Spam from Phil

Philip Coates

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(NOTE FROM MSK: This series of posts was cut off from a thread where a Christmas gift was offered to OL readers--here.)

Subject: Could it be a scam?

I know nothing about this dude (neither you nor he is giving us much concrete reason right now to believe he's a genius) and this sounds to me like an 'email harvesting operation'.

Free stuff for 45 days in return for your name and email. Mailing lists of those interested in this sort of product could be very lucrative. I would be willing to be that the list gets sold to lots of people and after the 45 days are over (no sooner, as it will alert people), you start getting a boatload of spam.

One way to check this is to use an alias in the 'your name' box, one that you use only for this offer...and see how much email you get. But you have to be patient, this will happen over time.

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Subject: Could it be a scam?

I know nothing about this dude (neither you nor he is giving us much concrete reason right now to believe he's a genius) and this sounds to me like an 'email harvesting operation'.

Free stuff for 45 days in return for your name and email. Mailing lists of those interested in this sort of product could be very lucrative. I would be willing to be that the list gets sold to lots of people and after the 45 days are over (no sooner, as it will alert people), you start getting a boatload of spam.

One way to check this is to use an alias in the 'your name' box, one that you use only for this offer...and see how much email you get. But you have to be patient, this will happen over time.

He can’t figure out how to use the quote function, but you can count on Phil to keep your inbox free from spam!

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Jay Abrahan selling a list?


Dayaamm, Phil. I didn't know you were such a comedian!


Here, let me help you:

Click here


(If he only knew how ridiculous his mouth before brain made him look just now... LOLOL... :) It's like saying Ayn Rand plagiarized her story ideas off of The Three Stooges...)

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Subject: Dealing with sales resistance or skeptical questions

> Could it be a scam?...Free stuff for 45 days in return for your name and email. Mailing lists of those interested in this sort of product could be very lucrative.... [Phil]

> Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ridiculous [your] mouth before brain [makes you] look [Michael]

Michael, as someone interested in marketing, here's a successful salesmanship & persuasiveness tip: When someone expresses skepticism or sales resistance (or first reaction criticism) about what you are trying to sell - and does it in a serious and non-insulting manner, you don't: i) laugh at them, ii) demand they do some homework on your product or service before you'll say more, or iii) insult them for not having gone hunting through a lot of google websites.

(PS, Please show this email exchange to Kat: She seems level-headed so I suspect she'll agree with me, and will probably tell you to cool it - to remain positive and not to get defensive, sarcastic, or belittling in this kind of situation.)

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Here comes Phil hijacking another cool thread.

It's all about Phil and what Phil wants to fake expertise on so he can teach others.

The last person on earth I would take advice from on persuasion is Phil Coates. That is, unless I wanted to tank my project.

If I believed in God, I would pray very fervently, "Please, dear God, save me from the temptation of trying to teach others what I do not know."



(PS, Please show this email exchange...

btw - Big bad computer teacher, we are on an Internet discussion forum. We are not writing to each other by email right now.

Just thought I'd let you know...

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Now this is where it belongs, here in the Garbage Pile.

Apology to Dennis that his post had to come with it.


It's a chance one takes interacting with Phil. Lay down with dogs...

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I didn't want to be so ham-handed, but there comes a time when total cluelessness added to total unwillingness to make the minimum inquiry gets irritating.

People who sell email lists are mostly engaged in an illegal activity. At best, they will make it so you get pumped with offers for penis enlargers, porn, student loans, luxury watches, etc.

I found the idea insulting that I would put OL members at such a risk--seeing as it came from the standpoint of total ignorance posturing as knowledge. If it came from a real threat that I didn't perceive, that would be different. But not that crap Phil posted.

And, I find the idea of Jay Abraham doing something like that really really really funny,

It's like imagining Donald Trump trying to sell penis enlargers. Jay Abraham has a Trump level of prestige in the marketing world.

I wonder if our expert persuader wannabe would warn people to watch out for Trump selling them porn over the Internet in the same terms he warned them about Jay Abraham selling their email to spammers. It's the same level of ridiculous.


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If you know a lot about something nothing is more irritating than the attempt at being schooled about that something by someone who knows little if anything at all about it--unless you're a con man using that hubris to suck in your victim. For instance, there is this game that consists of a pea and three half walnut shells . . .


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BTW, how do we know that OL isn't just an "email harvesting operation"? Has anyone here actually met this MSK guy? Besides Kat, she's obviously just his accomplice. You're all pod people, ahhh!!!

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