopeful that he will win and become president.

Ron Paul just won a Texas Straw Poll in which he came in first with 27.8% and Texas Governor Perry had only 19%!

His South Carolina Money Bomb presently reports donations of $1,286,845 and rising.

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But Israel is a case in point, Robert. How many currencies have they gone through since 1949? Does it matter?

Japan, Italy, Turkey,... lose a few wars, or even win one... just knock off some zeroes and count again...

Can fiat money buy fiat happiness?

Apparently the U.S. is practicing dynamic or flying default.

You are quite right. The real economy is there, factories, farms, storage facilities, railroads, roads, power lines etc plus people with skills. It is only the symbolic economy of numbers in computer files or digits on paper that is bogus. Question: how do we get the real economy which real people build and use together with the bankers and financiers who live in The Kingdom of Madoff, North of the Sun and East of the Stars.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Rboert, I have no answer. I do suggest that maybe these are parallel universes. I mean, the great age of industry in the 19th century rolled out despite the existence of these same institutions. Silver coinage was cheap inflation money. International bankers bought national bonds. Central banks had scandals. Panics gripped financial markets.

Galaxies collide but quite likely people living on planets there experience not much of it.

I dunno. I just know that running around like a chicken with your head cut off is a clear indication that your head is cut off. I mean that I take from Harry Browne's How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World, the cue that these "burning issues" and "headline news" and "social causes" are unreal and a waste of time.

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