Honkies For Herman Cain - watch how this gets attacked by the left!


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We are members of the Tea Party who have decided to put our support behind Herman Cain. We refuse to let the liberal media pick our candidate. We refuse to allow GOP beltway pundits pick our candidate.

When we watch Mr. Cain and when we listen to Mr. Cain, we see Ronald Reagan and we hear Ronald Reagan.

Herman Cain is a successful self made man. He understands what makes America great. He knows how jobs are created. He knows how to turn this country around. His conservative values are what this country needs. We know that 9-9-9 works.

As a former conservative radio host, Mr. Cain is well aware of the problems that our current Washington DC beltway politicians have caused. As an outsider who has turned around companies, he will be able to find the right people to help fix America’s ills. He is the leader that America desperately needs.

Since racism, race bating, and classism are staples of leftist politics, we have decided to proudly be Honkies For Herman as a way of taking the issue away from the left.

The left are the racists, not conservatives.

We are also Honkies For Herman because we don’t believe in a white America, Black America, Hispanic America, etc.

We believe in Americans period, and not some leftist ideology of a segmented America. The content of one’s character and ability is paramount.

So we thumb our noses at the liberal media, the GOP establishment and pundits. And most importantly we thumb our noses at Obama and the left, who play the race card and play class warfare while fostering identity politics.

Honkies For Herman makes fun of leftist identity politics simply by existing.

We will not be producing any “Honkies For Herman” t-shirts, bumper stickers, or buttons. This site is meant to spread news about Mr. Cain and to tweet about Mr. Cain.

And the second purpose is to take the “conservatives are racist” meme away from the left.

And third, the left can’t take a joke when the joke is on them, which might be the best reason of all.

Go Herman!!!

We would we urge all those who like Mr. Cain to support him financially with monthly donations at his website: https://www.hermancain.com/contribute.asp

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Herman Cain botched his chances with his nonsensical contradictory positions on abortion. Once he stated that it is the choice of the pregnant woman and her family he lost the traditional religious conservatives forever. I would not be surprised to see his poll numbers plummet from now on.

I hope that as the nominees implode after they peak that Gary Johnson or Ron Paul remain standing and beat Obama.

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Herman Cain botched his chances with his nonsensical contradictory positions on abortion. Once he stated that it is the choice of the pregnant woman and her family he lost the traditional religious conservatives forever. I would not be surprised to see his poll numbers plummet from now on.

I hope that as the nominees implode after they peak that Gary Johnson or Ron Paul remain standing and beat Obama.


And you came to this position based on what?

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Herman Cain appealed to the populace in the same way and for the same reasons that Obama initially appealed to so many before he stated his positions on anything at all.

Both will continue to appeal because of their personalities and other superficial qualities.

But many of Cain supporters are traditional conservatives who are akin to the Bible thumpers and who have been brainwashed into certain beliefs about fertilized ova, e.g. that they are "persons" who possess an immortal soul, and the like. The prospect of abortion is anathema to them and they are turned off by anyone including Herman Cain who suggests that abortion is a private matter and is okay even if against the law.

i understand that Louisiana is about to vote on a petition or resolution to the effect that a fertilized ovum is a "full person" or the like.

Although many Americans are pro choice, perhaps including some Herman Cain supporters, the vast majority of conservatives are opposed to abortion and Herman Cain's comments in which he sounded pro choice no doubt hit them like a ton of bricks.

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As much as Dr. Paul's position on abortion affects your support of Dr. Paul? Or is he a bible thumping Southerner who was brainwashed in med school?

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Am I correct in assuming that a US presidential candidate who declared himself/herself to be an atheist would be confronted with a lot of opposition?

Indeed. But that person could still take the oath by affirmation.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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The oath of office! It matters to a few politicians and innocent, naive, or principled adults.

My own Congressman told me that if all of them voted the way Ron Paul votes, against any bill which seeks a power not among those granted by the Founders, that we would not have Medicare or Social Security! So he made it clear that there are justifications for violating their oath of office. I wish that were an impeachable offense and that more voters agreed.

I have not been able to bring myself to donate one dollar to the Ron Paul campaign and harbor the hope that Gary Johnson manages to break into public consciousness. Realistically I see no sign of that happening yet.


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